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concern re glands

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Brief summary, child (female aged 11 been complaining of headaches on/off for the last few months, dr has referred to hospital, saw consultant, he said its probably a migraine and given tablets. Last week back to the dr again (to no avail), and been again, as the daughter looks ill. Last week went back to drs glands up back of neck and behind one ear. Any suggestions (it is a relative's daughter and although I haven't seen her (they live quite a distance from me) I am just getting the info from the family). The child does have another apt at the hosp later this month.

Thanks for any advice/suggestions, I know most of us aren't probably medically trained but have you come across these symptons before?

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Well, unable to diagnose from here, but things like mastoiditis, can be quite nasty, I would phone NHS direct without hesitation and not wait for the next appointment.

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Glandular Fever????

Could be glandular fever?? Head aches, swollen glands behind ears, exhaustion.

Sounds the same. I had it, got rid of it the unconventional way with intense healing sessions. Deep feelings of 'guilt' suppress the immune system. I went to a weekend intensive absolutely exhausted with glandular fever in full swing. I focused all healings on resolving issues around guilt, and got rid of the virus. The healing focused on the emotional level. From being on my back for a few months with exhaustion to shovelling wheelbarrows full of dirt after the healing weekend. That is what worked for me and that is why I mention it. Not many take this path though, but ask her Doc about Glandular Fever, and get a blood test.

Good on you for looking for information, doctors see patients for such a short period of time and are often rushed, so asking questions is a great way to offer assistance.

Also google viruses, infections, mould, food intolerances, ah the list goes on. Good luck I hope she gets well soon.
