air bubble in my throat!!
Hi, for a few weeks now iv had sort of a lump of air in my throat as if i really need to burp, it makes my mouth water like im about to be sick.
Not sure if its trapped wind because iv tried every single product for trapped wind and nothing has worked also i 'can' actually burp now and then but the feeling of the lump doesnt go away! the worst of it is if i try to lie down (especially on my back) it really really hurts in my chest and i have to sit up again.
Iv spent so many nights lately pacing up and down or trying to pat my own back (which isnt easy) just to try and get this thing out, i have to try and sleep wedged upright at the corner of my bed with loads of pillows. ITS DRIVING ME MAD!!!!
My doctors surgery isnt the best as they seem to try and put you off making an appointment they tell you to ring at 8.30am and then when you do its engaged for hours finally when you get through theres no appointments left!!! so if i can figure out what this is and cure it without having to go to the docs then that would be great so please please please some one tell me what the hecks going on with me.
thank you for your time
Lisa age 30
p.s... i read something similar which their reply was it might be anxiety, but i can tell you the only thing im anxious about is getting rid of this damn thing!!
A colleague of mine had something similar and it turned out that minor acid reflux at night had caused a small ulcer in his oesophogus (how do you spell that?). He was actually relieved as he feared it was cancer. Some prescription anti-acid stuff cured it in the end.
I would strongly recommend you see the doctor: it's not ideal perhaps, but what if it is something more serious...? And even if it isn't, they then should be able to help you get on top of this.
You must go and see your doctor.
There are a number of conditions that might cause this. One is "globus hystericus", which sounds like the anxiety condition you were told about. It's still serious - just because someone tells you you have an anxiety-related condition doesn't mean they are not taking you seriously.
Another, as has already been mentioned, is GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder), in which stomach acid causes an ulceration of the oesophagus.
Still another is a hiatus hernia, where part of the stomach protrudes through the oesophagus (I have this condition). This can be brought on by lifting heavy objects or even straining on the toilet!
You need to be investigated for these conditions by a specialist at your hospital, and in the UK the only way for this to happen is via your GP. Only when the last two diagnoses have been ruled out can they say for certain you have globus hystericus.
You will not cure it on your own. Your GP's surgery should be able to fit you in - you need to bite the bullet, no excuses now, and just DO IT!
Hi LIsa,
I was just reading your post & as bizarre as this sounds......I personally think it's actually coming from your back! I have trapped discs etc in my back previously that have given me similar symptoms so I would suggest maybe seeing a good osteopath. Try & find one that really does a wholistic approach if possible & will check all your vitals etc while they're at it. I can recommend a fantastic practise if you live anywhere near Crawley (Surrey).
It is a good idea to still visit your doc though & double check you don't have anything else going on.
Let me know how you get on.
Love & Light
Angel Girl x
I've had this feeling for three years. I should probably hassle my doctor more to sort it out but I did for ages and nothing. I had an endoscopy and it didn't show much but acid reflux damage. I've sort of learned to live with it as my life is busy. A sad reality we live in when we are too busy to be concerned about our personal health.
I've had this feeling for three years. I should probably hassle my doctor more to sort it out but I did for ages and nothing. I had an endoscopy and it didn't show much but acid reflux damage. I've sort of learned to live with it as my life is busy. A sad reality we live in when we are too busy to be concerned about our personal health.
OK so my life is busy too but I have it controlled with drugs: I take Rabeprazole every other day. No problem, no hassle. Get it sorted!
There can be a massage cure: you find a book on Su-jok Onnuri,
a Standard System on the palm, and massage the zone corresponding
to place where it has stuck.
I shall book an appointment in the new year and ask about the drug mentioned. Is it the same as Omeprazole? (spelling?)
I think drinking booze makes it worse too, I've drank so much in the festive period and god I feel like death!
I shall book an appointment in the new year and ask about the drug mentioned. Is it the same as Omeprazole? (spelling?)
I think drinking booze makes it worse too, I've drank so much in the festive period and god I feel like death!
