Newbie with facet j...
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Newbie with facet joint cyst

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Hi all,
I have been reading on internet about the problem I have and thought I would post on here as there is quite a bit of info about facet joint cysts but not really much from people who have had them.
I am 61 and have suffered from back pains for a few years coupled with bouts of sciatica. In 2005 I had really bad sciatica and after several weeks my GP sent me for an xray which showed disc degeneration L2 to L5 but implied that nothing could be done except to keep taking the pills and he would send me for some physio. The physio did traction a couple of times but it didn't help so went to private chiropractor who did manage to relieve my pain and got me moving again.
Since then have had sciatica a few times but never was as bad until this September when I started with pains in back of left thigh and calf right down to my toes. I assumed it was the sciatica again. Slowly the pain got worse coupled with numbness in my foot so went to GP and after MRI and visit to consultantant I now know I have left sided facet joint cyst L5 to S1 1.5cm wide by 6mm long and it is compressing the nerve.
I am going in hospital on Tuesday 6th December to have the cyst removed, and whatever else they need to do.
I am in real agony now most of the time, so will be relieved when it is done but am quite frightened at the same time. They tell me I will never be pain free as there is too much disc degeneration but as long as this 'headbanging type' pain goes I will be happy.
Ta for reading,

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Hi Jill, Welcome 🙂

I have facet joint problems and the pain is pretty horrendous so I do really sympathise with you, I hope the surgery helps give you some relief, good luck, and look forward to hearing about the experience 🙂

Do they have any reason why the cyst formed?

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Thanks Cassie for replying. Here is an explanation of where the cyst comes from:

Synovial cysts are benign, fluid-filled sacs that develop in the facet joints of the lumbar spine as a result of degeneration. If large enough, these sacs can cause spinal stenosis - a narrowing of the spinal canal that places pressure on spinal nerves and causes pain.
The synovium is a thin film of tissue that produces fluid to help lubricate the joints. When facet joints in the lumbar spine begin to degenerate, this fluid may build up in an attempt to protect the joint. In some patients, small amounts of the fluid escape from the joint capsule but remain within the synovium, creating a sac-like protrusion. These cysts are not under tremendous pressure and, even if quite large, rarely cause neurological problems or cauda equina (loss of bowel or bladder function).

Unfortunately for me my cyst has caused a problem, apart from compressing the nerve, the consultant thinks it might be attached to the dura, the membrane that encloses the spinal cord. I don't think I want to to think about that!!

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Thanks for that 🙂

I am sure you will be fine, have a restful weekend and don't think about it. Look forward to speaking to you after, painfree 🙂

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Whoohooooo!! 😮 Got a call from consultant's secretary today and someone had cancelled their op so I am going tomorrow for 7am.

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Whoohooooo!! 😮 Got a call from consultant's secretary today and someone had cancelled their op so I am going tomorrow for 7am.

Brilliant, that means it should all be over for you by now, sending lots of good wishes and reiki xxxx

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Whoohooooo!! 😮 Got a call from consultant's secretary today and someone had cancelled their op so I am going tomorrow for 7am.

I hope all went well jill, and you recovering in comfort!

Get back when you feel able, you know where we are!

Best wishes and kind thoughts from all:)


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Hi Cassie and Spinelf and everyone else..
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I am feeling so much better and can't believe the difference a day can make! Operation went well, Left sided facet joint removal and decompression. Needed quite a bit of morphine afterwards.
I still have a little nerve pain in my leg and 3 inch wound on my back. The cyst was wrapped around the dura and removal caused a dural tear which leaked spinal fluid so I had to have 48 hours bed rest while the glue they use to seal it works. That meant instead of 24 hours in hospital I was in 4 days but I didn't mind. I was in the Derby Royal ward 203 and I have to say many thanks to them for the care they gave me. The staff were lovely but the food was awful.
I am moving about well although on elbow crutches. Wound redressed today and is looking good according to practice nurse, back next Wednesday,
Leg nerve pain may take a while to go, if it is going to, doctors said, but at least now it is minute compared to last week.
So sitting here feeling happy today. 🙂
Good Luck to anyone about to have surgery.

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Brilliant news and you are so lucky to have it sprung on at the last minute like that 🙂

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

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Oh dear, pain stepped up a notch last night and is still bothering me this am. Was I too pleased with myself too early? Maybe I have done too much? I am on Gabapentin, Diclofenac and Paracetomol and it is still there more than it was yesterday.:(

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It is still very early days, and often people find there is a flare up post op as everything settles so I presume this will also occur with your op, take it easy and rest a bit more and if you are worried ring your gp or another medical bod.

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Another update!
The pain in my leg seems to have settled again, I can still feel the nerve pain now and again but not enough to bother me. I guess the pain killers are working well.
Went to GP's for dressing to be changed on Friday, all fine. On Sunday morning dressing appeared to be leaking fluid and had been doing so all night by the looks of it, Quite wet and leaking round the side. Had to call 'out of hours' service who sent a nurse to investigate. She redressed it but had no knowledge of why a small hole in the wound was oozing, so after conversation with 'on call' doctor I had to go to A and E. They had to call an Orthopaedocs Doctor to take a look, took 3 lots of blood etc. In the end they thought I was ok, redressed the wound and let me go home with instructions to visit GP nurse again on Monday.
Monday - still leaking, redressed and appt for Tuesday. Then in the pm had phone call from Consultant's secretary requesting that I visit Spinal Unit outpatients tomorrow as they knew I had been to A and E.
Tuesday - redressed the wound today and still leaking. Has come through dressing again!!
Does any one know why this is happening?:(
So this space!!

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I'm feeling gutted for you!

They would appear to have failed to close your incision site correctly, i'm am so sorry! I am also very sorry to see, that none of your Medics, seem to be treating your 'new and serious' condition with any kind of urgency, nor any concern for the possibility of infection.

Please make sure they take your condition seriously the next time you see someone Jill. If they don't, give them hell!!!

I am so very glad that you are 'otherwise' feeling fine in yourself.:)

Best wishes


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Oh Jill that is not good, that needs to be sorted so hopefully when they see you today they will put your mind at rest and fix it.,

Sending you lots of good wishes xxxxxx

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Well, been to hospital today, still leaking! Saw Registrar and he feels certain that what is leaking is serous fluid which is not unusual it seems. They say the hole is the size of a pin prick.
They do not think there is any infection but they have taken a swab and I have to go back on Tuesday next week for them to have another look and get the results. In the meantime I am back at the surgery for redressing tomorrow.:confused:
Ho Hum....

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Ho Hum, Hi Ho, at least you must be feeling a little more at ease?

How does it feel otherwise?

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Hi all - another update

Hubbie been doing dressings since last Friday which saved me keep going to surgery. Nurse quite happy with that.
On Monday there was no discharge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, just a tiny spot, so when I visited hospital Tuesday they were pleased and said if I went 2 days with no discharge I could leave dressing off. Swab test was ok. They asked about the pain in leg which I still have especially first thing in morning, it wakes me up, and if I try to walk too far. (Yesterday I went to Ikea and Boy! have I suffered for it) They keep repeating it will take some months for the pain to subside!
Soooo, now I am dressing free! I have to go back in 1 month.

I am getting my life back!!!!!

And just want to say Happy Christmas to everyone and hope we all feel better in 2012!

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Hi all - another update

I am getting my life back!!!!!

And just want to say Happy Christmas to everyone and hope we all feel better in 2012!

Hiya Jill.

Happy new year!!

I am so pleased you are improving at last. Heres hoping you continue to get your life back in 2012!:)

Very best of wishes!

