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Have You A Story you like to share

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about Autistic child. It all help for mums and dads and teacher familys etc .. to understand about these lovely children.
love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

My Step daughter has Aspergers, she is now 24 years old and she went to Manchester University to study Computer's (not a computer buff myself) When she left Uni she got a job with British Areospace as a programmer writing programms for guided missiles and flight sims.

She has travled all over Europe and the States sorting out programme faults in various systems, she now works for another company doing the same sort of thing. she wont tell me what she does , only that she works for the government.

When she was younger (12) I moved into her life and that was the most difficult situation for to cope with as she did not understand what had happend to her routine with her Mother and Father, (they got divorced and I came on to the scene). I also had two daughters that moved in as well. things were very difficult for over two years untill she realised that I was a permant fixture in her life, she also visited her father during this time and he did not help the situation at all.

Now she has a boyfriend who is understanding and caring for her, and they seem to hit it off together and she is copeing with her life.

If you would like more information from me then just PM me.

David SR

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

David thank you for sharing such a wonderful story.

I was blessed to spend two separate weeks with an Aspergers Adult, amazingly clever but a handful due to the attention he demanded, he was like a spong for spirituality and knew exactly what planet he was from. They are capable of the most wonderful things, intelligent, fast thinkers. creative and so much fun.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Yes David, thank you for shareing a Wonderful story, my son is just coming up to 8 years old and it give me great hopes for him and the future by reading your story about your Step daughter.
love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

My friend's eldest daughter is autistic, she has just had her nineth birthday though we haven't celebrated it because she refuses to acknowledge that she is having one. She is fixated however on christmas, but the only concept she has of that is of presents, she has no concept of father christmas, and if you ask her to help to trim the tree (or even look at it afterwards) shell run from the room. everything has to be done in her time.

She fixates on certain things, at the moment its a dvd of a christmas my little poney, she knows she's got it as she doesn't do surprises very well, but she doesn't want to put it on she knows its for christmas she justs asks every day if it can be put on. When she visits she usually comes with a dvd that she wants to watch and holding it close to her she goes up about three stairs then looks at me (she can talk but her communication skills are not very good) and after I ask her if she wants to watch it she will answer saying come on margaret put it on. (My daughter is the only one in the house so far with a dvd player and its in her room). Then she will only watch it if the room is tidy and even if it is shewill find something to put away which will result in clothes being found in the most unusual of places. her mother has found socks in with barbie clothes.

She doesn't screem or shout, but has her routines and its best to keep to them, she is also an expert shop lifter and her mother and I have often had to remove stuff from her and put it back.

She isn't too bad but shell never be able to work - unless its a cleaning job she's very good at washing up etc as long as its her way! and her mum is never going to have much of a life as she will always have to look after her.

But what can I say she's beautiful, can be extremely funny without knowing it of course but she's ours, she's just who she is and we love her inspite of being driving insane at times.

These children are special, they can make you mad and they can make you happy and the only problem we have with them is that their disability cannot be seen. So when a child is acting up in a shop, its not always a temper tantrum, it could be because the child is mentally disabled.

disabilities do not have to be physical. but inspite of what she has done (and believe me she has done a lot, including taking apart my small garden foundain and turning it into a pond instead) she is who she is and thats perfectly allright with us.

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Hello everyone,

My name is James andI am 19 years old. I have Aspergers Syndrome butI still lead what to me is a normal life. I am a twin and my twin also has AS but he is much more severe than I am. I am one of seven children and my twoyounger brothers and one younger sister also have either AS or autism. I think the reason my mother had so many children was that Nick and I were not diagnosed until we were six years old, when she was pregnant with my youngest sibling.

I hope that by telling people about meI can show them 'inside the mind' of someone with an ASD. I used to have fixations with objects butI have learnt to supress these now, apart from my love of music. I was not very academic (i am sitting here now with a dictionary to make sureI spell these words correctly) butI passed my music GCSE and got an A. Now I am working in a small music shop in town andI love working there.

I just wanted to post this to show people that people with AS and autism aren't as different as they may think.

Thank you for reading this and if anyone would like to email me, my address is:

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Hello James, Sorry I missed this, thank you very much for taking the time to come here and post your story, and a big Congratulation on acheiving your A in music, you have given me something that means the world to me, a real understanding from someone who has AS.
I will be intouch, and bless you for taking the time to post.
And Have a Great Christmas and New Year [sm=hug.gif][sm=1kis.gif]
love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Hi All,

I dont know whether my youngest son did suffere from AS or a mild form austism or not, but when he was born he was very big baby of 11lb 6 oz.
From day one he hated water, he wouldnt let even the midwife to wash the blood of him, he would acutally kick her.
He always cried or should I say screamed, it came to point I started to resent him, but he looked so normal, chubby little cute baby.

