Have been suffering lower back pain & sciatic like pain down my R hip which has progressively got worse for almost 1 1/2yrs.Pain is now more located around my sacrum R buttock & down the side of the R hip. Have been seeing physio for 7months with little help for the sciatica. Saw a chiropractor about a month ago who on examination told me the lower bones in my sacral ilaic region were immobile & my R hip had been rotated backwards possibly due to an anterior delivery of my Daughter 7yrs ago. My R leg was an inch shorter than my left. On leaving there was just a centimetre difference.
Since then the back pain is easier but the sciatica remains despite a couple more visits & by now a very overdrawn bank account. The pain through my buttock & hip is at times excrutiating, & for some months now i have had pins & needles down right into my toes & often numbness too.
I am doing back strengthening exercises & pelvic floor exercises & am taking co-codamol & volterol like smarties but nothing seems to help.
The pain is at it's worse when sitting in a car & unfortunately i have a long car journey in 2wks time.
I have been trying to read up on piriformis syndrome & sacro iliac joint disfunction but am none the wiser.
My GP is about as much use as a chocolate teapot & says the pain will eventually go with back exercises or has offered to refer me to a spinal physio. He won't send me for any tests unless i can't walk!!!!!
Am off to see an osteopath tomorrow to see if that helps
Can anyone advise any other way to relieve this pain?????
get another Dr. One that leaves you in pain , isnt a good Dr at all. Sounds to me like you have disc issues , that are pressing on the nerves , causing the leg pain . Even if it takes a long time to find another Dr. Start looking now . Some Dr's just don't seem to get it or care , as they are not the ones living your life.
Can anyone advise any other way to relieve this pain?????
I used to suffer from sciatica, but now haven't had it for 10 years. The cause of mine was due to 3 reasons; an injury that took abut 4cm from, poor posture and not using my back correctly when doing heavy work, like digging the garden.
I soon realised that if I was going to be pain free, I'd have to do something about it myself. So I did the reseach, worked on my posture, used support when digging and made sure I lifted things correctly.
Now I've been pain free for at leat 10 years. It didn't get rid of the pain over night and it took several months, but the difference was amazing.
As they say the best cure is prevention and taking the cause away cured the pain.
I hope the osteopath was more use. It sounds a lot like the hip pain I suffered in pregnancy, due to problems with the symphis pubis - but the osteo will diagnose and treat it properly I am sure. Have you suffered any kind of jarring injury/fall that affected both legs at different angles? My osteo said he had seem similar injuries in rugby players, headbutted in the pelvis during a scrum (he also said they were a lot less stoical than the pregnant women he treated for the same problems!)
I found a sacro-iliac support belt helpful, even with a bump, and at one point when I had a long journey the osteo literally taped my pelvis up with reel on reel of surgical tape, to try to stop it twisting and moving like it shouldnt...
I hope you are more comfortable soon anyway,
Twisted pelvis is the origin to many problems. Not many can correct it efficiently. For me it took 15 years to find help.
Have been suffering lower back pain & sciatic like pain down my R hip which has progressively got worse for almost 1 1/2yrs.Pain is now more located around my sacrum R buttock & down the side of the R hip. Have been seeing physio for 7months with little help for the sciatica. Saw a chiropractor about a month ago who on examination told me the lower bones in my sacral ilaic region were immobile & my R hip had been rotated backwards possibly due to an anterior delivery of my Daughter 7yrs ago. My R leg was an inch shorter than my left. On leaving there was just a centimetre difference.
Since then the back pain is easier but the sciatica remains despite a couple more visits & by now a very overdrawn bank account. The pain through my buttock & hip is at times excrutiating, & for some months now i have had pins & needles down right into my toes & often numbness too.
I am doing back strengthening exercises & pelvic floor exercises & am taking co-codamol & volterol like smarties but nothing seems to help.
The pain is at it's worse when sitting in a car & unfortunately i have a long car journey in 2wks time.
I have been trying to read up on piriformis syndrome & sacro iliac joint disfunction but am none the wiser.
My GP is about as much use as a chocolate teapot & says the pain will eventually go with back exercises or has offered to refer me to a spinal physio. He won't send me for any tests unless i can't walk!!!!!
Am off to see an osteopath tomorrow to see if that helps
Can anyone advise any other way to relieve this pain?????
This all groups in the area of "Cold" energies and
the state of bones in general is also controlled by Cold.
You asked for advice on relieving the pain.
I can give you some (a little) professional advice.
Try a small heel-lift in the shorter leg (cut a piece of carpet or cork tile to fit your shoe heel and place inside the shoe).
Make sure your back is supported during your car journey. Use a rolled-up towel in the small of your back for support.
