A possible Cancer r...
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A possible Cancer remedy

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I have never seenhere, anymentioning of Laetrile Vitamin B17 (250mg) as a possible way of treating cancer.

From "The Art Of Shen Ku" By Zeek,

"Is found in raw (heat destroys it) apricot kernels (10 mg each), apple pips, cherry stones, millet seeds, buckwheat, plum stones, bitter almonds & some berries. It is a source of inorganic cyanide which destroysCANCER CELLSspecifically, BUT too much is dangerous (not more than 1 gram of supplement [or a few apricot kernels] at one time) (5-25 apricot kernels spread over a day are considered sufficient)"

I don't know any particular person who used this, but in the book by Pat Lazarus, you can find lots of mentions of dogs that were cured of cancer by this. The book is called [link= http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780879833886&itm=4 ]Keep Your Pet Healthy the Natural Way[/link]by Pat Lazarus ( [link= http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780879833886&itm=4 ]http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780879833886&itm=4[/link])

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RE: A possible Cancer remedy

I have researched Metabolic therapy in some detail since my Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in January this year. He takes a range of suppliments aswell as 1000mgs of Amygdalin(laetrile) tablets a day. He was given 2 months on the 27th of January and although he is still ill and incurable as far as conventionaltreatment is concrned,he's off up to his boat in Edinburgh today for a potter about on the fourth. Here is a web site with a printable Therapy manual on it its a big document but worth a read. [link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/www.worldwithoutcancer.org ]www.worldwithoutcancer.org[/link]

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RE: A possible Cancer remedy


Have you any more information as I couldn't get that link to work, my sister has just been told that here breast cancer cells have spread to her bones and just wondered if 1000mgs of Amygdalin(laetrile) would help would like to find out more.


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It would certainly be worth trying,It is cyanide and explodes when it comes into contact with cancer cells....or otherwise just passes out of the body. There is a certain cure for cancer via this method and it has been known about for 35 years or so..........keeping very quiet for some reason though!!!

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I have posted fairly recently information on Phillip Day's sites where there is plenty to read on alternative therapies.

I would also add that it is probably imperative to consume an alkaline producing wholefood diet in order for the chemistry of the body to function better and support its own immune system - google 'alkaline diet' and plenty comes up. The best option is to find a registered nutritional therapist to guide the patient through the process of supporting someone with the problem.

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Hi SeaWay, I have been taking that 'evil laetrile' B-17 (the FDA said it-it must be true) for a number of years. It's amazing, as evil as it is, I feel great! The only thing I might dispute with you is the fact that the cyanide is released with the interaction with the cancer cells. Otherwise, to my knowledge, it is expelled normally.

gazza, you mentioned your Dad before in a earlier post-I never tire of hearing stories like that !

Jualsy-always nice to from you! I'm still doing great. Hmmmm.....you know, there might be someting to this natural healing-lol!!


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Before I was introduced to Adelle Davis's books 38 years ago I was always ill and beating a track to the doctors. Since taking mega doses of vitamins and following the route she recommends in all aspects of illness I have hardly been to the doctor since then.......three times I think!!!
The information about cancer is not in her books, but staying healthy must help, and Philip Days books are amazing.
No one wants the truth to get out.........but its out there!!

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There is a certain cure for cancer via this method and it has been known about for 35 years or so..........keeping very quiet for some reason though!!!

Wait - are you claiming on an open forum that you have a certain cure for cancer?


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Me? No....but the cure is out there.....personal and ongoing experiences.
It may seem hard to believe, but we need to see things as they really are in this world, then its not so hard to believe.

I always do research on things like this....the cure for epilepsy is amazing and works all the time, the killer of cancer cells is truly remarkable too....read Philip day books....he is amazing and a real fighter for the cause. Look the books up on Amazon.

Onwards and upwards!

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Me? No....but the cure is out there. Check out the testimonial I posted on the apricot seed site above....personal and ongoing experiences.

