Hi all,
Cancer is a complex and varied topic, Information is the key to understanding it. The majority of information comes from and relates to the perspective of the 'cancer' as an object, as a deadly enemy. When we come from this perspective then the solution is to get rid of the cancer, hence the thousands of cancer cures, and might I say that they all will probably work some of the time. Now this perspective may be accurate, though I suggest this perspective comes from fear and the wish to avoid death. But are there other perspectives? Here is a perspective coming from the desire to be healthy.
The human being is certainly a complex animal, all animals bodies are highly complex organisms, even a single cell is unfathomably complex and we each have 50 trillion of them. When we consider the mind and consciousness then we add more layers to the complexity. Yes it can be overwhelming to try and know about our complexity. I mean, we know very little about ourselves and if we exclude the physical workings of the body for a moment, though it can be recognised that we can investigate and measure the anatomy and physiology of the body, what do we know about why we behave the way we do? How we think? Why we feel the way we do? Where do our emotions come from? How is that we feel compassion, love, hate etc? How many parts to the mind are there?
It is fair to say we know little of how we operate.
What has this to do with cancer and healing?
We are a collection of 50 trillion or so cells, I haven’t personally counted them, but the cells aren’t static and stay with us for the rest of our lives. Most cells have a very short live span, so the number of cells that are us is in our life time is just mind boggling. The point is that all these cells are in one organism, and the cooperation between cells enables them to gather together and be ‘We are one’.
Shared information is the glue that keeps all as one and working in harmony together. Our bodies (which includes the mind, though many think or treat the body as a vehicle to transport the ego around) reflect the totality of our 50 trillion cells. Each cell is a holograph of the entirety. What affects the cells, affects the entirety, what affects the entirety affects the cells, There is no separation. When we feel angry, the entirety is feeling angry, the cells are feeling angry, when we feel love the entirety is feeling love. The story of our life is the story of our cells. The story of our cells is us.
When we are in a state of ill health, that is our story at the time, the body excluding the mind isn’t ill, the body including the mind is ill, once again there is no separation. If the mind is ill, then the body is ill.
If one has cancer, what is the complete story? We fall into the trap of perceiving cancer as ‘something’ that is separate from us, from the entirety. Cancer cells are our own cells, they are not separate! They are functioning as part of the whole, as a reflection of the whole.
If we remove the label and perceptions that we have about cancer and see our totality, our state of affairs, our story, our system of being, our pattern of existence and not just the shallow facade that we present to the world and to our ego, then we can realise this is us. Do we really want to be as this? Is change possible? Do we want to feel different, do we want to experience life differently, do we want a better quality of life, a better quality of our self image, do we want more vitality, better health, do we want more wholeness, do we want freedom, do we want more self control, more self trust, more self reliance, do we want to feel that we matter, that we are significant, that we are important, do we want to be free from self criticism, resentment, apathy, bitterness, negative beliefs about ourself, limitations or do we dare not to?
Do we think we are not worth it? That change, is too difficult? Do we assume, this is just who I am?
Man, is always trying to define who he/she is, we label and define ourself as I am kind, stubborn etc, etc. We are continually trying to identify and define who we are! For we (the ego) do not know who we are, we are disconnected and separated from our body. The only appropriate definition the ego can have and also the most beneficial, is simply ‘I am’. This is powerful for it includes all possibilities and has no limitations. It may seem too simple but all other definitions are faulty, for they are not complete. For if you define yourself as kind, what happens if you behave in an unkindly fashion? And when you do, you separate and form another identity or part and more fragmentation occurs. I am is correct and undeniable and so creates no resistance, any other definition can’t hold true all the time.
If you practice just saying and feeling ‘I am’ you may become aware that you are dis-identifying from the labels, beliefs and behaviour that you perceived as you. This pattern that you thought was you, seems at a little distance away now. This pattern is a set of instructions that you have been following, because you were attached to it, and thought this is who I am. Now being simply ‘I am’ detaches the pattern and you now have control of Your Life, not being a victim of it.
So as controller of your life what story do want to unfold? Whatever story you have, your cells will reflect! The entire body, immune system etc will reflect the story. Do you want the cells, immune system etc to feel important, worthwhile, loving, compassionate, happy, health etc, then reflect that in your life experience.
If you want health – be health(y).
