Hi there,
I have recently been diagnosed with a malignant melanoma classed as 'Intermediary' on my right ankle.
I have had the melanoma surgically removed but tests have shown that it is aggressive and I am now being booked in for a Sentinal Node Biopsy/Plastic surgery as more skin has to be removed. I have read up a lot on the actual procedure for the SNB but just wondered if anyone here has actually had it done and how they felt about it after?
I must admit I'm a bit apprehensive about having this done as it will be taken from my groin!
I hope someone 'out there' can shed some more light on this procedure.
Love and light
I only know of what they do with SNB re breast cancer (BC) but would think that it is similar in approach.
With BC they inject a dye into the lymphatics of the breast that are nearest to the tumour site. The first lymph node to absorb the dye is the sentinal node. The surgeons then remove this one and send it to pathology (often there and then) if the sentinal shows cancer cells then they may take what it termed a level 1, 2 or 3 clearance. The higher the level the more nodes they take.
The more nodes that have cancer cells in them often determines how the team will approach adjuvant (i.e. chemo and radiotherapy) treatment.
Don't know if this is any help?
Dear Patchouli
Thank you for replying. Yes, the procedure is the same. I will be having a radioactive solution injected into the site of the op. They will then track where the lymph basins are located. Then the blue dye will be injected so they will know which is the Sentinal Node. Because the melanoma was on my foot it will be my groin that they will be checking. The same time they will be removing more skin from my foot and doing plastic surgery as the area will be too wide to suture.
I understood that this treatment was still in a trial period as there is a division in the surgical world on whether SNB is 'safer' than radical removal of ALL lymph's in the area. Personally I prefer the SNB because the thought of having all the nodes removed worries me about long term problems for circulation/infection etc. I am now waiting for my urgent admission appt which could be at any time so thought I would research and get as many personal experiences of this procedure!
Thanks again for taking the time to reply
Love and light
Hi reikiangel
I havnt been on HP for a while so I must have missed your diagnosis, although I do remember saying you had an appointment to have something removed on your foot.
I just wanted to send you lots of (((hugs))) it sounds like you are being very strong but it is still important to take good care of yourself and lean on other people if you need to.
I hope your next op goes ok
C x
Hi again RA, I had 15 nodes taken from under arm so have to watch not to get infection etc on that side of my arm.
It would be the same with the groin, if you get all the nodes removed there is a greater chance of lymphoedema which is why the SNB is being done now.
I may be wrong but wouldn't the first nodes from the foot be the popliteal at the back of the knee? I guess they go to the groin just to make sure.
Jabba does lymphatic drainage so may know more.
Hope you get on o.k. will keep checking out for you.
Sending lots of healing your way.
Patchouli (Joyce)
Hi Reiki - yes, the sentinal node will be examined/removed at the groin. Fingers/toes/eyes crossed that it will be free of cells and that they won't have to muck about removing any more.
Like Patchouli, when I had breast cancer surgery they took a couple of lymph nodes from my armpit, then a month later went back and took the remainder (sadly they didn't need to as the remainder were unaffected)! As a result I have to watch my arm like a hawk, ensuring that I don't get any infections/bites/abrasions/bruises etc. I also do daily self-lymphatic drainage, basically to keep the skin in tip top condition and also to keep the lymphatics reminded of what they are supposed to be doing.
After you have been mucked about, it may be a good idea to get some manual lymph drainage for yourself - with the Mods permission, a good site is for qualified MLD therapists.
Thank you all for your replies.
Dear Jabba, you obviously understand why I do not want ALL nodes removed automatically, the very reasons you mention what's happened to you!
I have just rung the Plastic Surgeon's secretary as it's now a week since I saw him and nobody has got back to me re my 'urgent' surgery. She's only just catching up typing last week's clinics and my name hasn't come up yet. She gave me the number of the Sec at Exeter but apparently she's on holiday and back on Monday. My name is not coming up on their records at the moment so I've been told that it could be within the next THREE WEEKS (is that classed as urgent?). Oh well, that scuppers my hopes of helping my daughter move into her student accommodation on the 22nd Sept. Originally I was going to drive her there, then when this happened I thought I still might be able to go but as a passenger. Now it looks like I may either be in having the op or recovering with my leg up!!!
This wait is not good for the nerves, especially as all my other appts have been booked on a weekly basis. The more I think about what they are going to do the more I'm not looking forward to it lol.
Thanks again for your replies
Love and light