It may seem hard to believe, but we need to see things as they really are in this world, then its not so hard to believe.

I always do research on things like this....the cure for epilepsy is amazing and works all the time, the killer of cancer cells is truly remarkable too....read Philip day books....he is amazing and a real fighter for the cause. Look the books up on Amazon.


Reading and buying into one person's theory is not quite the same thing as research. I apologise in advance if I read you wrong on this. Did you actually carry out any research yourself?

I tend to discount testimonials out of hand since there are so many fake testimonials out there. Just look at the lies in the slimming industry for example.....

Cancer is a very emotive subject - I would think most of us on here have friends or relations who have been affected by cancer at some stage - hence my questioning.
Do you have any validated research references which shows how cancer cells are killed, or how epilepsy is cured?
Or any figures (but not just out of one man's book) to show success rates?


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Personal experience is good enough for me. Reading Adelle Davis and Philip King and having natural health newsletters and going on Forums have always been an inspiration, backing up way and beyond the personal research I have done.

Just type in B17- laetrile into your search engine and see the results.

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Hi Jualsy! I wonder what research is conducted to prove that chemo therapy works?? My friend's cancer has improved immensely since he quit chemo and started taking natural remedies. The doctor acknowledged that the chemo wasn't helping him, but that he should continue taking it anyway. Of course, there's not much money to be made with holistic medicine. Big Pharma will tell you that!


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Bless you for being vocal about this.
Chemo does kill cells......BUT it kills healthy cells as well as cancerous ones and the end result is almost always more medical care, more drug medications.
Mammograms CAUSE breast cancer in women, and then they are recommended to have chemo, and so the plan goes on.

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Philip Day has a lot of good stuff to say in his books, and his quotes and research come from many people, doctors and consultants in the field of medicine so it isn't just about one guys theories.

A friend of mine is undergoing radiotherapy on the side of her neck, they made her a face mask to protect her face from the radiotherapy - but of course that wasn't enough. She has burns on her neck, chin, back of head, her mouth is full of ulcers, couldn't speak or eat solids for 6 weeks.

What a barbaric treatment, is this all we have in the year 2009 to treat cancer?

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You should know the answer to that already.:):)

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You should know the answer to that already.:):)

and of course I do! 😀

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Someone recently said that when hospital beds are empty loads of people are out of business.............so why do things that make people healthy??

The doctor who was treating my friend with chemo KNEW she was doing something else as she just kept getting better and the cancer was clearing up.....not what he expected!! BUT he wasn't even interested in knowing what it was.....he just said "Whatevre you are doing, keep doing it" end of story..........she got well.

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It would certainly be worth trying,It is cyanide and explodes when it comes into contact with cancer cells....or otherwise just passes out of the body. There is a certain cure for cancer via this method and it has been known about for 35 years or so..........keeping very quiet for some reason though!!!

Just to be certain.... you are claiming a certain cure for cancer?


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We all need to do personal research, have personal experiences and make out own decisions. There is enough information out there to prove that there is a cure for cancer, and I have seen it work, so my doubts have gone.

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Mammograms CAUSE breast cancer in women, and then they are recommended to have chemo, and so the plan goes on.

I'd love to know the source of this information, as I've mentioned elsewhere, Mammograms DONT CAUSE BREAST CANCER. A woman or man has a mammogram when a lump or change is detected. Or that person is of a certain age when mammograms are rountinely offered as part of a health check. This is because a mammogram is a diagnostic tool, if the cancer cells are there they usually are seen (but not always - depends on the type) - it is just a name of a particular type of xray machine. Before anyone says - natural radiation is all around us all the time.


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I am not actually claimaing anything either way, butis an interesting read on mammography, especially paragraph 5.

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Having your breasts squeezed into a machine is not normal and having it done every year at that even worse.

Philip Day's books mention mammograms and their link to cancer.

A woman or man has a mammogram when a lump or change is detected

A woman after a certain age is advised to have a mammogram every year regardless of whether there is a lump or not.

