Can anyone answer the queries that i have for cancer?
Currently what are the percentages of people finding out their cancer in early stages? Any ways of detecting cancer early?
What are some of the possible symptom a person will get to find out that he or she might had been infected with cancer?
Addtional Questions
What are some of the possible ways a person can do to prevent getting cancer?
Is there any cancer research plan coming up?
Are these exam questions or are you just interested? Inother words, do you need our opinion answers or proven studied ones?
this are for self refererence and not exam questions, i would prefer a studied 1 to own opinion, however i wont mind you guys giving me opinion as it might help too.
This are for self refererence and not exam questions, I would certainly prefer a studied one to opinion, however I would'nt mind you guys giving me opinion as it helps too. I might take opinion into considerations too.
Hi zhihao88 and a very warm welcome to Healthypages,:wave:
Have you tried a google search for some cancer sites , such as cancer research as i feel they would have the answers/statistics to your queries.:)
warmest wishes- calla lily x
yup i have tried but the symptom are always not shown clearly on web, just some brief description. Thanks anyway.
Been there, doing that !!!
Addtional Questions
What are some of the possible ways a person can do to prevent getting cancer?
Is there any cancer research plan coming up?Thanks
Hello zhihao88 !!
With your kind indulgence, may I speak to the prevention aspect of your question based upon my own experiences? There may be some who have read many of my past posts who have come away thinking that I am quite an opinionated individual. I guess, in many aspects, I am. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 35 months ago with a very poor prognosis due to the fact that it was a very aggressive, fast moving cancer as shown by the biopsy. After a 3-4 day pity party attended only by myself, I decided that death due to cancer was NOT an option. I began an ongoing research into cancer and its causes. I am more convinced, than ever, that cancer and soooooo many other illnesses are nutritionally based-we are killing ourselves. I made immediate lifestyle changes and seem to have reaped great rewards from it. Eliminated fast food, red meat (meat in general),substituted iced tea for soda pop, adopted a more vegetarian diet along with green tea, digestive enzymes and a myriad of nutritional and herbal supplements, increased my running (3 miles per day) and weight lifting from three to five days per week. The doctors (I've seen seven of them) cannot explain what has happened with my cancer. They just say it has slowed or stopped for no explicable reason.
As for a research plan? Never gonna happen. Cancer is BIG BUSINESS here in the good ol' US of A and nobody wants to see this 'cash cow' go off to the slaughterhouse. Chemo, radiation, and surgery (cut, burn and radiate) are their only answers to this treatable (and preventable) disease. There has been much published in this regard, but it has been largely suppressed by those in the pharmaceutical industry who have so much to lose if people start taking their lives into their own hands. They now and always will continue to treat ONLY symptoms with absolutely no regard for preventon. The truth is out there. I hope and pray many will find it.
My best to you!
I heard (just a rumor never done it myself) it is possible to see before the doctors see it by looking at someones aura
][DLMURL="http://www.jingke.org/googlepaiming.htm"]GOOGLE排名[/DLMURL] 网站导航系统让搜索引擎“看不懂”,不利于搜索引擎优化;[DLMURL="http://www.jingke.org/googleyouhua.htm"]GOOGLE优化[/DLMURL][DLMURL="http://www.jingke.org/googlepaiming.htm"]GOOGLE排名[/DLMURL]大量动态网页让搜索引擎无法检索,不利于搜索引擎优化;[DLMURL="http://www.jingke.org/googleyouhua.htm"]GOOGLE优化[/DLMURL][DLMURL="http://www.jingke.org/googlepaiming.htm"]GOOGLE排名[/DLMURL]没有被其他已经被搜索引擎收录的网站提供的链接,不利于搜索引擎优化;
There may be some who have read many of my past posts who have come away thinking that I am quite an opinionated individual. I guess, in many aspects, I am.
I am playing here, but surely this is more than opinion, this is something you 'know' ... often I find we pay little attention to what we 'know' ... and when we do offer it we offer it as 'opinion'.
This is in the linguistic style of the 'established' medical community, whatever that is.
When I began studying/researching nutrition and healthcare I read stories of transformations in health via many systems. The Gerson Diet, Macrobiotics, people like Brandon Bays.
The thought I had was 'why wait? why not do all these things now, first, before'. I haven't looked back (much) since.
Then you get asked to 'tone it down' ... Hah!
I do love that.
In Love and Joy.
My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January! Devastated, etc, etc, the hospital had him booked in for surgery the following monday.
Now my husband said hold on, if I have it, a week or two wont make much difference, he started researching and on our next hospital visit, he said let's wait and see what happens over the next few months.
He had body scans, etc, etc and continues to be monitored.
Now 7 months later he has a PSA level below an average man, he will have more biopsies which will give a better indication if the cells are multiplying. Although in his case his PSA levels were never very high, but when a biopsy was taken it was there. A few years ago he agreed to take part in a clinical trial, he was expected to be part of the control group, but it turned out he actually had cancer.
I have reduced his meat intake, we eat more fish and veg, he is fairly active, still runs his business and keeps busy. He has reduced his stress levels and will tell everyone he uses PMA (Positive Mental Attitude).
