My son is tired all the time and I wondered if it is possible that he may be deficient in something? He has never eaten meat or fish, but I feel he has a good vegetarian diet. He eats his fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, pastas, rice, lentils, chickpeas, beans, dairy (mainly yoghurts), eggs every now & then...
Can anyone think of anything I may be missing?
He does have a heart condition but his nurse has checked and we aren't missing anything from a cardiac point of view. I am starting to worry that something is out of balance with his diet that is making him so tired all the time.
B12 deficiency?
I know this may sound old fashioned, but routine is essential at that age to ensure the right amount of sleep. It sounds like you've got all bases covered, but you didn't mention what time he goes to bed, etc.
Hi Mandie,
I assume his blood sugar has been checked.
I would certainly mention this to the doctor.
Could just be part and parcel of his cardiac condition.
Best wishes.
Thanks for your replies. I could get his B12 checked just in case...
His community nurse has spoken to his cardiac liason nurse and they aren't worried from a cardiac point of view but he is going to be seen by his pediatrician next month just to make sure everything is OK in general, I think I will see if she can see him sooner.
Hi Mandie
I do think this needs checking out - consider infections even if he hasn't got a temperature. Is he on any medication? What are their side effects?
Go to the doctor and check the iron in the blood
Go to the doctor and check the level of iron in blood
Is he a happy little fella in his heart? Worth looking for any emotional responses triggered by school, learning, bullying etc
Hope he feels bubbly again
blessings to the little man