My health visitor and my Gp could see him for the 5 minutes, and would say thats normal thats what babies do cry.
for two years it was fight to wash him because he would stop breathing if he saw water, in glass or in the toilet bowle, water coming up the pipe it would freak him up.
He would still cry and the older he got the worse the situation got because he was too scared to be left a lone by me, nobody could help me so I could get a break, I took him to the GP when he was about 18 months old and he screamed so much, The GP said there is nothing wrong with your baby, so what if he wants to sleep in your bed he wont do that when he's 10.
when we went on holiday when he was two, he was the only child on the beach with wellington boots, hat, and winter jacket, well far away from the beach, and when we wanted to wash him, he would scream so much that people use tothink we abused him.
I made appointment with the crainal osteopathic centre for children, to see if they can help me.
we had appointment after two long months, they were so interested in he's case because they have never seen or heard anything like that, they helped him so much for one year every two weeks we were up there.
other people could see the difference, he still hates water to touch he's face, but i can handle that, he still have to have he's certain little routin, but now that I think about it,my life wouldnt have been completed without him.
he's the most loving child you could ever come to imagine. he's at school in year 1, the school said he's slow learner with reading and writing, so I did my own reserach, I talked to so many different people how to help him to read and write, and now he's just like any normal 5 year old cheeky, can read and can write.
sadly the public think of disbilites as something you can see, and if they cant see it, they think you are an over protective parent.
but as a parent you know when something isnt right about your child , he wasnt my first but my thrid.
I hope my story would bring hope to other parents who have children with unseen disbilites.

Love & hope

Farideh x

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Hello Farideh, Im shore your story will be read and help many, thank you very much for sharing.
Joshua like to go swimming, but he hates his hair being washed in the shower or bath, he also dose not like the noise of flushing toilet 🙂
love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

My grandson, M, now 3 years old, and a twin, has just been tested to see if he has autism. He is a lively little boy who yells a lot but doesn't know how to speak. He runs into walls head first and seems to have absolutely no fear of anything - cars, trucks, heights or firm obstacles. He is very hard to put to bed at night and his room has become empty as he has broken everything in it including his bed (now a mattress on the floor), toys, window shades, walls. HE's not above taking his own poop and making pictures with it on the wall.
J, M's twin brother, is a mild child, born with spina bifida. He cannot talk either but has figured out a way to communicate, sort of... His sister is deaf and she has been given a spelling machine for Christmas. She can't play with it as J has claimed it as his own. He can spell Mom and several other 3-letter words.
My daughter has 4 children - 2 boys, 2 girls... all the children have problems of some sort. The oldest - a girl seems to have sorted her stuff out but she didn't talk until she was about 3 either.
My daugher has epilepsy and asthma. During her pregnancies, the dr's always upped her meds, thinking, I guess that the children would be better off if she didn't have a seizure while she was carrying.
The problem was the meds set the children back in their development - the first child by about 6 months, the second by 2 years and now the boys.
We felt that perhaps M wasn't getting enough attention when he was born and so this happened butnow the whole thing is sort of beingblamedon thosemeds.
My daughter thinks so too and the guilt feelings she has because of this are tremendous.
Thank you for allowing me to spout...[&o]

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

hey farideh when I was little I was also completely unable to spell anything I couldn't spell cat, dog, off,on,once and other small words when other children in my year could spell colours and other large wordsluckily for me my mom picked up on it and spent years teaching me how to spell cat dog bull one two three. Although I'm still not the best speller in the world I'm B english student all because of my mom. and you are one of those fabulous people who never give up no matter what the odds who help children no matter what it takes who gets people like me and your son and hundreds of other children across the world some where. I'm sure your son will be one of the best children ever. I hope that you have many happier days to come.
blessed be

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

I don't know whether you have heard of "Dynamic Listening Program". Recently, I came across a child withautism. Without realising his condition, I spoke with him while he was playing LEGO. He looked up and answered me. When I spoke with his mother later, she told me that he wasn't like that before. Only after the "Dynamic Listening Program", he became more affectionate and communicative.

The Dynamic Listening Program is based on the work of Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French ear, nose and throat specialist.
[link= ][/link]

Do a search onthe net on"Dynamic Listening Program" and on "alfred tomatis". Some examples here,
- [link= ][/link]
- [link= ][/link]

The ear is more than a microphone. It affects the whole body. A couple of books which you may find interesting:
- "When Listening Comes Alive", by Paul Madaule
- "The Conscious Eye : My Life of Transformation through Listening", by Alfred A Tomatis

Cheers 🙂

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share


thank you fortaking thetime by putting this up and the links[sm=hug.gif]

Thank you for sharing your story of your children, very tuff at times for you and your daughter I expect.
Don't blame yourself, sometimes it's no ones fault it just happens. The best thing is to carry on teaching them the best you can and as they learn even a small thing will be a great celebration.
loads of love and healing blessings to you and your family x

love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Thank you, Lightwinds, for your support.

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Hi. I'm brand new here, but I thought I would share my story. I'm almost 31 years old and have Asperger's Syndrome. However, due to timing, I was not actually diagnosed as AS until I was 23. (Timing meaning that AS was not easily recognised in the late seventies or early eighties).