In addition I give him regular, IHM, Reflexology sessions and use a variety of essential oils. All in all he is a much more healthier person and has learnt to relax and avoids stressing himself. He also takes daily one saw palmetto tablet and a dose of Freequensea (when I remind him).
As for the future who knows, it is going to a case of watch this space.
i totally agree with the try the natural approach. one of my friends has had her cancer return and has weeks a few months at best. someone told me about essiac tea. i have been having a look on the net about it and it does sound as though it is worth trying. there was also a link from the cancer research people, i thought 'oh good, i wonder what they will have to say' forget it. they basically say dont try it, use drugs drugs and more drugs. they say if it worked it would have been developed by drugs companies years ago. what rubbish!!!! what money would they make from a mixture of herbs that you could get for £10 a month???
kcatdeejay is right, drugs companies make a lot of money and are not interested in pushing natural remedies. not to mention all the animals they kill in the process. i am not saying dont use drugs, just to consider natural remedies as well. well done fudge and i hope things work out for your husband.
Fudge, it's really great to hear of your husband's progress. Two things you said struck me:
1) Biopsy .....? How about an ultrasound ? I don't like what biopsies do. I had one-would NEVER do another.
2) One saw palmetto capsule ? My experience with 'most' rda's is that they are very low-I do 3-4X what they say with most of my vitamins and supplements. My recent blood work (two weeks ago) was judged to be excellent with regard to my chemistry and levels. I have always subscribed to the theory that "RDA" stood for 'ridiculous daily allowance'.
May your husband find a place called health!
Hello vicki!
Essiac is one of the things in my regimen that I regrettably let slide of late-will be back on it as of Saturday. Yes, you found out first-hand about the 'stonewalling' attitude of the 'drug people'. Only their drugs can cure cancer-yeah! Right! Not doing such a hot job of it are they?
I have heard of some remarkable recoveries of people with very advanced cancer. Essiac, pH in the alkaline range-there's much that can be done. I wish her well!
We are working with a mix of medical and complimentary services.
Ultrasounds are OK for somethings but biopsies are necessary in order to get an accurate reading of what is going on and what you are actually dealing with. It turns out that he has a slow growing cancer but it could have gone the other way and a very quick growing one we would have gone a different route.
As for RDA's they are what they mean as overdosing on vitamins / supplements is not good for you as certain things can cause adverse reactions, the saying everything in moderation is really very important. In addition certain vitamins work well together others have the opposite effect therefore making a list of what you are taking, quantity and getting good advice is very necessary.
Finding a right balance is very difficult but in the long term taking too much or conflicting remedies will also have an adverse reaction.
Good luck
:grouphug: In my opinion through watching and looking after my with husband with cancer, the answer is yes tou can diagnose cancer early through symptoms. had the gp acted sooner with my husband he might still be here today,
i also nursed a friend with cancer until she passed awayhad she have been taken sereous by the doctor she also might still be here, the symptoms were there but theyy choose not to follow them up, untill it was to late.
take care
You are correct! One should not take any supplement or vitamin in such quantities as to cause adverse effects. I go lightly on the ones that are in that category, such as Vit A. I still maintain, however, that the dosages on many of them are set to very conservative levels. I guess it's whatever works for you.
The biopsy showed that I had a very agressive, fast moving cancer. Really don't know what other options I had at the time in order to get my Gleason score (8). A later ultrasound showed it to be unchanged as far as size and area.
Best wishes to you!
Wherever you have cancers you have high levels of tissue acidity and low levels of oxygen. Hence the reason that many of your specialist cancer clinics recommend alkalising and oxygenating the body.
However one of the fascinating areas of techology is that it is now possible for health practitioners to use a quick health scanning system that is non invasive and gives an overview of the health staus of the major body organs including estimations of the pH values and oxygen levels. Wherever there are cancers these levels will be below normal levels. Although the EIS system will not diagnose cancer it will indicate conditions that will favour cancer. It is also useful to be able to monitor the effect of cancer treatment , whatever that might be. If cancer treatment is working then the overall body pH should move towards normal parameters.
I have scanned people with cancer, people who have had cancer where treatment had not worked and people that have overcome cancer. In all instances the pH levels of their interstitial fluids was a precise reflection of their current cancer status.
As technology like the EIS system becomes more widely used by practitioners then they will be able to detect conditions that favour cancer growth and be better able to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. It will also be able to monitor the harmful effects of treatments so that thecan be discontinued prior to doing irreversible harm.
Personally I passionately believe that the key to optimum health is to keep the body perfectly pH balanced, then disease including cancers will not be a concern.
To your good health.
If you can't prevent cancer, the next best thing you can do to protect your health is to detect it early. Recognizing symptoms, getting regular check-ups, and performing self-exams are just a few ways you can do this. Refer to the resources below to find out more. ACS checkup/testing guidelines for healthy people help find cancerous changes early, when doctors can cure or even prevent certain cancers. Learn the tests needed by age and try our [url] Mammogram Reminder[/url] tool.
What to expect from mammograms, Pap tests, colonoscopy, biopsies, the PSA and other tumor marker blood tests, as well as other imaging tests.
Find out about cancer prevention and detection programs sponsored by your American Cancer Society.
Let us walk you through the sometimes confusing and stressful world of colorectal cancer screening. Which tests are best? What can you expect? We have the information, tools, and support you need to make a decision that might save your life.
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