Don't expect the sciatica to suddently improve, especially if you have been taking anti-inflamms.
Insist your GP refers you for further tests. If he/she won't then change GPs.
Hope this is useful.
(Consultant Podiatrist)
Try a small heel-lift in the shorter leg.
Try to find some manual therapist who will correct that twisted pelvis and short leg problem (and pains) disappear.
Cure for twisted sacram and hip
Hello...I was inspired to join this forum and write just because I want people to know this information and I wanted to reply to the lady who has pain in the sacram, hip, buttock. I first had pain there when I was 42 (3 years ago) and a friend recommended an Osteo. This 75 year old experienced Osteo knew exactly what the problem was by getting me to raise my legs alternately to my chest whilst standing and looking at me from behind and feeling the nobbly bits above my dimples near the buttocks. Got me to lie on my front and then back and pressed my hip and sacram back to where they should be. 3 years of no problem at all. In the last 6 months the same problem returned. I had lost older Osteo's details and went to a school of osteo and was seen by 2 experts/instructors. Several sessions and a bit of massage and not much else later I wasn't better. Eventually found the previous Osteo details and went to see him. His simple test...a painless couple of pushes to my hip etc...I'm cured. This lasted 4 days. Back again to see him and once again his simple test, told me my hip is again rotated in alterior and sacram twisted. Cured me again. Sadly hip and sacram have stuck since. I don't know why but essentially the advice I wanted to share was that my osteo knows his stuff. To know exactly what the problem is and to cure it instantly is nothing short of a miracle. He told me he fixes 5-6 of these a day and says it is the most most common reason for back pain. I hope other Osteos read this as I'm sure this is something not used enough. Such a simple and instantly effective cure. He doesn't hold out much hope of preventing it happening as he believes strengthening core muscles is futile. Once this happens, unfortunately it seems to be something that is a habit the body gets into. I'm still researching the prevention / permanent cure. Good luck!
I had/have this. The true name for this is antalgic scoliosis. Is your pelvis tilted to one side, with you leaning to one side too? I originally thought I had a back strain or piriformis problem. That was being optimistic. I had an MRI scan and they diagnosed it as being a large central prolapsed disc. I saw no improvment for months, and yesterday had the surgery. I don't know if I will improve because if your main symptom is the twisted pelvis, you will not see an improvement for weeks or months.
I know this may sound alarming because we all wish it is something easier to deal with and something that will go away in time. I cried the day I saw my MRI scan results. I cried and cried after being that way. I had to stop everything. Studying, workig, going out. I am unable to go out. I don't know if the op will make me better.Don't rely on a chiropractor to diagnose you. Thos guys don't know what they are talking about. They just like taking your money. Go to an Orthopaedic surgeon. Get an MRI. You cannot rely on someone who does jo proper diagnostic tests.
I am suffering from anterior pelvic tilt. Although an osteopath can perform manipulations to give you a short term relief it is imperative to actually find the cause of the issue. 99% of the time it's due to muscle imbalances and posture. You need someone with expert knowledge in posture and muscle imbalances to work out which muscles are weak, tight, short, long, inactive and do the right rehab to correct them. I am in the process of doing this and although it will take some time I believe there is a time when it will be cured. I think a lot of the problem is to do with weight distribution when standing, tight and weak hip flexors and weak glutes.
Have been suffering lower back pain & sciatic like pain down my R hip which has progressively got worse for almost 1 1/2yrs.Pain is now more located around my sacrum R buttock & down the side of the R hip. Have been seeing physio for 7months with little help for the sciatica. Saw a chiropractor about a month ago who on examination told me the lower bones in my sacral ilaic region were immobile & my R hip had been rotated backwards possibly due to an anterior delivery of my Daughter 7yrs ago. My R leg was an inch shorter than my left. On leaving there was just a centimetre difference.
Since then the back pain is easier but the sciatica remains despite a couple more visits & by now a very overdrawn bank account. The pain through my buttock & hip is at times excrutiating, & for some months now i have had pins & needles down right into my toes & often numbness too.
I am doing back strengthening exercises & pelvic floor exercises & am taking co-codamol & volterol like smarties but nothing seems to help.
The pain is at it's worse when sitting in a car & unfortunately i have a long car journey in 2wks time.
I have been trying to read up on piriformis syndrome & sacro iliac joint disfunction but am none the wiser.
My GP is about as much use as a chocolate teapot & says the pain will eventually go with back exercises or has offered to refer me to a spinal physio. He won't send me for any tests unless i can't walk!!!!!
Am off to see an osteopath tomorrow to see if that helps
Can anyone advise any other way to relieve this pain?????
Find normal therapist who specialises in sacral torsion and hip dysfunction.....
This is common issue in my clinic