Hi there,
I hope I've posted this on the correct forum, I'm looking for some advice regarding my case study who is experiencing lower back pain. I am studying Swedish Massage and I have been treating her for muscle tension presenting in the shoulders and upper back area but prior to our next treatment she has advised that she has hurt her lower back (she has twins and the pain was a result from lifting them up).
I wanted to ask for anyone to share their thoughts as to the muscles I ought to be focusing on in trying to alleviate her discomfort?
Have a look in your A&P books, to locate the main muscle groups. I wouldn't just focus on one area, as I imagine there is alot of spasm going on - work the whole lower back/buttock area then incorporate the whole back. Take account of her reaction if you use too much pressure, and lighten up - "less" is sometimes more effective than "more". I would also be tempted to do some work on abs.
yeah jabba is right work on the whole of the back. i studied sports and remedial massage and the main thing they tell you is that you have to look at the bigger picture for where pain may be arising from. For instance pain in the neck might be directly related to a lower back muscle pulling the whole alignment out and therefore creating tension. Like jabba says be careful of pressure. there are some great books out there that will give great advice on how to look for causes but remember if you're really struggling refer them to a medical professional!
Hi both
Thanks for taking the time to come back to me. Have taken your comments on board.
Thanks again!
First off, if your case study person is in a lot of pain due to muscles in spasm, be careful of the amount of pressure. Light massage till any local inflammation settles down (may need a doctor's visit as anti inflammatories may be required, but that's up to the doc). Once any inflammation is gone, check out gluts, erectors, QLs in the main, but look at other back muscles too. Some CTM and NMT will also help. Stretches for low back and strengthening exercises for abs important in recovery.
Hi both
Thanks for taking the time to come back to me. Have taken your comments on board.
Thanks again!
I find with lower back pain that plently of gentle effluerage including open palm efflurage helps to warm the area and brings some relief. Gentle cross fibre friction can also help but be very careful if there is infalmmation espacially around the spine. If you do any non-manipulative energy work use this if the client gives permission, safer and can really help when combined with massage.
Thanks again for your replies!
I have to hand my case study in this week and all of your advice has been really helpful (and reassuring).
Good luck with your course and with the case studies Applewhite.