I had a procedure called a micro discectomy in July this year and all seemed well after surgery until the twelth day. A tightening sensation developed in my lumbar region and this became progressively worse along with the op site erupting with purluent fluid a couple of weeks later. Eventually the medical profession admitted me into hospital and diagnosed spondolodiscitis as the cause of all my grief. Intravenous drugs were given over a 2 week period and afterwards was discharged with heaps of oral medication. However, my well being has not improved and now have issues in the lumbar region that were not evident prior to surgery. My previous issues have all but gone and have been replaced by difficult to diagnose symptoms (no inflammatory markers in the blood count and MRI images appear clear) of acute back and leg ache along with severe spasms eminating from the base of my spine when I am laid flat sleeping. Standing still is also very uncomfortable with pain increasing the longer I am still.
Has anyone encountered anything similar, my medical advisers just hand out pain relief but give no answers.:confused:
Oh Bryzer, I am so sorry, sounds like a right painful mess. I don't have any answers just wanted to say welcome and let you know I am sending you positive thoughts for a speedy recovery.
Hi Bryzer
Welcome to HP. I am sorry things have not gone right following your op, but I too am not going to offer you an answer.
However, may I make a suggestion that you find a qualified [url]Nutritional Therapist [/url]who can help you choose the foods which will benefit your wellbeing? It has been proven that eating the wrong foods can be unhelpful to the healing process.
There is also
Hope you start to recover soon. Love, Light and Healing.
Welcome Bryzer!
Has anyone encountered anything similar, my medical advisers just hand out pain relief but give no answers.:confused:
Sadly, as you will see if you read 'many' of the back threads on this 'back pain' part of the forum, many people have had 'similar' post operative experiences to you, even if their's are not exactly the same.
Serious and previously 'none existent' post-operative symptoms are a common feature of what is 'jokingly' referred to by Medics as 'gold standard spine surgery'. These nerve,
muscle, tissue, tendon, and bone symptoms are due to damages caused during the approch work required to reach the problematic area of the spine. Open Back Spine Surgery and Micro-Discectomy are the most common of these procedures.
The 'Micro' part of the Micro-Discectomy procedure refers to the use of a 'microscope' used to look 'from the outside' at the effected areas in the spine during the operation,
not because it uses the most accurate 'endoscopic' visualisation method to view 'from within the spine itself', nor is it Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS).
Although the tools used are some times smaller with 'micro' than 'open'
It is still too very early to panic at this time Bryzer, as recovery times from these most highly destructive of spinal procedures are 'usually' counted in months and years!
These new problems may be transitory and might improve as time goes by, so keep as active as possible, record your activity and improvements and as CarolineN says,
seek non invasive thearpies.
Do you own research and make sure that Surgeons take any long lasting complaints and symptoms seriously! These may be caused by exesive scarring or leisions and may require further procedures.
Best wishes
Infection following Microdiscectomy
Thanks for your responses and encouragement. Just an update on things. Having been a nuisance to the doctors, I discovered my condition is known as spondylodiscitis coupled with an epidural abscess. This wasn't what I had bargained on when agreeing to the surgery prior to this condition. Wonder if anyone else has this condition. :confused:
Hiya Bryzer!
I had never heard of this before Bryzer, but did find this great site during research:
Your condition sounds gastly! 😮 What are the Consultants doing for you?:confused:
Best wishes
The consultant who performed the discectomy has only had indirect contact with me since my issues following surgery. In fact during my hospitalisation period for the discitis I saw a stand in consultant once and a registrar on the day of my discharge. The support network (post operatively) is very poor:mad:. The GP at the local clinic has been supportive and helpful. Nevertheless, even though the consultant (who has yet to do the follow up from the discectomy) is I'm told up to date with regard to my situation. It would have been nice to have seen him, it's been 4 months now:(.
Hiya Bryzer
The consultant who performed the discectomy has only had indirect contact with me since my issues following surgery. In fact during my hospitalisation period for the discitis I saw a stand in consultant once and a registrar on the day of my discharge. The support network (post operatively) is very poor:mad:. The GP at the local clinic has been supportive and helpful. Nevertheless, even though the consultant (who has yet to do the follow up from the discectomy) is I'm told up to date with regard to my situation. It would have been nice to have seen him, it's been 4 months now:(.
Dammed poor show!!
How are you in yourself Bryzer?
Whats the latest on the spondylodiscitis eradication?
Keep yor chin up butty!!:)
All the best
Thanks for asking about my welfare.Making slow progress, just finished antibiotics and still having blood tests to keep an eye on things. Back always stiff in the lumbar region and night time sleeping always disruptive because of spine and hip ache. Tried pregabilin and amitriptyline with only limited success. Hopefully time will be the healer, little confidence in the consultant who still has yet see me! :rolleyes:.
Hey Bryzer, time is a great healer! Do you sleep with pillows or memory foam? I used to have to prop myself into position to be able to sleep, also the old hot water bottle was brilliant.
Sending you lots of good positive wishes 🙂
Hiya bryzer
Well, without an imput from your Surgeon (who I think is acting like a coward) you can only make yourself comfortable and await the result of the antibiotics! We all really hope that they work for you, the first time round!!
If you need to see a Surgeon again Bryzer, I would suggest giving the last guy a wide berth and ask around the HP Forum, for help in finding a good Surgeon in your area!
Good luck, best wishes and kind thoughts Bryzer, don't be a stranger!:)