I'm 32 and I'm having discectomy with wallis stabilisation next week on L4 L5
Obviously I'm pretty worried about the op, but more so that I don't know what to expect after, I know whilst I'm in hospital i'll be fine, but then what? There doesn't seem to be any post-op plans.
I live on my own, in a 3rd floor flat (30 stairs and no lift!), it's not designed for post-op to say the least, I wont be alone for the first few days, but after that I will be, and really I don't know I'm going to cope or not, my family live miles away and I don't have anyone dependable to help me out. At the moment I don't know how I'm going to even eat anything, I've got no room for storing food in the fridge or freezer ,and both of those and the oven are low anyway, and I'm sure there is plenty of other stuff which will prove improbable to do too..
I've been trying to get across to people that I'm worried but I don't seem to be getting any practical advice and its doing my head in, my doctor says they will tell me before I leave what to expect, but come on, I want to know now, I need to be able to at least try to prepare.
Has anyone had a similar experience/ or can give me any advice?
I think you are doing the right thing asking here, we have many people that can give you first hand experience.
Can you move things you will need to a higher level on a table perhaps, pots, pans, plates etc and get in a stock of canned and dried food/ Also investigate deliveries, maybe a local shop might be able to help you and bring the stuff up to your door and inside.
Bending will be out for a long while, as will lifting and carrying. Maybe you can get a daily helper from the benefits office or volunteer from the gp?
I don't think they will let you go home alone so the hospital should make arrangements even though you say you will have a little help.
Good Luck.
I hope you get some peace of mind with all of this soon. Shame your in Brighton or I would pop by to help you. I wonder though are there not any Brighton HPers out there who could rally themselves round?
Best Wishes, let us know how you get on.
Thank you both for your kind advice
How you doing?