Hi im new to this forum and so far have found it to be very helpful..i hope you dont mind but now im going to pick your brains..
Ok so my son is now coming up 26mths and ever since i can remember we have had problems with him moving his bowels in the early days we had situations where after a week he was so uncomfortable that i would insert a cotton bud to help him get started...it wasnt all hard it was as if he held it in and then a hard plug formed...anyway after months of going to the docter and been given lactoluse on a daily basic (sometimes as much as 6teaspoons a day)
we were referred to the hospital..they put him on both senna and lactoluse and sent us away now nearly 18months down the line after having to keep food diaries because the doctor thought i was feeding my son crap he is still on 20ml lactoluse and 10 senna a day our last visit to the hospital it was decided that we would try and reduce his medicine slowly but this isnt working as soo as i do this he stops going..if at his next appointment we havent reduced it they want him to go into hospital have an operation to take a part of his bowel and back passage away to analyse it now i wondered if anyone had a similar story or anyone can advise me on whether this could be food related ie is he intolerent to certain foods now i have no idea where to go for food intolerence advice but want to look at every possibility before i put him through an ordeal in hospital please help if you can as his next appointment date looms im getting so worried
many thanks
Hi .....they are such a worry when so small and not able to explain w they are feeling isnt it?
I am looking at the basics that you prob already are doing.Diet and fluid are huge in this area.You mentioned that the doc thought you were feeding him crap so i presume you already know about the types of food that are good.Apples are a good fruit i have found too.And water is a big must plenty of fluid to water the contents of the bowel down.How about linseed?Oh not sure about the age.... my neice had these on her cereal at a young age to help with constipation but at 26 months they may be a little small in their natural state.
And something i always do is an abdominal massage.....quite deep in a clockwise direction.....following the line of the bowel....using oils of orange and chamomlie .Check for any abnormal tenderness as you go......hth jane x
an instant and very gentle product which will help in the short term is Herbalene. not sure where to go for it now, good health shop or internet search. make it into a tea and add to some diluted fruit juice. this worked very well when my daughter had similar problems. herbs only. for intolerance testing we used a kinesiologist and found that she was intolerant to modern wheat and cows milk. switched to goats milk and started used different flours in baking e.g. soya, rice, potato and spelt flour, which is an old Roman flour, unmodified. also gave hern oatmeal for breakfast, which is porridge that tastes like ready brek. she is ok now and can tolerate most things but we actually prefer the other kinds of flour now anyway! hope this helps.
Dear Karly
This is an emotional problem so I would take the child to the experts who can get to the root cause of the emotion that is creating the core issue. I recommend an experienced Health Kinesiologist.
Sadly doctors are not trained to heal emotions.
Best wishes to you and the child.
Love beyond measure
Kim xx
Hi karly,
My daughter suffered from bowel problem from very young age when she was just 1 month old, but i was living in germany and they took her problem very seriously, rather than telling me give her this or that they started doing tests, they look through her intestines and found out that some part of of her intestine are stuck togather, also her rectum was immature, and couldnt contract the waste out, i was given these insturtments and massaive jar of vaselline to clean her manully three times a day, i was so scared at first that i might be harming her, I was told if this doesnt work after she's one year old, then they have to operate on her, luckily it did work, it took me 8 months of hard work and everything started working like it should be, you must go back to your GP and ask him to refer you to speicalist to find out the cause why your son got this problem, good luck.