Hi, I haven't posted for a while - I'm now 11 months post discectomy and doing really well but my poor dad now seems to be the one with a problem back.
He is 62 but as fit as a fiddle! Thursday he was out walking when he said he developed low back pain - he said he could feel the muscles slowly spasming in his lower back to the point where he couldnt bend to put the dogs lead on.
He had to lie down as the pain was excrutiating so he went to bed and has been there since! His back whenever he moves it spasms right up and he is in agony. He rang the GP and they prescribed Solpadol 1000mg and Naprosyn 250mg but he just can't get upright.
He's having all his toileting in bed at the moment - he simply can't move to stand up as he can feel the muscles grip up tight every time.
Any ideas how he can start to improve the situation? Should he be forcing himself to move? The tablets are making him really groggy and I'm worried as I can't see how he's going to get better...He'll ring the GP tomorrow but it bed rest and medication all that he can do? any ideas will be warmly appreciated! x
Sorry you Dad is in such a state!
I'd ring an osteopath and see if they will visit him at home - they will do I'm sure in a case like this.
The other thing that can help with pain is - a practitioner can guide you with sequences for tapping over the phone - find one [DLMURL="http://www.aamet.org/search/search-aamet-members-test.html"]here[/DLMURL].
Love, Light and Healing to your Dad.
To be fair I think if I was in that situation I would have gone to A&E. Painkillers and bed rest don't seem a good enough prescription without a thorough examination. What if there is a serious situation?
Please push for more help, ring the local hospital, demand an mri and xray. I am sure that my local A&E will see someone within 5 days of an accident or onset, otherwise it is not deemed important enough and the person must go through the normal slow gp route. Sadly I left mine over the bank hol weekend and then had to wait two weeks for investigations, my gp said I should've gone straight to A&E who would've done them there and then.
Good luck and hope your dad is better very soon.
Thanks all
I've called him this afternoon and thankfully he has managed to get out of bed. He says as long as he doesn't stand completely upright he can manage to shuffle to the bathroom etc.
He's a bit weak and giddy as he's been up to his eyeballs on painkillers etc and lying in bed for 4 days hasn't helped. My mother is looking after him so hopefully now that he can actually move around a bit things may free up in his back.
I think he has a trapped nerve... 🙁
Ah best wishes to your dad, it is so wrong that you need to come on here and ask questions such as this, what on earth do GPs get paid for, they are a total waste of space.
I will channel some reiki energy to him.
It sounds, though don't quote me on it, as sciatica. I'd take him to a&e and even if they decline to see you straight away, calmly say you're not moving till you've been looked at. They can't refuse to not see someone as that's wilful neglect and can be sued in court.
If you massage his back lightly, it will increase blood flow and the bodies natural painkillers to help the area. Also if his pain meds are too much, go back to the GP, they prescribe strong stuff straight away as their aim is to immediately remove the pain and will review it and decrease as necessary. Better to have someone on too much analgesia than too little.
I had a similar episode to that last year 🙁 Visited GP who said it looked like L4 disc was out, sent me to a chiropractor who agreed. I had been lifting a heavy machine the day before 😮
Friend suggested I get a copy of Treat your own back by Robin McKenzie, did just that & followed the exercises with great success, have since come across a number of people who
swear by it.
Do your own research though 🙂
Is your dad doing better? A muscle spasm is the manifestation of a global imbalance of the body. Decreasing the tension of the low back muscles will help however the pain can always return unless the global tension of the body is decreased. Alexander technique works on decreasing this global tension by helping you to use more efficiently your body. Also, scientific data supports that the Alexander technique is effective for treating chronic low back pain. Let me know how it goes!