I have just had an MRI doneprivately with the basic results as above heading.Suffering pain for over 4 years, paying Osteopaths, Physiotherapists etc lots of cash, buying TENS machines and taking different medication to noavail, I only wish I'd had the MRI earlier and I would have been nearer a solution. For the sake of £280 it was ridiculous but no-one told me that the NHS couldn't afford the MRI or that I could pay for one myself with the result that4 Drs and 1 orthopaedic consultant and 1 pain consultant refused me an MRI saying I wouldn't gain anything and "strung" me along with so-called pain relievers none of which worked. I'm just not prepared to sit around and feel sorry for myself and need to get going
Anyone struggling with the same thing as me, forget alternative medicine, JUST GO AND HAVE AN MRI - it costs £280 at a Lodestone Scanner - you get your film within 48 hrs with a report - if you are sufferingits not worth the wait for the NHS - 12 weeks to see a consultant and 18 weeks for the scan.
At least I now know whats wrong. I know everyone is different but is there anyone who can give me any advice on my treatment?Even the bad news. I am not used to the terminology used by the professionals but know about fusion and replacement discs. Also I have been reading about the Wallis systemand the trials that are going onbut don't know anyone in the UK who might help even if it were appropriate. If there is anyone out there with some experience and knowledge got any ideas I would be eternally grateful - I'm just sick of being fobbed off with medication.
Don't get me wrong, I was quite willing to try anything until I got my MRI but I think now its serious stuff - I know whats wrong and I need to go down the right direction if I am going privately. I feel that the NHS has failed me for 4 years (maybe private treatment might too)but I'd like to ask peoples' view on the treatment asvailable.
RE: Disc bulge and facet joint degeneraton
Same with me, I was told there would not be an MRI unless I could not walk, work or was unable to control my bowels !!. Like you I paid for my own scan and report, it came back as having the bottom 2 discs degenerated and dessicated. I have tried Chiro,Osteo,Physio (On the NHS-they think it cures everything !!), Accupuncture, Pilates and I have got facet joint injections at the end of the month.
I have studied surgical options (AS A LAST RESORT) for the future, I am definately drawn into ADR as opposed to a fusion. Before this crap I cycled 17 miles a day, single figure golfer etc. This DDD has had a devastating effect on my life. Don't know about ADR on the NHS, but you'll probably aware that you can fly to Germany and have it done there, but it's expensive, about 15k. I have had this for just over a year now, and have been at the bottom of a dark pit with it, I've now decided to fight the B*stard, even though I can't afford it !!
RE: Disc bulge and facet joint degeneraton
sounds you are EXACTLY like me. However, I think the problem (with me anyway) has been there all the time but somehow somethings triggered it off AND the drs doing nothing about it) Its not for me to say but there are other options than the NHS did you look up the Wallis system? Yes I do know about Germany but my Consultant's eyebrows were raised when he brought it up (I didn't bring the subject up - he did). There are ways and means in the US too. Post me a message when you've looked up the Wallis system and tell me what you think.
RE: Disc bulge and facet joint degeneraton
Can you see the disk bulging out on your MRI and does the degerative disk look flat and black? I have degneration of the facet joint and they keep classing together and irritataing nerves going into my leg. I may go down the route of facet joint injections soon....
I have found that improving posture and strengthing the core stabalising muscles helps but it takes time for these changes to come through
RE: Disc bulge and facet joint degeneraton
I'm sitting here today and feeling quite desperate - like everyone else. NHS fails us. I don't think facet joint injections help, I asked a lot of people, a neighbour has had 4, a yoga colleague 1 (incidentally she is the only one whose had one 6 years ago and it worked but the pain is coming back) I've seen 4 drs (none of them wanted me to have an MRI scan) and a consultant at a pain clinic said facet joint injections in the majority of cases don't work - you can't get better advice than that plus its £1,000 for the pleasure and where I live I'd be lucky to get one (12 weeks to see a consultant) 18 weeks for treatment.
No I didn't look at my scans, I haven't a clue how to read them, I'm a housewife not a back surgeon but my scan report says "disc bulging and face joint degeneration/buckling and the surgeon knew how to read them. I sympathise with the pain, no sooner had I taken my TENS machine and chillie cream to a neighbour who has the same problem, my back started playing up but I seem to take the edge off with co-codimol the stronger ones 60mg paracetamol 30 mg codeine make me dozey so I usually only take 2 of those when I go to bed. However, I do dose myself up during the day with the less stronger ones. Have you asked the dr for chillie cream? It is very good but there are downsides, you have to use it regularly and a speck of it on your hands (even if you wash them after you have applied it) can just about raise the roof. I had to stop using it as in bed as in my sleep I burnt my face and eyes. TENS machine is good for taking the pain away, don't buy the Boots one its not very robust, I can probably find you the telephone number if you telephone me
My bum is the worse, the pain is terrible. I sit sometimes at the computer with a hot water bottle and burnt my back last week which resulted in blisters. BE CAREFUL we all get desperate.
Yes, I was pretty fit too in fact I bought a house in Spain to go walking and since I signed on the dotted line 4 years ago all I can do is get in the car, walk round the supermarket, and back out again. Not much fun is it?
If anyone would like to phone me please PM/e-mail in the first instance via HP. Ican phone you back (free phone calls) that way I won't get unsolicited emails either. I am doing something very constructive, and yes, I do feel confident what I'm doing but you may not feel you want to do the same thing but at least I can share what I'm doing with you and put you in touch with someone help. Why is it that all our working lives we save for our retirement and in our years of need the NHS fails us and we have to spend our hard earned savings on private treatment.
Edit: e-mail address removed, to protect from the risk of sp*m
Private MRI scans and facet injections
In a way, the doctors who refused to send you for an NHS MRI scan were right from their point of view because the scan hasn't shown anything that changes your treatment. The facet arthritis should have shown up on plain xray.
From your point of view you wanted to actually see what was causing your pain and be sure that there was nothing more serious so you were approaching the problem from a different angle and it is quite reasonable to have a scan privately in this case providing you are not ripped off on price. £280 is a reasonable deal. There are places doing them for £200 but you would have had to travel to Hereford.
You can get facet joints injected privately too but bear in mind the injections don't always work and even when they do you can only expect a few months of relief. You can get private facet injections for £300 for upto 4 joints but, again you would have to travel to Hereford.
Have a read through here Ive got a similar thing to you and facet joint injections have helped me a bit.
I have posted a message on another thread re martin Knight , it may be usful to anyone considering spinal surgery
Re Mr martin knight
I had had an operation done with Mr knight if anyone requires any info then please contact me.