Rabeprazole is in the same family as Omeprazole, but when I took Omeprazole I had the most severe reaction to it. You may have to try one or two meds before you find one that suits you but believe me its worth it. And booze doesn't help - if I drink too much I get gastritis and I'm sick for the next 8 hours. (that's vomiting continuously, not "oh I feel sicky")
I've given up booze and ciggies for new years, so I'm hoping to see a difference, once did a month and didn't feel nothing, so hoping if I get to 2-6 months it'll make a change.
air bubble in my throat!!
"...a lump of air in my throat as if i really need to burp ... Not sure if its trapped wind ... hurts in my chest ... My doctors surgery isnt the best ... if i can figure out what this is and cure it without having to go to the docs then that would be great ...the only thing im anxious about is getting rid of this damn thing!!"
PLEASE read through, though long. I found a sollution and want you to know the mechanism making "air-bubbles" and this kind of pain
My experience with air in throat, more precisely trapped in my swallow/pharynx, started a year of of escalating stress private, work and neck-muscles (I even got a herniated disc in back and neck during the periode).
I reported to my doctor throat pain and that I got relief when there came a "squeezing" sound from it, and I pressed "air-filled" saliva up. Since I just one month before also crashed mentally due to private stuff, she called it a "lump of anxiety". (That was wrong diagnosis, because the symptoms of squeezing sound and saliva doesn't go with it).
The throat pain escalated to invalidating pain. I wasn't able to work. The pain made me feel totally outside myself. During the next year I went through several examinations of my throat with results: no pathology or asymmetry. I tried to describe my symptoms as spesific as possible to my GPs (I changed twice):
* starting or escalating while swallowing salliva
* temporary away while having mouthfuls of food or drink.
After one year I found the direct cause of it. I calculated that the only thing that's invisible on "pictures" and make a hell of a pain is air - or more precisely - air pressure. I found that the pain didn't arise if I made vacuum in my mouth while swallowing salliva. So, where did the 'excessive' air come from, and why did it get stuck in my swallowing-tube?
A bit by coincident I tryed to clean my nose with a neti-pot. One hour later, the throat-pain was gone and there were no swallowing issue: I was "normal" again. How could this be??? By one day, the "pain of hell" in my throat was back again. It took me two days before I tried the neti-pot again: the swallowing pain went away again!!!
Now I realized THE MECHANISM: The eustacian tubes (chanels between nose-swallow to the ears) normally opens while swallowing and let "excessive" air from the mouth elevate towards the ears. (This is totally unknown for GPs and ENTs. They know the eustachian tubes opens while swallowing, but not that "excessive" air is pressed through the tubes at the same time).
When swallowing now, I could hear a "cracking" or "sticking" noise in my ears while swallowing. While the tubes were wet, there came no such sound.
Now, the problem with throat-pain and "air-bubbles" being pressed into my throat while swallowing is almost gone. I still have a slight squeezing sound from my throat after swallowing saliva. I don't know what's "normal" anymore. It's still clicking while I swallow saliva (not when swallowing mouthfuls of food or drink).
One plausible answer in my case may be: "Excessive stress can cause Eustachian tubes to swell" ([url]Clicking in Ear[/url])
The problems on private, exhausting work and tensed neck-muscles made me collapse physically and mentally, and I went into a bad spiral: collapsing, more tensed neck-muscles, more mental challenges...
* To reduces neck-tension, I go to physio-therapy once or twice a week. (I do feel I ought to get it every day!)
* To reduce neck-tension due to mental pressure: I once or twice a week have "talks" trying to get the anger and crises out of my "body" for all I experienced before AND AFTER getting the throat pain. (I'm so tired dealing with health-personell mis-believing me and assuming I'm crazy)
While trying to open stuck esutachian tubes with neti-pot. DO NOT VIOLENTLY BLOW AT THE SAME TIME, because water then get into places they don't belong and you excert "pressure-wounds" (baro-trauma) to your sinuses and ears. Unfortunately I did, and it gave me several new problems: sinus-pressure, face-swelling, ear-pain, head-ache and a never-stoping head-ringing,
It may be necessary to get water into the eustachian tubes, but - remember - do it gently...
Bubble in my throat!!!
I have the very same illness like Mohawkwindmill. I'm very uncomfortable especially at night. Please advise.
Did you get treated?? did the sickness get cured??
Different doctors haven't been to sort me out..:(
I need urgent help.