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Hooking Your World on Drugs

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Psychiatric drugs are being given to our children

Mind-brain and altering drugs that don't cure they just damage.

Dr Mat Anne Block, author of No More ADHD, tell us, ADHD is an invented label with no objective, valid means of identification."

Despite claims of irrefutable science, there are absolutely no objective criteria by which so-called ADHD can be confirmed to exist. This is not science. National Institutes of Health Conference of the world's leading ADHD experts was forced to conclude that there is no data confirming it as a brain dysfunction.

The psychiatrist listens to the history and then prescribes a drug.

We are drugging entirely normal children. ADHD is 100% fraud Fred Baughman, MD Pediatric neurologist.

In effect it does not exist. Learning and behavior disorders are a hoax to give your children drugs to numb their consiousness and make them like zombies so by the time they are adults they will not think for themselves. There are now millions of children on these mind altering drugs. These drugs are as bad as cocaine addication.

Children are only a problem if their environment is a problem.

I have also experienced one family wished their child to have this label so that they would get more money from the state!

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kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

hello there
I must say I think you are slightly wrong. I have a grandson who has adhd he is now 10 yrs old his mother my daughter fought for a long time trying all kinds of treatments, in the end he has been put on Ritalin. Which he takes from choice he is not made to take it, he wants to take it because he says he feels better.
He is an extreamly intellegent child, the top of his class in maths and english. he plays chess and beats my husband who has been playing for years. does crosswords and jigsaw puzzles in no time.
he has many medals for playing football as well. so to say his mind is being numbed down by taking this drug, well I don't think it is.
he has three siblings who have no problems atall and I don't feel thee is anything wrong with his surroundings.

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

the other day we talked about George Orwell well now we are going to talk about Aldous Huxley in his 1932 novel, Brave New World, he tells of a "utopian" but totalitarian society which though seamless and regulated, is also insane. It is a civilisation controlled by drugs. Brave New World is becoming a reality.

Psychiatry's history of help

Involved treatment that nullified and controlled the individual by the application of violent force. Today, psychotropic mind-altering drugs, passed off as medicine achieve the same result. This is abuse at the highest level.

Drugs destroy creativity
Drugs destroy futures

Funding for the arts and music education has dwindled and entirely eliminated from many schools and this is the reason why.

"Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable of thinking or acting otherwise then as their school masters would have wished." Bertrand Russell quoting Johanne Fichte, the head of philosophy and psychology University of Berlin

"Ultimately, the greatest value of the arts may be that they offer children the means to envison other worlds, to know that they can transform reality with the exercise of their own creative will. For those kids whose horizons extend no further then the dead ends of the inner city, that leap of imagination can be critical." Horn and Seider "Looking for Renaissance" US News and World Report, 1992

"The aim of doctors should be to do whatever they can to keep children off prescribed drugs, particularly those that can have an effect on the mind" George Lipton Chief of Mental Health, Western Australia 2002

Matthew Smith was forced by school to take a psychiatric stimulant to help him "focus" better. In 2000, at age 14 he died of a heart attack that he coroner attributed to the presribed drug.

So drugging is good business but bad medicine.

There are six million children in the US on these drugs.

They are closing down human consciousness.

"Child psychology and child psychiatry cannot be reformed. They must be abolished"
Thomas Szasz MD Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus 1997

It breaks my heart......................

Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Dear glynis

I am sorry to say that it is early days yet, closing down human consciousness does not happen quickly it is a long term effect. I recommend that you look into the scientific facts on Ritalin it you are interested to know the long term effects of this dangerous drug I will be happy to get the information for you.

here is also a website to look at

Can I ask you what symptoms did this bright child have and what alternatives did you try? Was he tested on food allergies and his diet examined?

One lady that had been on these drugs for 20 years was not only closed down but immobile as well and could not go anywhere alone. Sadly she was too far gone for me to be able to help her.

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Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published a most important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21(7), pp. 837-841].

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse affects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

. Paranoid delusions
· Paranoid psychosis
· Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis
· Activation of psychotic symptoms
· Toxic psychosis
· Visual hallucinations
· Auditory hallucinations
· Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences
· Effects pathological thought processes
· Extreme withdrawal
· Terrified affect
· Started screaming
· Aggressiveness
· Insomnia
· Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects
· Psychic dependence
· High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug
· Decreased REM sleep
· When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia
· Convulsions
· Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

Many parents around the country have discovered that Ritalin has become a condition for their children continuing in school. There are even reports, by parents, of threats from social agencies: “If you don't allow us to prescribe Ritalin for your ADD child, we may decide that you are an unfit parent. We may decide to take your child away.”