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I gave up having mamograms years ago after having my first one!! It was painful.
Same with what would happen if I was found to have cancer.... no way would I have the chemo or the radiotherapy. I would go for the results I have seen by using the natural methods and take my chances!

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The Healthypages moderating team would like to remind everybody that the views expressed on the forums are those of individuals and not those of the Healthypages site itself.

We would also remind members that in many countries, including the UK, it is in fact illegal to make claims of "cure" via any method of complementary/holistic/natural method and most certainly illegal to make claim of cures for cancer. Therefore, it is advised that members refrain from using the word "cure" or making claims of "cure" when discussing matters on public forums.

We understand that this particular topic is an emotive one and that some people may have found benefit from methods other than orthodox medicine, to the point that their original condition may no longer exist, but we do ask that care is taken when choosing your wording, for your own benefit.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

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We have lost family members who had cancer and went on to have chemo, then died within weeks of treatment.
But I have also heard of people who have made full recoveries after chemo.

Personally I wouldn’t have chemo, I made my decision when I felt a lump, I was scared. But before my appointment came through my decision was made, absolutely no chemo and no mammogram either.
The lump was checked out using ultrasound and turned out to be normal tissue.

At the end of the day for me it is chemo v nature and each of us are entitled to make a decision and be supported whichever choice is made.

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Really interesting post of mammograms.

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Hi Louisa

Yes, I have made a similar decision. I saw what chemo did to my brother and it didn't stop it spreading. If I knew then what I know now, I would have explained the route I'd take and then he'd have been able to make his own choice. As it was he was no other obvious choice and he is no longer with us. Whether the alternative route would have saved him we'll never know, but he'd have had a far more comfortable passage - I was shocked at the effect the chemo had on him.

A healthy diet and lifestyle is paramount to supporting one' immune system, ensuring regular juicing when it's under pressure.

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Just had a look at the article and it didnt emphasise that the women who were having mamograms at an early age were being screened because their famillies had a history of breast cancer and were more likely to have breast cancer themselves, hence finding out that they did have it.

This article didnt mention the squeezing of breast also agrivates the cells, which other articles have done so in their words, increasing the spread of cancerous cells! For info cancer spreads via your lymph and blood systems, it is your bodys auto-immune system which is overwhelmed by the duplication of the cancer cells whatever type you have.

I believe that everyone has a 50/50 chance of getting anything, if your immune system is low. The more I read about acidity being high or low, leads me to conclude that this may, and I stress may have an effect on how your body fights back (you need to aim for low, via a health diet).

Finally to all those HP's who have lost friends and familly due to cancers of any kind, they have at least tried to help not only themselves but those who have been left behind, by using the methods we have today has helped to understand how the cancers spread and they were brave enough to at least try, which in some people stopped the cancer but in others sadly it didnt.


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Unfortunately, Fudge, there are many that will disagree with your statement. Google, at your leisure, 'mammograms cancer'. There are 11,800,000 entries and as with most things, there are pros and cons. Having said that, take special note of how many rads a woman will experience over a period of 20 years, the cumulative effect of radiation (it doesn't just go away), and how the latest findings are telling women to limit their exposure to radiation and how it has caused such a furor in the for profit cancer industry.

I feel you are absolutely correct about acidity in cancer patients-I was one of them. You can Google that, too. Doesn't it make you wonder ,sometimes, how there has NEVER been ANY natural product approved for ANYTHING with regard to cancer? Dr. Linus Pauling was ridiculed for his stand on Vit-C, although it was found to eradicate scurvy from this planet. There are so many others who suffer the same fate as he. I guess I am called a cancer survivor, but I really don't like that term. It has connotations of 'hanging on for dear life' and that could not be farther from the truth. I am in the best health and condition of my life. I am getting back into running condition after arthroscopic surgery-only doing a mile or so per day. Natural healing goes under a microscope daily while chemo runs rough-shod over it with absolutely no proof of it's effectiveness.


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