lung cancer how lon...
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lung cancer how long?

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Hi, my father in law lives in cyprus and last year had bowel cancer he was on the mend but last xmas we were told he has lung cancer.

Hes a very stubbon man bless him only 55 but was a very heavy smoker. He was taken to hospital last week and had to be serdated but is now home again.
My hubby is very upset as anyone would be and we are going to see him in may for a holiday and to see him.
Just wondered if anyone know how long people can live with lung cancer?
he is no longer able to look after him self really.

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new book

A new book is just out Cancer Recovery Guide: 15 Alternative and Complementary Strategies for Restoring Health - not yet in the shops but should be available from publisher at .

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There are obviously no set time frames to work by with something like this as each case is different. Without wishing to sound pessimistic, is it at all possible for you (or at least your husband) to get out there any earlier than May, as it would be so sad if your husband and his dad didn't get chance to see each other?

My best friend, unbelievably, lost both her parents to lung cancer last year: One had been diagnosed about 8 or 9 months before they died and the other, sadly died within about 5 weeks of diagnosis.

I'm so sorry that you've had such news and will keep you, your husband and family in my thoughts.

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everybody is different depends where the cancer is i think my dad had prostate cancer which got better after treatment but had lung cancer and took him 6-8 months to pass away. his cancer was in an awkward place and imoperable he was too weak after the treament for prostate cancer to undergo another treatment for this.

agree with Libby be good for you( or your husband) to visit him sooner than May?

sorry for this happening it is awful isnt it.


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:hug: Lung cancer is becoming more common, in non smokers as well as smokers, but they are treated with some differences depending on age and general fitness of the person, lung cancer tends to be small cell carcinoma.
which can be difficult to treat, there are so many different types of cancers now that no body can really say how long a person has, but from my own experiences, lung cancer is a fast killer.
the person normally has to be on oxygen to help with breathing, but state of mind plays a big role, the more positive you are , the more you are able to fight.
i looked after my husband who passed away 19 months ago with it, he was only 44 years of age.

take care

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I quite agree with you,Blackcrow. I had a cousin who passed two weeks before my hubby but he wasn't diagnosed with Lung cancer until about 5 weeks before his passing.
Surely there must be some tests they can check for lung cancer and before symtoms appear.

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I agree with Blackcrow - lung cancer is a fast killer. It can often show up at a late stage where it may be mistaken initially for an orthapaedic problem, with presenting symptoms of back pain.

The author Philip Day - an investigative health journalist (for over 20 years) - has published a very interesting book called, Cancer: Why we're still Dying to know the Truth, among other titles. It makes interesting reading about cancer from an alternative perspective. Details can be found on his website:
[url] [/url] I am a nutritionist and support his approach to good health naturally. My father died from lung cancer many years ago - if only I knew then what I do now...

Cat's Claw (from the inner bark of a vine in South America) is an interesting supplement for cancer and is prescribed in Peru and Mexico for the treatment of cancer. There is an abundance of info on the net.

Wishing you the very best of health.

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my nan had a fall just before new year and spent time in hospital having lots of tests. result ; lung cancer, the hospital did not give a time in weeks/months. we are now nearing april and she is still with us, although bedridden and is getting weaker daily. she is on antibiotics at the moment as the doctor has diagnosed a chest infection. i can see she is really suffering now and just hope in one way it wont be long, much for her sake if anything else.

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:hug: Hello Lisadawn,

Im sorry to hear your grandmother is suffering, its a terible illness to have
having to watch them suffer is the worst part,
i will send healing thoughts out to your gran.

take care

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My father in law also has lung cancer. He was diagnosed with it in early December 2007, and he's still with us, has just completed his last chemo session, and so far is doing really well! It doesnt have to be the end when you get a lung cancer diagnosis 🙂

PM me if you want someone to talk to or offer support 🙂

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I'm a newbie here.

Just want to say my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer April 2007. Since then she has had 1/2 left lung removed and sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to 'treat' the cancer in her right lung. The statistics re survival rates amongst those diagnosed with lung cancer vary on the type of lung cancer - small or 'non-small' cell cancer, and the stage at which the disease is discovered. In my wife's case she has only a 17-35% chance of being alive 12 months after diagnosis. Although she is getting physically weaker and now relies on me to do some things she no longer has the strength to do for herself (e.g., help her out of the bath) she has a very positive mental attitude. She has continued to go to work. This gives her a purpose and the social interaction helps stop her brooding about her impending death. We now have only 3 weeks to go till she beats the odds and survives 12 months after diagnosis. Beating that dismal statistic will in itself encourage her to keep thinking positively. Lung cancer is a killer but there is no doubt in my mind that mental attitude and support of family and friends can play a major part in influencing the amount of time the sufferer can expect to survive.