This mind-boggling state of affairs is fueled by teachers, principals, and school counselors, none of whom have medical training. Yet even if they did…

The very definition of the “illnesses” for which Ritalin would be prescribed is in doubt, especially at the highest levels of the medical profession. This doubt, however, has not filtered down to most public schools.

In commenting on Dr. Lawrence Diller's book, Running on Ritalin, Dr. William Carey, Director of Behavioral Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, has written, “Dr. Diller has correctly described... the disturbing trend of blaming children's social, behavioral, and academic performance problems entirely on an unproven brain deficit...”

On November 16-18, 1998, the National Institute of Mental Health held the prestigious “NIH Consensus Development Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD].” The conference was explicitly aimed at ending all debate about the diagnoses of ADD, ADHD, and about the prescription of Ritalin. It was hoped that at the highest levels of medical research and bureaucracy, a clear position would be taken: this is what ADHD is, this is where it comes from, and these are the drugs it should be treated with. That didn't happen, amazingly. Instead, the official panel responsible for drawing conclusions from the conference threw cold water on the whole attempt to reach a comfortable consensus.

Panel member Mark Vonnegut, a Massachusetts pediatrician, said, “The diagnosis [of ADHD] is a mess.”

The panel essentially said it was not sure ADHD was even a “valid” diagnosis. In other words, ADD and ADHD might be nothing more than attempts to categorize certain children's behaviors - with no organic cause, no clear-cut biological basis, no provable reason for even using the ADD or ADHD labels.

The panel found “no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction [which malfunction had been the whole psychiatric assumption].”

The panel found that Ritalin has not been shown to have long-term benefits. In fact, the panel stated that Ritalin has resulted in “little improvement on academic achievement or social skills.”

Panel chairman, David Kupfer, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, said, “There is no current validated diagnostic test [for ADHD].”

Yet at every level of pub

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs


We have been giving people drugs that break down the immune system, suppress the core issues and emotions, fragments the energy system (e.g. soul) which in turn dissipates the 'strength of will' to combat the problem. Recent research from the USA has recently confirmed that these drugs can be even more harmful then Kim Thomas first expected. Dr. Madhu Kalia of the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have identified antidepressant drugs may also cause damage in brain cells that are similar to the effects of Ecstasy. This research showed adverse brain-cell changes after just 4 days on a high dosage, the rats only received one tablet. Kalia said, "it is important for us now, to uncover the effects of normal human doses when taken over long periods." Source: Brain Research March 6, 2000.  Reuter Health

LOS ANGELES — Chaka Khan, Juliette Lewis, Danny Masterson (That 70s Show) and Sofia Milos (CSI Miami), in support of legislation to stop the psychiatric drugging of children, on February 28th, honored individuals who have fought for federal legislation to stop school personnel from coercing parents to give psychiatric drugs to their children. 8-time Grammy Award winner, humanitarian and community activist, Chaka Khan was a featured performer at the event, joining over 750 human and civil rights activists, government officials and celebrities at the 35th anniversary and awards banquet of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR) where the awards were presented.

The urgency for enacting federal protections for parents is fueled by a recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hearing, where panel members spent hours listening to emotional testimonies from dozens of parents after their children had attempted and/or committed suicide after taking antidepressants. The panel recommendation that the FDA immediately issue warnings on the suicidal risks became the focus of international headlines.

The hearing came in the wake of an even stronger stand taken by British drug regulators in December, 2003, when they told doctors to stop writing prescriptions for under 18-year-olds for six of the newer Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants because of increased risk of suicide. The Mind Charity in the UK has also run a very successful campaign against these drugs that secured a TV programme to report upon it.

"We may be the last generation that has the drug-free clarity of vision, intellect and commitment to fight the spiritual war we are engaged in. Our generation, our very souls, will be judged on how well we fought for our children's future. The lives of our children depend on the legacy we leave. We have the ability to gather the necessary troops in this battle. So, I urge you, please continue to be warriors."

Norman Resnick Phd. Professor Emeritus of Special Education, 1998

Mental Health Must Change

Compassionate Hearts Can Really Change the World

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Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

does anyone care about this atrocity?

