Hi everyone. I have a nephew with autism and a cousin with aspergers,this coupled with my working with young adults with autism and challenging behaviour alongside extensive research led me to not have my child vaccinated. It is not a decision i have reached lightly and am always looking into new research and ideas. I believe the court case with andrew wakefield the doctor who first bought the info to light is due to come up soon. This linked with the recent death of a 13 year old boy from measelshas caused me to do more (soul ) searching and i wondered what your views on this were??? Thankyou JANE X
RE: Autism and the mmr
Hiya Jane,
Like you Ididn't want to give my little boy (who's now two)the MMR. I had been aware of the MMR worries for many years, long before the more recent publicity. I knew parents back in the early 90s (when I was a childrens nannyin London) who had worries and this stayed with me. I managed to find a private GP in Edinburgh at the start of last year who was giving kids the single vacs and my son had the measles vac with this GP, but didn't have the mumps or rubella because he was having trouble getting a hold of them. I wasn't so worried about the mumps because it mainly affects teenagers and german measles isn't so dangerous (as far as I'm aware ~ I may be wrong).
My main concern regarding the MMR is that I think it's too much for a little one's immune system and kinda feel like as they get older they can handle it much better !!! They normally have to have a booster pre school anyway and as far as my son goes I think I will let him have the MMR when he's about 3......
It's such a hard decision ~ I can see why you might be worried ~ as I was. There is no reason why you couldn't let your child have the vaccinewhen they are a little older ???
I'm sure many people will have an opinon on this ~ my feeling is you must go with your heart and what feels right for you !!
Love and Light
meridianmoon xxx
[link= http://www.meridiantherapies.co.uk ]www.meridiantherapies.co.uk[/link]
RE: Autism and the mmr
I don't have children myself yet but I do know many many women who hav refused not only the mmr but also all other vaccinations for their children. Their children are perfectly healthy (or at least as healthy as other children who have been vaccinated). Personally I feel there are a lot of scare tactics going on to pressure people into having their children vaccinated.
RE: Autism and the mmr
I sympathise completely, my son is now 4 and I eventually decided to give him the mmr vaccine when he was 18 months, it was such a hard decision and not one that I felt comfortable with at all but felt like I was between a rock and a hard place.
I did lots of research, spoke to loads of organisations, pro and against, spoke to the head of immunisations for our county, and spoke in depth to my health vistor who was very pro mmr, I had trusted her judgement with other issues I'd had so felt very torn.
Anyway he had the mmr and was fine afterwards, we have had concerns over his behaviour and have had worries concerning aspergers, but I'm confident that he was displaying these behaviours before having the mmr, could it make a problem worse ? I can't answer that.
He recently had the pre-school booster and was poorly with a fever, sore eyes ect afterwards, but fine now.
My daughter is 15 months and she has already had the vaccine, again I wasn't comfortable with her having it, but she seems fine.
I think without doubt that the MMR is causing problems for some children, I would rather the goverment be honest and admit this, I came across lots of things during my research, most relvant to me that being allergic to pennecillin and having mmr is thought to cause problems, my family has a history of being allergic to penecillin, my son is not allergic.
Another thing to consider is some family friends have an autistic son, they are very angry regarding mmr and say it caused his mmr, but we could clearly see that the little boy had problems long prior to his mmr, maybe they couldn't see it, or maybe the mmr made his behaviours more pronounced, I couldn't say.
The waters are so muddy, and you are pressured, because I gave both my children the mmr late I was getting weekly letters for appointments, its all wrong. Its also worth noting that there is also quite a lot of pressure from anti-mmr groups not to give the vaccine.
If you decide to give your children the mmr, just do it, don't make yourself ill over it like I did, and if you decide not too keep strong and be confident knowing that you have done your best.
Love Saffron
RE: Autism and the mmr
My two youngest children aren't vaccinated at all. My eldest went down with ear infections within hours of his first two, one I could put down to coincidence, but after the second time, he didn't have any more. I had some pressure from the surgery when my two youngest were small, but they've given up long since.I had problems with my youngest son when he was smaller - he had food phobia, light sensitivity, rituals etc,caused by fluoride in toothpaste. I was very glad he hadn't been vaccinated, because I would probablybe blaming that, when it was fluoride, but my gut feeling is that the combination of vaccination and fluoride would have made things a lot worse.
I think that as a family we are very chemically sensitive, and that for us the risks outweigh any benefits. Single jabs mean more fillers, so for us that’s not really an option either. Now I would just askfor an ingredients list of what a vaccine contained including all fillers, so that I can make an informed choice. I am more confident now that I am older, and would be happy to discuss it with the surgery rather than just avoid them like I would have done a few years ago. At the moment my informed choice is thatif the ingredients list puts me offdrinking the vaccine, the surgeryaint injecting it. 😀
RE: Autism and the mmr
I used to lean toward being against vaccinations.