I had a very tough time adjusting to my diagnosis. I knew there was something wrong with me from the way I reacted to certain situations, but nothing could have prepared me for anger I felt after diagnosis.

I was angry at everyone else, especially my mother, whom I held responsible for not picking up my AS at a younger age - at least then, I thought at the time, I stood a chance to lead a relatively normal life.

On the plus side, I have an IQ of 132, a photographic memory and a realisation that life is what you make it.

Peace and Love


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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Dear Clare,
I understand what you are saying... how the diagnosis made you so angry. We always hope for some kind of diagnosis. At least then we can call it something and perhaps it can be treated and it's not all in our head... But, when the diagnosis comes and it is worse than you possibly thought, and whether it is or not, it doesn't do you a lot of good... anger is, as far as I'm concerned, a natural response.
Your positive sides are very good. My son also has a high IQ and a near-photographic memory (it used to be photographic all the way until he was involved in a car accident and he had a head injury).
I wish you all the best in your life.

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

Hi All

Ok my story.
i am a 38 year old mother of 2 beautiful daughters age 11 nad 10 the youngest having high functioning Autism.
She was born 9 weeks prem and had a big fight on her hands for the 1st 10weeks of her life but being a strong little girl she amazed us all and still does every day of her life.

We was told that our little angel would never crawl-she did, would never walk- she runs now, would never talk- but she can.

She was always a little different to other babies her age but that could have been for any number of reasons but she did some things from around the age of 4 which made us look into Autism. In nursery she had a tiny space about 3ft square which she would go mad if anyone went in it. At dinner time her dinner would be cold by the time she had positioned and repositioned her cup/plate chair ect. And she would sit for hours watching and rewinding a video but it would be the same part of the video she would watch over and over and over again.
(I missing lots out now or I will be here all night!)

After a long battle it was confirmed that she is Autistic, shas SLD and challenging behaviour. She has been attending a small special needs school and each year she is improving. She gets strange habits which can last for weeks or months or carry on for what seems like forever. We have had not wanting to wear any clothes(some Autistic people can not stand the feel of certain fabrics so much so its painfull for them) refusing to eat unless it was sweetcorn or blue crisps(cheeseand onion), flushing the toilet every 10 mins, putting things in her mouth, kicking, biting, punching,screaming not sleeping for 72hrs at a time. Certain shops we can not go in or she will have a sensory over load(too much noise and visual things going on at onec)

Every day is a new day you never know how she is going to be when she gets up (if she has slept at all). She isnt violent to others any more but bites her own hand when stressed, or unable to make her needs known or just plain excited, so much so she has damaged her skin.

But dispite all of the things i have mentioned (there is a lot more) if some one said Sharon here is a pill give this to yur daughter and she will be like any other 10year old. Would I give it to her
Answer NO

She is Autistic, Autisim is a part of her and who she is and without it she would not be my little girl, the little girl that make us cry, scream and laugh every day

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

What a heartwarming story...! Your little girl is certainly in the right hands...
I remember asking my Mom, because both my kids have problems, how come this has happened to me? She said - Who else would you want them to go to?
Well, she's right, of course.
I also remember being asked at one of the many hospitals my son visited (learning disabilities) what I wanted changed about my son. I said - nothing, I like him the way he is. And I see that is your answer too...
The truth of the matter is - our children are our children and we love them... on the other hand, if my child would find the better place because of a pill that would make everything right for him, I'd jump at the chance.
As it is, he has surpassed the grim diagnosis of 25 years ago. He can read. He can work. He can live alone in his own place. He's a great cook, concentrating on organic food - allergies are what made him as the way he was as a child. He's gone on to conquer more frontiers than anyone thought possible. When he asked me if I thought he could do it, I always had the same answer - if you want it badly enough, you will find a way - you always do... and he did and does too.

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RE: Have You A Story you like to share

My Daughter, Amy is now 16 and has special needs due to what is still an un-diagnosed condition.

Our Daughter's disabilitypresents a number of problems. Amy is unable to use speech to communicate. Sheneeds help to wash,dress and undress, use the toilet, clean her teeth etc.

She also has mobility problems, physically, because she is unsteady due to malformed feet, and in terms of her understanding of the dangers posed by traffic, crowds, getting lost, ascending and descending stairs.

She is therefore reliant on others for all of her needs and requires round the clock supervision within a caring environment.

My Wifeand I have resolved to care for Amy until such time that, due to illness or old age, we are no longer able to do so.

In spite of her problems Amy is a happy and good humored child. She is friendly and usually brings the best out in others.

Generally we have had a lot of support from the schools Amy has attended, apart from her first two years at senior school when we feel she was mistreated. That is in the past now and she has enjoyed her time at school since.

Being 'un-diagnosed' does tend to mean that the support groups that are out there for downs syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism etc are not available for us. We have sort of muddled through on our own to some extent.

Nevertheless, we manage and it means we still get to go on fair rides and play sand castles on the beach and stuff. She loves swimming and horse riding for the disabled so she has a fairly busy life. And so do we 🙂

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great post.

great post. Thank you. here is some of my thought.