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

The Aspartame/NutraSweet Fiasco by James S. Turner

Many health-conscious people believe that avoiding aspartame, found in over
5000 products under brand names such as Equal and NutraSweet, can improve
their quality of life. The history of this synthetic sweetener's approval
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including a long record
of consumer complaints and the agency's demonstrated insensitivity to public
concern, suggests they're right.

In October 1980 the Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) impaneled by the FDA
to evaluate aspartame safety found that the chemical caused an unacceptable
level of brain tumors in animal testing. Based on this fact, the PBOI ruled
that aspartame should not be added to the food supply.

This ruling capped 15 years of regulatory ineptitude, chicanery and deception
by the FDA and the Searle drug company, aspartame's discoverer and manufacturer
(acquired by Monsanto in 1985), and kicked off another two decades of maneuvering,
manipulating and dissembling by FDA, Searle and Monsanto.

In 1965, a Searle scientist licked some of a new ulcer drug from his fingers
and discovered the sweet taste of aspartame. Eureka! Selling this chemical
as a food additive to hundreds of millions of healthy people every day would
mean many more dollars than limited sales to the much smaller group of ulcer

Searle, a drug company with little experience in food regulation, began
studies to comply with the law -- but which failed to do so. Its early tests
of the substance showed it produced microscopic holes and tumors in the
brains of experimental mice, epileptic seizures in monkeys, and was converted
by animals into dangerous substances, including formaldehyde.

In 1974, however, in spite of the information in its files, the FDA approved
aspartame as a dry-foods additive. But the agency also made public for the
first time the data supporting a food-additive decision. This data was subsequently
reviewed by renowned brain researcher John Olney from Washington University
in St. Louis, and other scientists.

Dr. Olney discovered two studies showing brain tumors in rats and petitioned
FDA for a public hearing. Consumer Action for Improved Foods and Drugs (represented by the author of this piece) also petitioned for a public hearing based
on the approval process having been based on sloppy science and the product's
having reportedly caused epileptic seizures in monkeys and possible eye

Dr. Olney had already shown that aspartic acid (one aspartame component)
caused microscopic holes in the brains of rats after each feeding. Aspartame
also includes phenylalinine, which causes PKU in a small number of susceptible
children, and methyl, or wood, alcohol which is neurotoxic in large amounts.

Faced with this array of possible health dangers, FDA granted the hearing
requests. In lieu of withdrawing its aspartame approval, the agency prevailed
on Searle to refrain from marketing the sweetener until after completion
of the hearing process. it then proposed that a Public Board of Inquiry
(PBOI) review the matter.

In July of 1975, as the FDA prepared for the PBOI, an FDA inspector conducted
a routine review of the Searle's Skokie Ill., testing facilities and found
many deviations from proper procedures. This report led the FDA commissioner
to empanel a Special Commissioner's Task Force to review Searle's labs.

In December of 1975 the Task force reported serious problem with Searle
research on a wide range of products, including aspartame. It found 11
pivotal studies conducted in a manner so flawed as to raise doubts about
aspartame safety and create the possibility of serious criminal liability
for Searle.

The FDA then stayed aspartame's approval. It also contracted, over serious
internal objection, with a group of university pathologists (paid by Searle)
to review most of the studies, set up a task force to review three studies
and asked the U.S. Attorn

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Hi Glynis,

Very often, ADHD children are extremely gifted and intelligent children. My own feeling about it is that it is a symptom of a brain condition that may or may not be exacerbated by eating certain foods, but the 'gift' is there.

Good luck to your grandson. May he prosper!


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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Hi Kim,

You may be right about this aspartame in foods. However, this is American research, and it is widely known that in the US, foods are laced with the stuff, unlike here, where is a little more moderate.

My personal feeling is that if a person is sensitive to certain foods, they'll behave a certain way. Not everyone is.


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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Patsy, Our foods here are also laced with asparatame, any diet product has asparatame, for example, diet drinks, fizzy flavoured waters, to name just a few. Anything saying 'no sugar' has artificial sweetner.

What is more, artificial sweetner sticks to the liver!

With regards to 'not everyone is sensitive to certain foods', it depends on what foods you are referring to, just because someone isn't exhibiting symptoms doesn't mean that the product isn't slowly killing them.

