Reflux ~ 6 week old...
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Reflux ~ 6 week old baby.... Help

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My little daughter Sophia is so struggling with reflux at the moment and i just dont know what else to do. Shes been on Gaviscon and acid reducer but still my little one is so unhappy and not really sleeping as the reflux keeps her from settling after a feed. I am feeding her my expressed breast milk as we couldnt get her latched on and this may now be due to her having a tongue tie...( shes just had it rencently snipped:o

Im not sure what alternative solutions maybe out there but i would love to hear from anyone who may have found some relief for their little one


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Hi there Hallos

Many congratulations on the arrival of little Sophia. So sorry to hear she is what we used to call a 'sicky' baby - my first had to have a bib on permanently for the first year! We used to use dill-water to help settle babies tummies in the past - not sure whether it is available now.

This situation needs defining a bit better before giving any advice.

Is she just regurgitating a bit of milk (like with a wind bubble)? or being quite sick, bringing up most of her feed? or is it a projectile vomit where it shoots out horizontally under pressure? The advice is different for each situation. Has the midwife not advised you? Is she gaining weight, steady, or losing it?

I can possibly suggest something more specific when I have a better idea of the problem. It might be worth looking at others' answers on

Love and Light

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Hello Caroline,
Thankyou for your reply, we have in fact ended up at the hospital this evening and they have said they are 90 percent sure its reflux and have given us a new prescription to go with ranitidine that we have to pick up tomrow.

She is gaining weight and does bring up alot of her feed and doesnt settle for about two hrs after a feed. She will go bright red in the face and then bring up clotted milk or even fresh milk up to 2 to three hrs after shes been fed.

The doctors seem to think she will settle when shes on the new medication. I do hope so as the lack of sleep and a very unsettled baby is taking toll on us all,

Caroline i did private email you ages ago ? im not sure if you ever received it?

love and light and many blessings

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Hallos a baby girl!
An unsettled baby can play havoc with your nerves and then the baby gets more unsettled.
what I am about to say may sound weird but can you try and tune into the unease in your chest? stay open to it, allow it and feel it fully. Sit with it until it eases. You will relax and the baby will too.
It will pass without any medication if you fully felt what is going on within your chest area.
Hope it gets better

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Hello Caroline,
Thankyou for your reply, we have in fact ended up at the hospital this evening and they have said they are 90 percent sure its reflux and have given us a new prescription to go with ranitidine that we have to pick up tomrow.

She is gaining weight and does bring up alot of her feed and doesnt settle for about two hrs after a feed. She will go bright red in the face and then bring up clotted milk or even fresh milk up to 2 to three hrs after shes been fed.

The doctors seem to think she will settle when shes on the new medication. I do hope so as the lack of sleep and a very unsettled baby is taking toll on us all,

Caroline i did private email you ages ago ? im not sure if you ever received it?

love and light and many blessings
I used to work as a pharmacist on prem baby unit - so I saw LOTS of babies with relfux problems. It is more common than many people realise. Most babies literally grow out of it - as they get bigger. On a practical note make sure you are preparing the Gaviscon correctly, Wile I know you must dislike giving her ranitidine it DOES work and doesn't have horrendous side effects. So don't be worried about giving her the drugs. if you want info do please feel free to contact me.

Sophia WILL sense your emotions so do try and remain as calm as possible - especially when you are feeding her. Sadly I am sure there is a real physical problem with Sophia but if she gets upset because YOU are upset - it will make her symptoms worse,The visualisation suggested will help - but if you don't feel able to visualise, then every time you feed her ask Archangel Raphael to surround you both with healing energy. It will keep you BOTH .

I hope things improve very soon.

love and light

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Wow thank you Jnani,
I will try what you have suggested and i wasnt sure if you ment that i wouldnt need medication or Sophia? I have already taken her to my old crystal tutor and she did a little protection grid for her and i have also asked if she can look at sophia next week.

