When one wants to be cancer free, they usually want to be cancer free to avoid dying a premature death. So their goal is to have more time. With this in mind, they naturally look for cures, treatments etc to achieve their goal. One must realize that the body is capable of healing and producing health, you have the potential and capability to do so. All actions etc can only be of assistance to the self healing system.
We can utilize our own innate healing system if we abide some natural principles. Spontaneous or instant healing is possible and healing takes only an instant, the physical results follow. I have written much about this elsewhere, but healing takes place when the self healing system is freed from resistance and the disease process is stopped.
So how do you heal from cancer? There is a process but there is a more important factor, one that underlies the ‘how to’ and it is the ‘Why’, the reason to heal cancer or be cancer free. You don’t want to die but believe it or not this is not a big enough reason. Do you want to have cancer and not die, is this a good enough goal?
If we have a more effective goal and objective, such as being healthy and happy, then our self healing system will produce different results, then if we just don’t want to die.
Back to the point I want to make – if we have a more effective goal, then our unconscious mind needs a reason to create this goal as opposed to the cancer process. To stop the cancer process and produce health and happiness are the necessary actions, so WHY do it? Is your why big enough? You are in a state now that includes cancer (for those that do, why be in a different state, one that includes health and happiness?
Can you create a big and powerful enough why? When you have a big enough why/reason then things will happen and change will result.
So how big can you make your why? Have you a big enough Why yet!
Funny there is a post about cancer...About a month ago a client with 'cancer' has strated shaktipat. All we have done is let the cancer in. Let it in as a friend, as a very lonely, battered child. An odd way to heal ...but she got me. The person to who it happened is coming together. Whether the cancer stays or goes. (It is very likely to go, as there is no one invested in it anymore)
I would ask her over the phone "How are you?'' and she would start describing that the cancer is doing this and that. I pointed out that she was identifying with cancer as her self. You are the one to who this cancer has come. She now clearly sees that the presence she is not the cancer, not even body, not even ever chattering mind but the watcher of it all. Now she says, I feel it is a benign cancer as a disease as well as a teacher, as it has started a journey of self discovery. She has some doubts if it is cancer at all creeping in, as more clarity dawns. The identity of disease is shaking and wobbling.
The most amazing thing she has said so far is, it is doing what it is doing I am finding out the background peace underneath it which stays constant.
The goal thing you write is good too but how we have done it is venture beyond goals to heal/get better/live longer/
Throwing them slowly into the unchanging Self.
'Love is of man's life a part, don't make love your whole life'-so it was with me and this thing they call cancer .....................