When I worked for the NHS, as I used some western acupuncture in my practice, then it was automatically assumed that I should have the usual jabs for Hepatitis B, etc.
I got the letter, went to the appointment and said that I would happily consider having the vaccinations if they could show me the data for the risks of having them.
Not unreasonable - I thought. If they're going to inject me with something, then they aught to be able to tell me the risks involved.
They couldn't - all they could say wher things like - 'But you have to have these to travel to certain countries, etc.'
Well no, you don't (I replied), it's a choice. You weigh up the risks involved of not having them and the risk of having them. So if you cannot tell me the risks of having them, then I'm unable to make a decision other than to not have them.
Needless to say I didn't hear from them again on the issue.
The bottom line is - is that no one knows for sure what the implications of having vaccinations are and unless we have more information on that then no one should be bullied into having them. I can only suggest that you ask the same question that I did.
That said, I would say that I now lean toward the view of having vaccinations if you or your child is in a position to be then desensitised to any adverse reactions with NAET treatment.
I suspect that the greater problem has been that until recently the majority of vaccines have used albumin as a carrier and that this causedmoreproblems than the active or inactive viruses involved. Thealbumin used is a protein found in egg and althoughit is naturally occuring in humans and may well be identical under the microscope,the human immune system is extremely sensitive.
This idea is all to do with large foreign protein molecules being where they shouldn't and the immune system setting itself up fora further offensive. It's interesting to note that they are now moving over to none albumin carriers for vaccinations in the UK. You may ask why has there's been no big announcements abou this in the news.I suspect that if there was, then people would start to questionif there was problem with using albumin in the first place. [sm=scratchchin.gif]
They experiment with using human albumin instead of egg albumin for a while, but then it was realised that an errant batch was sent out to Ireland, that had included donated albumin from a CJD sufferer. As far as I know there where no 'come backs' on that one, but I'm sure you can see the potential for disaster. [:o]
RE: Autism and the mmr
Hi All,
Came across this article of interest, sorry if it has already been posted Im on my way out and haven't got time to check.
Love Saffron
[link= http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jhtml;jsessionid=LZCE4ZLBPEWUPQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/health/2006/05/29/wmmr28.xml&sSheet=/health/2006/05/30/ixhmain.html ]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jhtml;jsessionid=LZCE4ZLBPEWUPQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/health/2006/05/29/wmmr28.xml&sSheet=/health/2006/05/30/ixhmain.html[/link]
RE: Autism and the mmr
Hi all,
This email was forwarded to me, and is a very good resource of the current status of MMR, what's in vaccines, links etc. For those who have decided on vaccines some advice on safer ways of going about it, and homeopathic remedies that may help to lessen the side effects. I am a Homeopath and can confirm that the remedies listed are the recommended ones to help.
Hope this helps,:)
Dear all,
Current studies show the link between the measles factor and gut inflammation in autistic children. Are these new studies are likely to be discredited too?
On a different note, Rolling Stone magazine ran an article 6 years ago on the US government cover up of the links between mercury and autism (see below for link).
Vaccination is a sensitive, much-debated issue, What can we do? Some suggestions below.
Measles Vaccine Undeniably Linked to Autism [DLMURL] http://www.mercola.com/2006/jun/15/measles_vaccine_undeniably_linked_to [/DLMURL] _autism.htm
U.S. scientists back autism link to MMR
US study supports claims of MMR link to autism
I was sent this article on the MMR vaccine that might be of interest plus I've added some tips and info.
What you can do -
I advise parents against allowing their children to be vaccinated with vaccines containing thimerosal.
Thimerosal contains a related mercury compound called ethyl mercury. Mercury is a toxic metal that can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions. You can ask your doctor for mercury-free vaccines or seek out private practises if your doctor can't help.
Thimerosal is still present in most flu shots, though eliminated from most routine childhood vaccines. It is used as a sterilizing agent to prevent bacterial contamination - due to repeated insertion of needles into multidose vials of vaccine - I had no idea that needles are used again and again ie. for more than one child. Please check with your doctor and health visitor that this is not still the case.
This link lists the current vaccines that still contain mercury
Please note the careful wording of the following paragraph, which implies that mercury is used during vaccine preparation and tells you which childhood vaccines still contain mercury. Ask your health practitioner to read the label.
"Thiomersal is present in the final product of the following routine childhood vaccines: DTwP (and DTwP/Hib) and Td. It is also used in DT. It is not used in MMR, Men C, Hib polio or BCG."
