Dear Healthy Pages Members
I know thare are many wonderful beings on here that can share their experience and knowledge.............I hope that you can help me.
Yesterday I was diganosed with breast cancer which has spread to the lymph. My operation to remove the lump is booked in for 21st August... blood preasure willing. Even though I have a reasonably healthy diet and life style I was wondering if there is anything else that anyone can reccomend to prepare me to the months ahead.
I am a healer and medium so will be asking friends to pump some of those wonderful healing rays my way. When I get my head around all this I will be focusing on meditation and relaxation to help release any fear. Not quite ready for that just yet though, maybe in a few days.
I am taking Forever Aloe Vera Gel and an advanced Multi Mineral formula, Lycium and Licorice, Ginko Plus, Garlic and Thyme.
Trying to keep focussed on all the positive things...........and keep up the exercise ect...............
This news hasn't realy sunk in yet and it feels like it's all happening to someone else. I would real appreciate any advice on the way forward.
Love to you all
Sally :):hippy:
I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis - it must be a shock for you and your family.
I work as a therapist for a local cancer charity. We offer a variety of therapies as well as counselling. I would urge to you accept whatever support is offered to you and your breast care nurse should be able to tell you what is available for you. You will want to protect those close to you, so it's important to have someone else to offload.
My clients tell me that often their experience is like a rollercoaster and the shock doesn't really sink in until their treatment is finished. They often get anxious when it comes to check up time, even years down the line.
I'm not telling you this to scare you, but to reassure you that it is perfectly normal and you must be gentle with yourself.
I'm not a qualified herbalist, so am unable to recommend any supplements that may help you and I would suggest that you only take the advice of someone who is qualified. Even then, you should check with your oncologist before taking anything as it could react with any medication you need or impair the healing process.
There are many people who come through the cancer experience and some are even able to see it as a positive experience...eventually.
Wishing you and your loved ones lots of strength and healing over the coming weeks and months.
Hi Thanks for your advice...........very much appreciated. I have started to look into different kinds of therapies, initially spiritual healingand T touch. The last week has been like an emotional rollacoaster. One minute like nothing has happened, the next very positive, the next facing my fear of the situation.
I have my MRI scan tomorrow and I suppose naturally worrying that they may find something else!!!!:023:
Oh well what will be will be.
Love and light to all and wishing you all well!!!
hi swan medicine...I dont have any advice that I can really give you but you strike me, from your post, as such a brave person...I will say a prayer for you and wish you every strength and courage to fight this. There are so many brill people here that can support you so keep in touch. x
Hi Sally - there are quite a few of us here who have been through what you are now experiencing, and happily come out the other side. I am 7 years down the line. I had a lumpectomy, axillary node clearance, chemo and radiotherapy. I can't give you any advice on supplements, as each person is different. The anti-sickness homeopathy tablets I was prescribed failed to make any impression. I was unable to take any of the 'natural' menopause supplements as my tumour was oestrogen positive. During chemo treatment, my normally exemplary eating regime (not veggie, but as good as) went out the window, as all I could eat was fried eggs!!! Exercise? I still walked the dog, but found it quite difficult during radiotherapy as I wasn't ready for just how exhausted it made me feel - mind you, the 100 mile round trip to the hospital was taxing enough!!! It took about a year to get back to my pre-treatment fitness level - I was in no rush!
Ironically, I was already in the job of treating breast cancer patients, so I went into the process with my eyes well and truly wide open. I do not class myself as a 'survivor', nor do I believe I was 'brave' at any point. The medics were brilliant and I put my full faith in them. Some bits I didn't enjoy much, but it is all ancient history now. I am able to look my clients in the eye, and know exactly what they are going through!
You will be fine. Hugs to you.
:grouphug: Hello Swan medicine,
Im sorry to hear of your diagnosis, i too am a medium and healer and i have also been through many many operations.
i will send you healing and positive thoughts and i will keep you in my prayers. keep smiling i know its not easy but it does help.
take care
Dear All
Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouraging thoughts. :nature-smiley-008:
Well I got through my MRI scan and won't be queing up in a hurry for another one of them!!!!! I will know the results from my team hopefully Tuesday/Wednesday.
For the first time in weeks I have been able to sit in the quiet of deep meditation and been able to focus on self healing and it has certainley made such a difference today. I have felt emotionally strong enough to call all the people I would like to help me with this healing process.
Thank you CREATOR
Wish you all a splendid weekend make the most of the good weather!!
With Love
I am six years post diagnosis, so like Jabba, have came out the other side.
Some days I don't even think about it now. Others I do.
Regarding the liqorice, you said in your original post."blood prssure allowing" (you don't say if the problem is too high or too low). I am not a herbalist but am studying nutrition and I believe liqorice can make blood pressure higher.
Just in case.
Hello Swan Medicine,
My mum was recently diagnosed with treatable breast cancer, and is booked in for some radiotherapy soon.
A few years ago, I purchased an ultrasound healer from Dean Warwick prior to his untimely death, and I have had nothing but success with using it on conditions such as period pain and my father's varicose veins! The reason I mention this, is because Dean Warwick's wife Jean successfully rid herself of breast cancer using the ultrasonic healer and a raw vegan diet. It re-sets the body at its natural resonance, thus alerts the body to the harmful changes that are occuring, letting it heal itself.
My mum has been using mine since her operation ; she was let out early due to her wound drains being so efficient - a result, we reckon, of using the healer to get the lymph drainage running smoothly.
I think their website may still be running, but I'm not sure - search for ampliflaire online and you'll find it.
If you'd like to know more, then I'm happy for you to pm me.
With love and positivity,
Sarah x
Dear Patchouli and Sarah
Thanks for your response. I will look into the liqorice re the high blood preasure and discontinue if that is the case for the time being.
I will also look re the ultrasonic sound healing.........everything helps.......
The MRI scan did show another dodgy node but after another visit to the hospital today all has been prooved to be "A OK" and I am breathing a very deep sigh of relief!!!!! Now I am ready for the Op on Thursday.
Thank all for your support
With Love and light
Hello, Sally. I was told about a decade ago that licorice is a bad risk & possibly cancer-causing in some cases! I wish I could remember the source, but I've kept away from it for that reason, besides having high BP myself.
Some recent research claims that Vitamin D is the best & strongest breast-caner-preventative there is. It was reported in The Times & New Scientist.
(I don't know if this means it helps cure it too, but it could be worth a try.)
So enjoy as much sunshine as possible, and eat sweetcorn & even take vitamin D supplements if your doctor is ok with that.
Relax and laugh as much as you can to strengthen your whole immune system and add to the mind / body / spirit healing. 🙂
Very best healing, strengthening, heartening & cheering 'vibes' and prayers to you.
Blessings - Starshower.
It makes me so happy to know that there are other people out there who care about finding a cure! Visit when you get a chance. This organization was founded by Dr. Bodai, who created the breast cancer stamp, and has since gone back to Congress in an effort to allow the continuation of the stamp. He is awesome, and that web site should offer a plethora of information and resources. Thank you fo being a part of the fight against Breast Cancer.:rolleyes:
[url] Yeast Infection [/url]
Cancer Prevention
Hello Sally
My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and lost one of her breasts. She uses products that I researched and now use myself that are non-toxic and world reknown - Dr Samuel Epstien (Cancer Prevention Coalition Founder) endorses these products. I truly believe that reducing the toxins in our environment will help us all to a healthier and longer life.
My husband is a clairvoyant medium and Reikei Master - he will send to you love and healing.
If you want to know more about the wondeful products that we have discovered and love to share with people please post me.
Take care, love and light :D:)