I think my stepdad has pancreatic cancer, though he hasn't been diagnosed yet.
He is in his early 70s and was diagnosed as Diabetic about two years ago. But over the last couple of months or so he has been having a lot of stomach pains. He has also lost weight and my mum tells me (I don't see them very often) that he is also very lethargic and sleeps a lot and the other night he had to be taken to A&E because of severe lower stomach pains. 🙁
He has got a pancreatic scan and endoscopy next week, so we don't know if it's definitely cancer yet. But it sounds like it to me, especially as both his parents died of cancer, so it is hereditary.
Please could anybody tell me what supplements my mum can give him to either prevent any cancer in the future (if he hasn't already got it!), or at least help give him a better chance of survival. We'd all be so gutted if he died and my mum would be on her own, just when they are both retired and wanting to enjoy their lives too. 🙁
I have thought about Curcumin capsules, vitamin C and D (in high doses). Does anybody know of anything else please? He's not really eating much at the moment, so my mum is giving him vitamin drinks/soup and things like that. They aren't very well off, so this needs to be taken into account when ideas for supplements etc are considered.
Thanks so much for any help or advise anybody can give me!! 🙂
rats, you are are doing some good things already. MSM is also very helpful and can be taken in large quantities throughout the day. Cancer doesn't like the sulfur in the MSM. The body purges it every 12 hours and you cannot overdose on it. Cancer doesn't do well in an alkaline state. Have him check is pH level with a home test kit (saliva or urine) to see where he is at. I'm betting he's acidic, most are, and get him on a 80/20 alkaline to acidic ratio. Vitamin D3 is also VERY important. Personally, I have NEVER followed the RDA (ridiculous daily allowance). Almost without exception, I take 3-4 times the amount they recommend. Check some of my previous posts. I had a Gleason score of 8 out of 10 in Feb '05 and not doing badly at this time. I took very many supplements and my blood work always came back great (oops! I forgot to tell my doctor). I bet my life on the natural approach. I am a jack of all trades, master of none. Anything I can do to help you would be my esteemed pleasure. Wishing your step dad the best!
Hi Rats,
Sorry to hear about your stepdad, hope you get a different diagnosis then you are suspecting.
Kcat, is very knowledgeable, so please do accept the help offered.
best wishes
Thanks Kcat and louisa, I really appreciate your help. 😉
My step dad is very stubborn and this is partly the reason why he's got ill, as he never listened to my advice on what supplements he should take and what type of foods he should/shouldn't be eating (not that I am always lecturing him or anything!:o). He always said that it was all a load of rubbish and that we never used to use supplements and we got all our vitamins etc from our food. I always tried to explain that food is different nowadays and we are often lacking in important vitamins and minerals and we also eat a lot more chemicals and refined foods too, which is the reason why people get so many illnesses like cancer/heart disease/diabetes. He never listened though and I even got my mum to buy him some Selenium tablets, but he never took them! :banghead:
I think it's going to be very hard for my mum to get him to take these things that he needs, but as he is eating lots of liquidy foods at the moment, she should be able to crush the supplements into his food. It's difficult though when people don't want to listen to your advice. I think that if I had a degree in it or something, then maybe he would take notice!
Hi Rats
My Mum was just the same and had I known then what I know now I would hav been able to argue the toss much better. But she would probably not have listened anyway. I wish you all the best.
Love and Light
I always tried to explain that food is different nowadays and we are often lacking in important vitamins and minerals and we also eat a lot more chemicals and refined foods too, which is the reason why people get so many illnesses like cancer/heart disease/diabetes.
I totally agree, food is being processed to death nowadays.
I won the war with my hubby on the food score but he's stubborn on vitamins ~ despite the knowledge he now has.
Many years ago, I too remember laughing about Barbra Cartlands usage of vitamins thinking it was needless. I was wrong, now I have a storage box of vitamins Dame Barbra would be proud of. 🙂
I think my stepdad has pancreatic cancer, though he hasn't been diagnosed yet.
He is in his early 70s and was diagnosed as Diabetic about two years ago. But over the last couple of months or so he has been having a lot of stomach pains. He has also lost weight and my mum tells me (I don't see them very often) that he is also very lethargic and sleeps a lot and the other night he had to be taken to A&E because of severe lower stomach pains. 🙁
He has got a pancreatic scan and endoscopy next week, so we don't know if it's definitely cancer yet. But it sounds like it to me, especially as both his parents died of cancer, so it is hereditary.
Please could anybody tell me what supplements my mum can give him to either prevent any cancer in the future (if he hasn't already got it!), or at least help give him a better chance of survival. We'd all be so gutted if he died and my mum would be on her own, just when they are both retired and wanting to enjoy their lives too. 🙁
I have thought about Curcumin capsules, vitamin C and D (in high doses). Does anybody know of anything else please? He's not really eating much at the moment, so my mum is giving him vitamin drinks/soup and things like that. They aren't very well off, so this needs to be taken into account when ideas for supplements etc are considered.