Thankfully mercury is no longer in most of the vaccines routinely administered to babies in the UK, but other metals & potentially harmful or toxic substances are used in vaccines.
Q from the informed parent website - What are vaccines made of?
Toxic substances, such as formaldehyde, mercury products and aluminium hydroxide have been used for numerous years in many of the vaccines. The Dept. of Health have recently asked vaccine manufacturers to discontinue the use of mercury derivatives, as a 'precautionary' measure. Animal and bird products are used too, which opens the door to
the possibility of viruses from other species crossing into the human system and creating new disease in humans. This is not a theoretical risk and over the years there have been particular scares regarding contaminated vaccines.
If your child has food sensitivities or allergies it is worth checking what else the vaccines contain for instance egg is a common ingredient.
I also recommend that parents consider the likelihood of exposure to disease for their child and consider starting the programme when their child's immune system is more fully developed.
Your choices
Parents in the UK are not obliged to have their child vaccinated, although you may b
RE: Autism and the mmr
:)Hi, i am mother of 12 year old girl with autistic tendences and learning difficulties. There has never been any family problems on either side, so we can only put it down to the mmr jab.I had a case for high court going, and was told by london solicitors, many things i did not know.I understand if this jab is given when the child is over 5years old, that the brain is more developed and can cope with the jab.Most of us know that not all medications suit our bodies,and for the mojority of us the jab is fine. There are a few who can not take it,my child being one of them.i beleive that it is the merclery in the jab, that hits the brain which corses these problems. This is how it was explained to me.This was heart greving as i had waited 17 years to have my baby,anyone wanting to chat to me about this subject please feel free to write. I have over the last 10 years had to fight for what ever i have wanted for my girl,as regards schooling,and all aspects of help.I am amazed at the people who do not know what help they can apply for to make life better for all concerned. I know 10 children on my estate who all have problems. The racio for autistics is now one in 89 kids. That is to high in my eyes.I have also thought about what we feed our kids has alot to do with who they are and who we are.I beleive also that cemicals on food play apart of this. After being told i was to blame for my childs disorder,(as i am a diebetic) i have given much thought to all aspects of how she became this way. I have to say it always falls back to the jab. I have also been told the vitimin K jab can be the cause of lukimia. These are not in my eyes now normal things to have(jabs) Although i am not a johoves witness, I very much see their point about putting cemicals into our bodies that really dont belong there.I never had the second jab at 5 years old.Refecting back on it all i wish i had taken my chances and done without the jab,but we love our kids, no matter who or what they are. So to all i say keep strong and jest do the best you can. love to all Jen
RE: Autism and the mmr
As a homoeopath, I see huge differences between the healthiness of children who have been vaccinated & children who haven't. My own child isn't vaccinated & by the age of 6, hasn't had any antibiotics ever, never had an ear or throat infection. The occasional cold or cough is fought off very easily. I believe that the immune system is strong & reactive in these children because it's not overloaded with all that is forced in through the vaccination route. Having said all this, it is never an easy decision to make either way but the best decision is the informed one. I recommend a small book - very readable, called "Dispelling Vaccination Myths" by Alan Phillips. It's available from Helios Pharmacy 01892 537254 or email @helios.co.uk">pharmacy@helios.co.uk . It will be the best 50p you will spend!! Hope this helps. 🙂
RE: Autism and the mmr
My son is now eight years old and severely autistic. As a very young baby there was something about him that wasn't quite right. It's my guess that his autism was there from the outset however after having the MMR at 13 months he became constantly ill. Colds went on for months, chest infections, sickness etc. It was as though his immune system couldn't cope. And during the 2 years of almost constant illnesses he lost the little bit of language he had. The doctor wasn't much help and told me that children get ill and that I should stop bothering him. I'm convinced that it was the MMR that caused his immune system to stop working. At 8, he is a lovely, healthy child and doesn't get ill any more than any other children but we had some very hard times nursing him through two years of recurring illnesses.
My daughter is now six and not autistic but we have shied away from having her vaccinated in case it affects her immune system. She has the same genetic make up as her brother and we feel letting her have the MMR is too big a gamble. We're equally concerned that she might catch measles and the whole subject is a major dilemma for us. It's a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't. My sympathies to other parents who face the same dilemma.
