I was surfing the Net this afternoon and came across the 'Canceractive' website. A very good site and I thought this article (to follow) to be the star piece.
1 in 8 British women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. A staggeringly high figure and one which is still on a rising curve.
Check this out:
Everything you need to know about breast cancer prevention
[url]Breast cancer- everything you need to know[/url]
Also, Jane Plant's huge impact book 'Your Life In Your Hands' (An account of Jane's battle with and defeat of her 'terminal' breast cancer) is a book every woman should read.
Now-a-days [url]Breast cancer[/url] in a very serious diseases among the women. The number of victims were increasing suprisingly. So women should be aware about the symptoms and the prevention procedures.If you're interested in lowering your risk of breast cancer,or if you want to understand how to prevent recurrence after treatment, it's important to understand the role that estrogen, and other hormones, play in your health. Get started by reading about estrogen.