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Autism...asking to go to loo

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Hi ive not been on here lately but wondered if someone can help?

My son lyndon is 6 and has asd. He has the obsesstions which they have but theres one i need help with, he keeps asking ME if he needs to go the the loo (its getting worse) then if he goes hes washing hes hands all the time even after eating.
Im trying to stop him going so much but even at school its a problem!!

can anyone help?

3 Replies
Posts: 1178
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Joined: 18 years ago

Hi there,
Redirection techniques have always been my best friend in situation’s like this.

For instance, obviously washing hands after using the toilet is imperative, but at other times which are causing disruption I would encourage the use of a wet wipe or something similar, so he can follow through that compulsion and you may find over times it will become less intense.

Best wishes and if you ever want to chat - I am here, I understand the challenges you face.

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Joined: 21 years ago

Hi Katherine,
There has been strong links connected with bowel issues and autism by several researchers including Andrew Wakefield. Unfortunately due to 'a conflict of interests' much of his research is not allowed to be published, however his findings have been proved by other researchers now. Here is a link to a clip discussing his findings and how it is treated:

The 'conflict of interests':

There has been quite a bit of research from other doctors discussing supplements as holistic treatment:

Hope you find this useful.

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Another link to autism studies ([url]see here[/url]), link it to lack of enzymes to process certain foods. There's another article .