The body doesn't like anything artificial, full stop! There are no buts, no may be's, that's just how it is. Our body is after all energy, and as such we are vibrating. Give the body anything artificial, and yes, it copes, it is an amazing vehicle, but that doesn't mean the artificial product is good for it, on the contrary, the body works much harder trying to eliminate the toxins we're putting into it, and it will work around the poison, but only for a certain amount of time, eventually it will lead to dis-ease, whether it be diabetes, liver problems, heart problems to name but a few, and that's just food.

How about the alumiminium found in all deodorants, that are slowly poisoning our bodies. The body does not function well with aluminium inside it, and clogs the organs, in particular the kidneys, as they try to flush out such an inharmonious product. Not only that, we use anti-perspirant, so instead of allowing the body to perspire naturally and release toxins, we are stopping the body from doing this, and this in turn is causing a build up of toxins in our bodies, and it has nowhere to to - pretty worrying really.

Phew, I'll stop there because the list is endless.

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Rosi X

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Hi Sacred Star

I to feel the over use of Ritalin a bad one.

I worked for a short time in a clinic which catered for children with behavioural problems and most of them were on this drug.

We used to type up reports of the childrens progress and it was a very dismal picture. I don't ever remember a happy ending.

When I was at school in the fifties, in London, we never had cases of children being removed from school for eratic behaviour. We had large classes which were in the main orderly. In each class there did seem to be, usually a boy or maybe two that were considered 'naughty' and they were severely punished, but they never distrupted the class to that extent that the rest of us couldn't work.

Why was was it like that then and not now? The main reason I think along with others here is the food. We all lived on plain home cooking. Sandwiches for lunch and dinners of meat and two veg. We used to have sweets from time to time. Breakfast was usually porrige and I drank tea and water. Fruit was expensive and we didn't have much.

We also got lots of excercise. I walked a long way to school and back in the morning, lunch time and again late afternoon. We had lots of PE and games. Perhaps we were all too exhausted to play up.

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Hi Orange,

You've hit the nail on the head. Kids who's mums cook home made food for them rarely play up. I never heard of this ADHD in my day, neither.

We need to go back to basics.


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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs


The body doesn't like anything artificial, full stop! There are no buts, no may be's, that's just how it is.

What a severe line to take!!

Medicine has done wonders for everyone! Yes, Drs are all too quick to throw medicine at us, and people may be taking prescribed drugs unnecessarally because they have not been informed of alternatives, but if you need to take a prescribed drug to increase the quality of your life, or to give you a better shot at coming through an illness, are you going to tell the doctor no thankyou because your body might not like it?!

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Dear Orangeblossom

Thank you for sharing yes I agree with you totally and with Rosi.

Dear Vicki

All medication, all chemicals break the immune system including my beloved perfume that I wore every day since the age of 15. I only use sparingly now at very special times.

Yes medicine is a neccessity sometimes like operations too but both need a serious detox and immune system boost afterwards.

Health and Education Must Change

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Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

If we were proactive instead of reactive there would be no need for medicine or operations. Sort out the root cause and there is no further need for a band aid solution.

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kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

My son was allowed no sticky sweets and had his baby teeth till age eleven, no fizzy drinks, homemade food a majority of the time. No salt, no sugar.

Sadly he is a bit of junk food addict now! But he is 21 and his choice.

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

dear orangblossom you might like to visit the

'can you hear our children's cries' thread on this forum if you haven't already

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kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs


Dear Vicki

All medication, all chemicals break the immune system including my beloved perfume that I wore every day since the age of 15. I only use sparingly now at very special times.

Yes medicine is a neccessity sometimes like operations too but both need a serious detox and immune system boost afterwards.

Health and Education Must Change

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

I actually agree with you, I think people should be made more aware of exactly what the drug is doing and why, and what alternatives there are. I dont like taking medication and would rather take a more natural approach if at all possible. Some drugs cause awful side affects, which are usually treated with more drugs - it can be a vicious cycle.

BUT! ( and yes there is a but!) I dont think we can argue with the fact that medicine CAN be a good thing. It can cure, and it can enhance the quality of life.

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Sure, medicine can be a good thing, but after we've taken the medicine, we don't do anything to detox, and to actually remove the drug from our energy bodies. So what then happens, is the next time we become ill, we take more drugs, and the effects of those drugs are added to the ones we took previously, until the body can't cope anymore.

All man-made chemicals weaken the immune system.

I wholeheartedly agree with Kim's comments.

Everything we need to cure ourselves can be found in nature. For every disease there is a herb or plant to cure it.