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:grouphug: Duncanr,

Hello duncan your wifes illness is the same as my husbands he had one lung taken out, he too was positive and was working untill the end, but you could see death was coming closer it was a horrendous time for me and my children. my husband knew what was going to happen as we spoke about it quite a bit, but however much time you have together it will never be enough. i will dend you strength to help you through .

take care

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hi all, i was just wondering how long someone can live for when they are not having any treatment for lung cancer? my nan is considered to elderly and frail for any treatment -chemo etc. she now has a persistant cough and it sounds like there is fluid on her lungs. doc has prescribed patches to go on skin that will help shift the fluid. my nan has never smoked in her life and it is just terrible to see her suffering.

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My mum is 78 and she was diagnosed of terminal stage cancer last July (breast cancer relapse, spread to lungs), and her oncologist gave her 2 more years to live. Due to her other medical conditions - diabetes, hypertension and irregular heartbeat, she was not put on any chemo or radiotherapy. She merely consumed tamoxifen, a drug she consumed for 5 years after her breast removal about 9 years ago. I put her on ultrasonic hydrotherapy for 3 times daily at home, each time she goes into the bath for 15 minutes. After 3 months of intensive therapy, her cancer marker dropped drastically from 50.6 to 26.3. Now it is stabilised at 23.4 which is a normal person's range. Her lungs since has cleared quite a lot. The principle of this treatment is the same as heat treatment for cancer patients.

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清理化粪池 1、<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="清理化粪池">清理化粪池专业疏通各种型号马桶(抹布、塑料)等各种软硬物质所造成的堵塞。2<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="疏通菜池">疏通菜池 漏:专业疏通各种v型、S型拐弯的地漏,(因为装修掉进水泥、沙子或头发等种原因所     造成的堵塞)。 3<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="疏通地漏">疏通地漏墫 坑:因为墫坑年成久了,管道弯头产生了一层厚厚的尿碱,由100MM慢慢的变成了50MM甚     至10MM甚至还会堵死,所以造成墫坑下水慢、易堵,本部根据多年所积累经验采用最     佳技术和方案、彻底疏通各种情况所造成的堵塞。4、<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="疏通马桶">疏通马桶 盆:专业疏通各种面盆,包括(V型、S型)等的管道。5、<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="疏通下水道">疏通下水道主管道:本部备有大中小型 机械和高压清洗机,专业疏通各种主管道

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Maybe 6 months to 1 year

No tumor is the same but if you really wanna work out an average it's about six months to one year. Stage 4 lung cancer cannot be cured for majority of patients. 5-year survival rate is about 1-2%, and about 10-40% of people with Stage 4 live 1 year if they're fit enough for chemo.

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Hi thanks for your replys guys, didnt know much more till will saw him.

We went over 2 weeks ago and when we got there he was taken in to the hospice that afternoon and came out 5 days later. Anyway he is on oxegen all the time now and not eating much, on alot of drugs for pain and so.
Had to change few things in there home as cant walk.....since we have been hubbys brothers have been over and he is getting worse cant hold a cup anymore so i dont think he has long....any ideas how long?

So painfull saying goodbye to him my hubby is in pieces as cant be with him. we just to talk on phone to mary his lovely partner who is looking after him...she is wonderful (really feel we should be there to help) and wait for that dreaded call .

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Hi Katherine,

so sorry to hear this news, but pleased that you and your husband got over there to see his dad, however painful. My heart goes out to all the family, and you will be in my thoughts, as you have been since I read your first post back in March.

Take care.

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~Hi, thanks,
Well bob past away 17th may very peacefully.

He was buired this morning and my hubby went back over to the funual.

He is now in no pain..will miss him loads

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss - I can almost imagine how you both must be feeling. My husband is suffering from cancer of an unknown primary but it is suspected that it actually a form of lung cancer as it is non-small cell adenocarcinoma. Unfortunately it has spread too much and the positioning prevents him having an operation to remove it and the cancer has spread to his ribs, spine and pelvis. First line chemo didn't work, we now have to rely on other remedies.

Your husband was lucky to visit his father one more time. I hope in time he is able to remember his father from happier times when he was in good health. Take care.