By Philip Martin
Hi seatyed
It is the same with any disease, they are all created within self in reflection to our core way of being to alert us to how we are, the cells of the body respond directly to the environment which we set up for them within our aspects of consciousness, to my understanding it is consciousness which holds them all together, they all start out as one cell which divides into identical cells etc, but at some point something else takes over and they stop forming into identical cells and get organised and change into a functioning body.
Hi Paul.
Very true.
And speaking of consciousness, we can say that our life, body, health etc is a reflection of our consciousness.
We can improve our life to raise our consciousness, and/or raise our consciousness to improve our body.
Hi seatyed
And speaking of consciousness, we can say that our life, body, health etc is a reflection of our consciousness.
Yes, everything starts and finishes with a thought and a thought is consciousness.
We can improve our life to raise our consciousness, and/or raise our consciousness to improve our body.
I often hear the phrase raising our consciousness, but to my understanding we can't raise our consciousness to improve our body, and changing our circumstances will only change the way we feel for a time but not necessarily change our consciousness though it can in some measure help.
The way I understand it is, we can change the way we think within our different aspects of consciousness and we can change our belief patterns and way of being, but it is the same consciousness which is now thinking or believing something in reverse to what it previously did and that will change our way of being, it is the focus within consciousness which changes from a negative self destructive mode or way of being into a positive self serving mode or way of being which creates the required changes which will improve our existence on all levels of being, not the raising or lowering of consciousness or circumstances, it is after all the thoughts which create the deeds.
It might just be that you perceive becoming positive and self serving as a raising of consciousness, but as I said to my understanding consciousness does not raise itself into something else, it just transforms our way of being from one way into another way, but the consciousness still remains the same consciousness at all times, I hope that makes sense. 🙂
After coming to grips with the reality of cancer, I made the decision that 'cancer would not own me' and responded to it in a like manner. My mantra has always been, 'If you want to keep getting what you're getting, keep doing what you're doing'........
Hi Paul,
but as I said to my understanding consciousness does not raise itself into something else, it just transforms our way of being from one way into another way, but the consciousness still remains the same consciousness at all times, I hope that makes sense
Yes you are more correct, I was generalising.
At a deep level there is consciousness and at the ego level we have consciousness and this consciousness has an identity, with identinty comes meanings, interpretation,beliefs, perceptions etc. These I would simply group as meanings. Meanings are language based and are created and constructs owned by the ego and are attached to ego consciousness. These meanings are what is changeable, When we disidentify with them our consciousness is less encumbered.
Hi kcat
Yes, it is easy to want to stay the same and not have cancer, but when you realise as in your mantra, you know that change is necessary. A good question is 'How much change is necessary for me to be in a state of health' for when the amount of change is quantified, the mind can focus on achieving change.
After coming to grips with the reality of cancer, I made the decision that 'cancer would not own me' and responded to it in a like manner. My mantra has always been, 'If you want to keep getting what you're getting, keep doing what you're doing'........
seatyed, the initial shock was almost overwhelming-me? cancer? this can't be happening! The changes were IMMEDIATE and the results were equally overwhelming. Many people have doubted that one could make such instantaneous life-style changes as I did. There was to be no negotiating on this-live or die from a 'very aggressive cancer'- I chose life !!!!!
Best to you !!!
Hi kcat,
It is the instantaneous changes that are the most powerful and transforming. Real change takes place in a split second, it is the unconscious decision that enables the results to be realised. It can happen like yours, when in a state of shock (a trance state), this is the most beneficial as there is no delay. My work entails achieving this unconscious decision for clients, This unconscious decision is the healing, the rest is the unfolding and manifistation of that decision. Once the decision is made all the actions that you take, diet modifiication etc, have the desired effect.
Congrats as you have have demonstarted the essence of true healing,
By the way if I might ask 'Has what is most important to you changed from before the shock?'
Cheers Phil
Life is promised to no one..........
Hi kcat
So you became aware of the importance and value of of life?
Not sure if this really fits into this thread, but here goes.
Over the last year or so I've had a large number of clients with cancer - far more than in previous years. Since I work shamanically, I'm coming at this from a different angle; it has involved me in forming a relationship with the Spirit of Cancer and negotiating with souls and soul parts. But one thing all these clients have in common is that they are not doing what their soul needs them to be doing - often, more specifically, they are not learning the lessons their soul needs them to learn.
Not sure if this really fits into this thread, but here goes.