Plato had the right idea, here are some of his words:

"The cure of the part should not be attempted without the treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you you to cure the head until he/she has first given you his/her soul to be cured, for this is the great error of our day, the physicians first separate the soul from the body" PLATO

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Rosi X

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs


Everything we need to cure ourselves can be found in nature. For every disease there is a herb or plant to cure it.

I would love to believe this, but if I was told tomorrow I had cancer, MS, or anything equally as horrible, I would still prefer to take a prescribed drug.

This might be my reasoning because I dont know enough about natural remedies, but so far I havent seen any hard evidence that nature can offer a better success/survival rate than prescribed drugs can.

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Dear Rosi

Love that quote from Plato would you like to put in the 'useful quotes' thread on AH?

Dear Vicki

If one gets to anything soon enough anything IS possible especially when you believe it 100% with no room for doubt. I recommend that you consider reading Brandon Bays book 'The Journey' she got rid of her own tumour the size of a basketball in just six weeks!

'Cancer comes from nothing and it can go back to nothing' Louise Hay

The latest in new biology shows us that cells can only go in one direction we choose fear or love. Having had cancer myself in my mid 20's I know for a fact that my cancer was caused by inner child alienation and fear based resignation 'oh what's the use' they don't hear me, they don't understand me!

Energy follows thought it is the naural law of cause and effect. Our body believes every word we say it is conscious intent.

I feel strongly that when we start teaching children the natural laws of the universe in schools and eradicate pollution which of course we are all consuming, we will see the end of disease.

The trouble is we hear of the deaths but we don't hear enough about the miracles that happen every day.

Love beyond measure

kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

We lost eight people on my father's side with cancer and they all had violent upbringings. I don't know all of their cases in detail but I can tell you this it was the drugs and intense radiotherapy that killed my father not the cancer! But that was 14 years ago and I am glad to say that the medical profession have a lot more experience now thanks to people like my dad that was experimented upon.

Even when we knew he only had days left to live they were still pulling him around and giving him blood tests 2-3 days before hand. Human dignity taken away even in death.

Sorry everyone a tender spot for me obviously.

But what concerns me the most is the children, they are depressed, they are self harming and if we don't hear them there is going to be a lot more cancer coming. Youth suicide is the fastest growing problem among young people and what do we do? We give them mind altering drugs that creates a deeper mindset for suicide.

We give Ritalin to seven year olds instead of looking at the root cause of the problem.
The root cause IS humanity we are not listening, we are not hearing and we are not responding pro-actively.

We need a complete new education system that meets the needs of children instead of US forcing them to meet our needs.

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Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

My father's cancer was also brought on by fear and shock. Fear for the safety of his family, he was threatened with poisonous pen letters, people wishing he got cancer, the family home had to have a policeman night and day when my son went to stay. That is just the tip of the iceberg, I could write pages about what his own brotherhood did to one of their own men who he had supported, guided and represented for 40 years. Fear of never working again and not being able to support his family due to redundancy. A man truly crucifed to the core of his being by the people that he loved.

He could not forgive himself for putting his own family at risk to harm by those that were only interested in their own wage packets and selfish personal desires.

A sad day indeed for a man that stood for such high ideals and principles for so many years. I am sure he must have questioned himself many times about whether all his efforts, long hours and time spent away from his family had all been worth it, spending the final two years of his life in personal tribulation. He was only 57 when he passed over.

Thank you for allowing me to share this I can see it has been important for me to express and through expressing I have found another piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

I AM guided that this is now completion!

Love beyond measure Dad

Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Hello Kim,

Thank you for sharing your story. What on Earth happened to your dad for him to be persecuted like that? Who were behind his hounding? That isn't right and I am sending my love to you and to your dad, Kim. X.

Ritalin - I am with you 100% on this. This drug is a 'chemical cosh' for children and there's no need for it. Whoever invented it wants shooting! It's caused no end of mental harm to youngsters who may be only wanted to be recognised for their genius or their abilities. Very often, distruptive children are gifted children.


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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Dear Songtress

My father dedicated his life to helping and fighting for the rights of others. He was a trade union official, JP, and local labour councillor during his life. His humanitarian work always took precedence and came before his family, he was a very determined leader of men, great speaker and self educated. Children from poor familes started work at 13 in those days. He spoke often of George Bernard Shaw and said 'a house without books was like a house without windows'.

