Does anyone know if there is a book or info on foods that can be digested for this, my dad is suffering, He can only take soups and soft foods, we are trying to think of good healthy recipes that can either be blended or swallowed easily....
Hi angelseeking
There is [url]this book[/url] and [url]this one [/url]which you might find helpful.
I sincerely suggest he sees a registered [url]Nutritional Therapist[/url] who will advise him on what is most suitable and nutritious and what is right for him personally. The dietician can only follow the doctor's instructions whose training in the healing effects of food is very limited.
Meanwhile there are foods that will help heal the gut (oesophagus included). Obviously swallowing will be difficult in these circumstances so as you say soft foods and soups are the best option, but this doesn't have to mean a limited intake of foods. His best friends will be the liquidiser and the juicer!
Do avoid those awful drink boxes given to invalids which consist of milk powder, sugar and artificial vitamins in minute quantities and artificial flavourings 😮 - none of which are healing! Sugar reduces immune function and should be strictly limited ;). [url]This one[/url] contains 46.1g of sugar/100gms of powder - that is nearly 50%! and have a look at the contents at the bottom of the page :confused:. Mum said it tasted awful - and it has been standard for about 50 years :eek:. I'd have been far more helpful to her if I'd known then what I know now.
To help heal the gut there are several options. My first choice would be rice water (told me by a Chinese Doctor, but also see [url]this book[/url]) - that is take a large handful of wholegrain rice and boil it in a large pan of filtered water for about an hour. Seive out the rice and use elsewhere, the juice is what you want. It looks a bit like wallpaper glue but is incredibly soothing and healing. It is full of vitamins, minerals and a gut-healing property called gamma oryzanol, which in fact you can buy as a supplement, but not for this circumstance without specific advice. This liquid can be flavoured, but is actually fine just as it is. I'd suggest this daily.
Secondly I would make cabbage juice to drink raw (immediately, or within max 30 minutes of making it as it starts to deteriorate fast). Cabbage has been used for over 2000 years as a gut healer and fairly recently they have uncovered why - indole-3-carbinol (I3C), sulphorophanes, and gut healing glutamine. If it causes gas then add some celery or carrot while juicing. It is said that cabbage juice alone (1 pint a day taken in shot glass doses - you can freeze the spare juice when made into ice cubes and melt as required) will heal an ulcer in 10 days. I3C and sulphorophanes are both anticancer and it also contains vitamins and minerals including selenium.
In fact these two strategies could make a lot of difference and if I were in this position I would definitely go for them. This is over and above anything else he eats. You need to be sure he also gets enough roughage in his diet - I'd opt for gentle oatbran added to his fruit smoothies for breakfast, good at removing toxins from the body.
The Nutritional Therapist will advise on supplements and there are some that can be very helpful - not least a quality multivitamin/mineral, omega oils and probiotics. There are also specific amino acids that are helpful, on which the NT will advise.
You will need to make sure he has an adequate intake of protein (75-100gms daily minimum) - chicken soup comes to mind, but he also needs oily fish which I would have 3 times a week for omega 3 oils, and hopefully he will soon be feeling a lot better.
Also, don't forget the emotional aspects involved - they need to be resolved too otherwise healing will be hampered - fear has a very detrimental effect on health in general.
Hope this helps.
[url]Dr Kate James [/url]would be an excellent specialist to consult on this
[url]Dr Kate James [/url]would be an excellent specialist to consult on this
That's a very useful connection Masha. I have filed it!