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soft poo in child

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My child has been having really really soft poo's. She tells me she feels like she wants to 'go' but when she gets there a little soft blob squeezes out, and basically it becomes very smeary and like semi melted chocolate.:confused:

it has been going on about three days now and its starting to really annoy her..she feels like she wants to 'get rid' of everything but sits on the toilet for ages to get this little blob.

looked around the net and is very conflicting from diet to serious conditions.

anyone any ideas?

3 Replies
Posts: 1178
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Hi sun~rose,
I would say go to the doctors, it may be a bug and I hate to say childhood worms extremely common but very easy to cure.

Hope things are okay soon.

Best wishes

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It sounds a bit like constipation, childhood constipation is common and when you're constipated, faecal water and small pieces of faeces are the the only things that can get by, this is known as overflow. I'd recommend a trip to your GP who will probably just advise more fruit and fluids

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hey thanks all :)for replying..I really appreciate it:)