It is said that he was the most feared man in fleet street, one word from him and the whole countries newspapers would close down. I also witnessed him convince 1,000's of men to go back to work (in Hyde Park) when they did not want to go, he was a very persuasive and powerful man in more ways then one. He marched to ban the bomb from one end of the country to the other and many other valiant things too many too mention. A true rebel with a cause, a man that thought he could change the world and did his best to do so.

When he got to age 50 Murdoch was (secretly) planning the Wapping situation and looking back in hindsight Murdock knew for his plan to succeed he had to get rid of my father, because dad was always ten steps ahead of everyone and years ahead in predications of change this made him a dangerous opponent. So Murdoch's directors wined and dined my father for two years in the hope of securing his allegiance and getting him to move from being a trade union official to being a member of the industrial relations team.

At this time my father was thinking that he had given all he had to help others and now as he was coming up for retirement he would put his wife first. By moving into management meant he would get every weekend off instead of having to work. (This was the official story given by my parents to me and my younger brother) Last November he told me that it was not just his choice and that my mother was guilty for pressuring him to take this job, a few other friends had moved into management and were prospering and my mother was very much the image and status person in the family my father was the complete opposite. She was very demanding and as he grew older he gave in to her more and more.

Well my father did take the job and after he did so he saved Murdoch 2 million pounds on renegiotating contracts. Then the Wapping fiasco began. My father warned Brenda Dean the printers leader and the men not to strike, he knew if they did the men would walk straight into Murdochs hands and do exactly what he wanted to fulfil his bigger agenda.

They did not listen and then when the men got locked out and Murdoch brought in the engineers, the men from the union, people that I had known as uncles as a child turned against my father, even our own family. As far as they were concerned my father deserted them. They painted the words scab on the house in red paint, put toilet through the letterbox, had removal vans come to pick up their home, funeral cars to pick up my father, sack loads of post arriving daily with horrible things in it. My father had to go to the post office daily to sift through it for two years. And he bought my mum a Rotti dog to protect her.

My father had done nothing more then change jobs.

Industrial relations was now being run from the Australian office nobody in Grays Inn Road, London was allowed to intervene or effect what was going on in Wapping, my father's hands were tied there was nothing he could do to help the men because they did not listen to him originally.

Then Murdoch hits my father with another blow he makes him redundant with only two years pay. Thatcher changes the law to weaken the power of the unions, now people don't need industrial relations people and my father cannot return to the union. The men never forgave him but yet some had the cheek to turn up at his funeral and my mother has to live with her own knowledge of the role she played in it all. My brother also suffered greatly because of course he was still working as a printer in my father's

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Interesting I just did a search and this link talks about the corruption in Fleet Street by the unions but also talks about the fact that Rupert Murdoch and his operations do not pay their taxes!

In 1999 The Economist reported that Murdoch had made £1.4 billion ($2.1 billion) in profits over the previous 11 years but had paid no net corporation tax. It further reported, after examining what was available of the accounts, that Murdoch would normally have expected to pay about $350m tax: enough to "build seven new hospitals, 50 secondary schools or 300 primary schools". The article explained that the corporation's complex structure, international scope and use of offshore havens allowed News Corporation to avoid tax.

During the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, all 175 Murdoch-owned newspapers worldwide editorialized in favor of the war. [1] ()

Whilst in Australia I discovered that 90% of Australian corporations were foreign owned and they don't pay any taxes there either.

So you can appreciate why the working man's taxes are so high.

Does make one wonder when IS enough, enough!

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Darling Kim,

Thank you for sharing your story. I am so, so sorry to hear about what had happened to your beloved dad. Kim, no matter what our political views may be, there is no need to hound a decent man to his death, because this is what is amounted to. My cousin was a miner at Orgreave Colliery during the miners' strike in the 1980's. I saw what he went through, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone - friends being battered with concrete blocks just for turning up for work and so on - maniacal.

You certainly have taken the mantle from your dad - fighting causes that you deem worthy ones. Good for you! Your dad would have been proud of you.

Blessings and love,

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RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Dear Songstress

Yes I agree the working classes and unions just went too far globally, their greed got the better of them. Thank you for sharing your story too, very sad that men were harmed for wishing to do an honest day's work. It certainly was time for change.

Let us hope that we do not repeat history and the working man does not abuse power again.

When the power of love
is more powerful then the
love of power then peace
will be a reality.

Jimi Hendrick

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

Posts: 4286
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Joined: 21 years ago

RE: Hooking Your World on Drugs

Hear, hear Kim!


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