I wasnt sure if sophia was picking up on me or my other half as hes a first time dad and hes finding the whole experience very stressful and said some horrid things to me last night...about not knowing it was going to be so hard etc.

I do worry my little girl is in so much pain and of course i want to help or bring some relief to her.
We have waited two years to bring little sophia into this world and so she is very much wanted.

I have been told she is a high vibration child and is finding earth to dense :/

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Hallos, its not for you to worry if she or her father is finding it too stressful. She is not here if she didn't have to be here, so don't worry about densness of this planet, she is just fine. Don't worry about what your partner said either, people say all sorts of things in heat of emotion. Don't hang on to others' words too much. They speak from where they are at in that particular moment. All is unfolding perfectly, there are no mistakes. Nothing is accidental. Its all perfection at work.
Just get to a peaceful space yourself by following what I wrote in the first post.
Just stay wide open in your heart, in a trusting space. As you calm down by this evening she will she and so will her father.
Its already getting better, and you feel that
Lots of love to all three of you

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Wow Tashaine, thankyou also for your reply. Sophia is not on gaviscon now but shes has
just been put on if you have any info on that medication ...please let me know.
Im still not sure if stuart my partner is stressing sophia out more or me. I had a colicky baby 11 years ago and i managed looking after him on my own as my partner at the time wasnt very hands on. My new partner is very much hands on and took two months off work to help look after her. He tends to do the night feeds and i do the rest.

I have been asking the angels to help...but i will try asking some more.

funny u say about me hating putting her on the medication......a few years ago..i would have said yes...but i suffered a frozen shoulder a few years ago ..and tried everything alternative to heal it and still it the end i had physiotherapy for over a year but it did get better. from then on i realized sometimes you simply have to go with what works....and i also thought...sometimes...its also a case of time is a healer.....and i just needed time.

thanks again

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Thank you again Jnani,
Yes she is so much more settled today. I do feel i cant connect to whats going on with my chest..but im going to try and get some sleep and try and connect then. I wonder if its to do with my high blood pressure? i had that towards the end of the pregnancy and had to stay in hospital for it. I was put on beta blocker tablets but stopped taking them.

I will post a picture of baby sophia. Shes such a poppet:)

This picture was taken just after she had been born.

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Ahh - Sophia is just beautiful.:D:D:D I have put you all in a bubble of Love and Light. I am sure all will be well very soon. Maybe she is just finding it difficult to adjust to being in a physical body.

I love the name Sophia - it means 'wisdom'. Perhaps her life mission is to impart wisdom in due course?

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I am feeding her my expressed breast milk

Hi Hallos .

Congrats on the baby .

As you are using your own breast milk I would work on reducing your own intake of acid foods .

Obviously you are passing on your own ''whatever acid state'' your own body is in . I heard that colic from dr myhill "The cause of colic is allergy. Breast-fed babies sensitise to cows' milk protein in the breast milk. It gets there when their mothers consume dairy products'' .

I know that you are speaking of reflux in this instance but you can see a connection with what the mother consumes is being an important aspect of how the baby is / feels .

x daz x

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Hello Caroline,
Yes the name Sophia came to me in the early days of my i kinda knew i was having a girl -)

Ive had a aweful weekend with sophia crying and bringing all her feed up and jelly like stuff in her poo ....we ended up at the hospital twice....i have been crying quite abit and feeling so overwhelmed with it all. My partner of eight years has withdrawn from it all and has gone bck to work.....

However today sophia has been cared for by my mum for a good six hours and im not sure if its the medication or shes just totally worn out ..but shes like a different baby...very little feed coming up and very little crying and lots of sleeping:)

I know about the dairy link and i have already cut this out of my diet for about a week now . Im drinking coconut milk and if anyone has any links for dairy free food...please post away.

Thanks again for all your support.
Heres to lots of positive vibes and a happy baby

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Fennel tea might help - for you, and she'll get the benefits through breastmilk.