Thanks so much for any help or advise anybody can give me!! 🙂
i am really sorry to hear this. pancreatic cancer is one of the worst to deal with. what i have found gives relief to some extent is alternate healing. find an energy healer and ask them to work on a micro level with the endocrine system as well as the cancer cells themselves. At home you can also work with sound. try and get tuning forks which resonate to the note A, and frequency of 426.7Hz. and note D, frequency of 288Hz used together they can repair DNA or note MI, frequency of 528 Hz, this can repair DNA on its own.
if you want more information please feel free to message me
[url]Dr Kate James[/url] does some amazing work with cancer, mostly focused on nutrition as well as working with contributing emotional factors; she is based in the north of England but also gives consultations over the phone as far as I am aware.
Do some research on Dr Johanna Budwig and the Budwig protocol - that might be helpful
Do some research on Dr Johanna Budwig and the Budwig protocol - that might be helpful
I agree with Alison. The Budwig diet is worth checking out.
I've just been reading about someone who cured themselves of pancreatic cancer using the Budwig diet.
Rats: A book that would definitely help you is 'Say No To Cancer: The Drug-Free guide to Preventing And Helping Fight Cancer'. It's by Patrick Holford with Liz Efiong.
I found it in my local library. Quite a read, over 400 pages! But full of very useful information.
According to Mr Holford:
An American study showed just 400 i.u. of vitamin D reduced pancreatic cancer risk by 43%
Trials are taking place re the treatment of pancreatic cancer using curcumin
Pancreatic cancer risk factors include -
Low intake of fruit and vegetables
Low intake of fibre
High consumption of red and processed meat and alcohol posed especially significant risk.
Good advice, Mountaineer. The only thing I would add is to increase the intake of Vitamin D-3 to 6-7,000 i.u. I'm thinking his body can handle that and more.I'm taking 8-10,000 i.u. per day with my 'cancer' with no ill effects.
Good advice, Mountaineer. The only thing I would add is to increase the intake of Vitamin D-3 to 6-7,000 i.u. I'm thinking his body can handle that and more.I'm taking 8-10,000 i.u. per day with my 'cancer' with no ill effects.
Yes, 400 i.u. is a low dose. Surprised they had such a strong result.
So sorry to hear about your cancer. What sort have you got? (If it isn't impolite to ask)
I wish you well :043:
Rats: Try this website :043:
[url]pancreatic cancer[/url]
Very polite to ask, Mountaineer. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 11Feb 2005 (some dates you remember forever). I had a Gleason 8 score and not a great prognosis. After my self-imposed three day pity party for me, I decided to either get on with living or get on with dying. I became a student of 'cancer' everyday for many hours and I'm pleased and thankful to tell you that cancer is not a death sentence and can be beaten naturally. What little I know on the subject is gladly shared by me. I feel I have a debt to repay and will help anyone towards that end.
Very polite to ask, Mountaineer. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 11Feb 2005 (some dates you remember forever). I had a Gleason 8 score and not a great prognosis. After my self-imposed three day pity party for me, I decided to either get on with living or get on with dying. I became a student of 'cancer' everyday for many hours and I'm pleased and thankful to tell you that cancer is not a death sentence and can be beaten naturally. What little I know on the subject is gladly shared by me. I feel I have a debt to repay and will help anyone towards that end.
Re the last bit: What a tremendous attitude.
Interesting because, I hear, prostate cancer has gone to number one in America as the most common male cancer. (Overtaken lung cancer) And breast cancer the number one for women. Both hormonal cancers. Something is very wrong somewhere!
More or less the same here too.
I'm glad you've beaten it off. What do you attribute that to? Anything in particular or just a lifestyle change?
Vitamin D and lycopene are two things that spring immediately to mind with prostate cancer. Zinc is something else, usually lacking in prostate cancer sufferers according to Patrick Holford.
I got Jane Plant's 'Your Life In Your hands' from the library a while back. A very interesting book. On the strength of that, I just borrowed her other book on prostate cancer. Still reading it... From what I've seen thus far, first rate. The science stacks up.
Good luck to you!
Mountaineer, if you check from of my previous posts, you will see I did great deal of supplements along with a lifestyle change such as no fast food, no carbonated beverages (coke/pepsi, etc) which I replaced with unsweetened tea. MSM, Vit-D3, lycopene, selenium, apricot seeds (that dreaded laetrile), Omega-3, Vit-E, the beautiful sunshine in Florida and so much more including raising my pH levels. I wasn't sure what would work so I took them all.
Thank you for your kind response !!!