Hi everyone, i wondered if i might be able to get some advice? My mum has had a lump in her neck for some time, she's been to the doctors about this. They did some blood tests and said they were all clear. She has since been referred to the hospital on numerous occasions for them to take aspirations which they said were not able to give results without a scan. Mum went for the scan today and the doctors took two biopsies. We have to wait two weeks for the results.
Has anyone been through anything like this before, i have searched the net for some idea about what the outcome may be and i know it doesn't look good.
I'm not sure what the likeliness of cancer is and i don't know what to think.
Any advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
RE: A lump in the neck?
Hi LittleJ
Before you start to think the worst it is best to see what comes up in the results. For now try not to think of what the lump might be, because it could be a number of things and it is really positive that the blood tests were clear. I'm not going to go into my experience yet, but if you need help once your Mum gets the results, please keep in touch.
RE: A lump in the neck?
LittleJ - have pm'd you.
J x
RE: A lump in the neck?
Thank you for the advice, i know its just a matter of waiting! Thanks for the pm, i'll keep you posted!
RE: A lump in the neck?
It could be a cyst. Try not to worry about it. I know it must be hard.