RE: Autism and the mmr
One thing that we need to remember having made our decision though Brown Eyes, is that measles often is a mild disease & in children who are not vaccinated, their immune system is usually vital & strong enough to deal with it. When we read about deaths from these childhood illnesses, what is often missed out, is the underlying health situations of these poor children. There is often histories of chronic underlying health problems (a recent one was cancer & chemotherapy treatment had left the child unable to fight off an otherwise innocuous illness) or neglected children who are undernourished or living in squalor - and this situation sadlydoes exist. I think that the media does explode any death from these "topical" illnesses. I have been following Andrew Wakefields case over the years & feel so sorry that he has been pillioried by his own profession who are so blinkered. I also find it highly unethical that there are financial incentives for GPs to make sure that they meet their targets for amongst other things, vaccination. Surely, they are paid for the job they do & anything of this type of payment demands questions as to the motives behind. Sorry - gone off the subject a bit here!
RE: Autism and the mmr
I too have been following the case of Andrew Wakefiled and totally agree with your comments.It is wholly unethical that doctors should be set targets to vaccinate regardless of whether it is appropriate or not. Drug companies stand to make a great deal of money when the triple vaccine is used which begs the question of what is more important, financial gain or our childrens health. Personally, I think Dr Wakefield should have been allowed to complete his work in this country which could have proved conclusively whether there is a link between the mmr and autism. They way it's been handled gives the impression that he was on to something and needed to be stopped which in turn caused feelings of mistrust in parents. Nothing is more important to me than my children's health and it's not something to take a gamble on especially when you know how difficult and challenging life can be with a child with autism. Sorry, I've probably said too much. Will get off my soap box now.
RE: Autism and the mmr
I was my parents first child and when i was born the MMR jab was not around, it was just the 3 single jabs.
Not too long after me my brother was born he had the MMR Jab.
Then my other brother was born he also had the MMR jab.
They both have autism, not severe but still its a strange coinsidence. [&:]
RE: Autism and the mmr
My son has Autism and my daughter does not. They both had the MMR jab.My son had Asperger's from birth - all the signs were there - he cried as soon as he came out of hospital constantly, he was exhausting. My daughter was very different and contented. I think it is a genetic thing. When I got his diagnosis I was told that it was due to chromosomes of my husband and I. It is much higher in boys and the Paedatrician also told me if I have another baby later and it is a boy, there is a high chance he will have it too.
RE: Autism and the mmr
Hi!I also work with children with learning disabilities and from speaking to many parentsI have seen the connection between vaccination and autism.From what I have seen children whose immune systems are sensitive, or are generally vulnerable are likely to be victims.
Many homeopaths specialize in immunizations and believe in immunizing children via homeopathy.If you do choose to vaccinate your child you can still go to a homeopath for a remedy to counteract the effects of the vaccination.
Loads of luck.
RE: Autism and the mmr
I think that the adrenal glands play an important role in vaccination. If an infant is bornwith or later developsadrenal fatigue, and is then vaccinated, the effectsmay be farmore dramaticthan a child who has good adrenal function. The problem is that there are children with autism who have not been vaccinated, and children who have been but are not autistic. In our case looking back my son showed mild signs from birth, but he is not vaccinated at all, it was fluoride thatescalated the initialvulnerabilityand removing the fluoride source made a huge difference, and we subsequently treated the adrenal glands. But for another childfluoride might notbe such a factor,and there is no way I can claim that "fluoride causes autism."I can say I believeit may be a factor in some cases. Again I think that vaccination in itself does not cause autism, but may beone of severalfactors in some cases, whether its one combined jab, orseparate ones.
I think of it as peeling back the layers of an onion, for some children there may be several layers, which may or may not include vaccination. Immune function, digestionetc takes a back seat to immediate survival and "flight or fright," so sometimes working with the adrenal glands can allow immune function, digestion etc to improve.
RE: Autism and the mmr
I had my son vacinated at 13 months when his appointment came up, although I really wasn't cofortable with this. They also gave me the choice of having his 3rd Pneumo booster on top. Of course I had this seperatly. I just can't believe they are suggesting this on top of the mmr.
Hails xxx
RE: Autism and the mmr
Just got this emailed to me, if anyones interested in the litigation side of things they should check out this link.
It seems the Judge who made the decision to deny the legal aidfor the MMR cases involving families suing Glaxo Smith Kline has a brother who is a Directorof Glaxo Smith Kline and didn't bother to declare the conflict of interests when he was ruling over the case.[link= http://www.jabs.org.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=668 ] http://www.jabs.org.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=668 [/link]
RE: Autism and the mmr
My children are 28 and 30 respectively.
When they were young these injections came separately. I chose even then not to have them done as there was a query hanging over the whooping cough vaccine at the time. They both contracted mumps and measles and so they should, they are common childhood illnesses. My daughter had the rubella jab at about 11 because of future pregnancies.
I was concerned about them getting whooping cough which was very virilent at the time (don't seem to hear much about it these days), so I went to a homeopath for them to have treatment. My daughter never got it and my son got it, but it was mild.