Over the last year or so I've had a large number of clients with cancer - far more than in previous years. Since I work shamanically, I'm coming at this from a different angle; it has involved me in forming a relationship with the Spirit of Cancer and negotiating with souls and soul parts. But one thing all these clients have in common is that they are not doing what their soul needs them to be doing - often, more specifically, they are not learning the lessons their soul needs them to learn.
That is a very interesting perspective - one that coul be looked at more closely, I'm sure.
Yes, could you give us more details. x
Shamanism is an animistic belief system - that is, that everything has a spirit. Not just things that are biologically alive, like people, other animals, trees etc, but also everything else - rocks, buildings, illnesses.
The shaman's job is to negotiate between the spirits and humans, travelling to spirit realms in order to communicate with the spirits and bring back power, information, healing etc. to this reality.
This being so, it follows that cancer has a spirit as well. So, after I had had several cancer sufferers come to me, I asked my Spirit Teacher if it would be appropriate to meet the Spirit of Cancer. When I did so (and I really don't advise this. I have about 25 years experience and, even so, my Teacher took a great many precautions and told me that we were doing something dangerous), the Spirit of Cancer told me that the illness is mainly caused by "Contract" spirits - that is, spirits called in by the soul of the sufferer prior to starting this life with instructions to come into force if the life lessons have not been learned by a particular time.
There are other illnesses that are Contract illnesses - I am treating someone with an acoustic neuroma at the moment - but cancer is a classic.
This means that treatment has to take this into account with negotiation not only with the Spirit of Cancer, but with the part of the person's soul that knows what has to be learned.
Knock, knock can your spirit tell me why my husband has cancer??
If your husband were to visit a shamanic practitioner, then possibly that practitioner could do so. Note the 'possibly'. But if you re-read my post, you'll notice that it is the person's soul that knows what is going on. I only know how to contact this through shamanism, preferably through shamanic counselling, and if your husband either can journey or wishes to learn then, yes, that could be done. Maybe you know of other ways.
Please note - an explaination is not a cure, although it is a step in that direction. Even when someone has learned all the lessons that they had set for themselves, cancer can often have caused sufficient damage to the client for them not to recover. From the point of view of the soul this is not usually a problem, but I do apreciate that it is from the point of view of the this-reality-aware sufferer and his/her family and friends. For what it's worth, you have my sympathy and good wishes.
I'm sorry, I'm not good at interpreting subtleties. Nor am I used to forums. I'm not sure what 'knock, knock' means.
cancer and higher self
Every illness - not just cancer happens because we are off track. Whatever illness we get gives us a message to change. From this aspect there is no terminal illness. You can heal yourself from any illness if you choose so.
Also it is important to mention that emotional issues are the roots of illnesses. Forgiveness and letting go are the most powerful healers. The past is past cannot be changed. What we can change is the present - so why kill our body by holding on to grudges?
I have done shamanic healing to people and why I like it is because it is not me in the human body who decides what the problem is exactly and what the cure to it is but I always get into contact with my spiritual helpers first who then guide me and tell me what to do in each case.
The beauty of this is that I don't even have to know the details - yet the answers and healings I "bring back" are always 100% accurate.
I'm not sure this is the same shamanic practice as mentioned before (talking to the spirit of cancer) but I agree that every illness has a spirit.
In my opinion the mindset is the most important: do you want to get healed or is it "rewarding" to play the "poor me" approach because in this way you get more attention and care from people who surround you? There are hundreds of ways to get cured from cancer in a natural way - the choice is yours.
What do you choose?
Yes you are correct. A disease especially auto immune diseases etc are a result/symptom that we off track, that is if we want health,joy etc. The disease is simply part of the story of who we are, it is a part of the process that we are living each day, it is not isolated from us and it is this misconception that we are isolated/separate from"The cancer" which is the greatest hinderance to healing.
With my work I use various techniques such as hynosis and NLP and it sounds strange but you can talk directly to the cancer because all the information is there and within the body. The client is amazed when they hear themself telling me all the necessary information about their cancer, cause etc, simply because I ask the 'çancer' to tell me. You don't have to induce trance, you simply have to be authentic and sincere and look at the body where the cancer is and ask for the information and it usually comes flooding out.
To be healthy you have to create a health process and most importantly STOP the existing disease process first. It is of little value adding actions, treatments etc on top of the existing process. When you stop the existing process first the return to health is simple. A childish metapor is, that if you built a lego structure and you want a different structure, then you do not add to the existing, you first dismantle the first structure and start again.