My Mother was a serious athelete in her younger day, and from a young age trained relentlessly. At the age of 35 she was crippled with arthritis. I remember finding here crawling over the floor to the bathroom when I was a child in dying agony. Nothing allopathic seemed to work at all. She was due to be confined to a wheelchair, but by 'chance' came across a simple book that recommended a few changes to eating habits.
She gave up dairy, and stimulants such as tea, coffee, started drinking herbal/fruit teas. Within a very short space of time she was up and bouncing around and dramatically reclaimed here health! It might not work for everyone, but I have noticed a radical improvement in inflammatory conditions in others too when they stop eating (or dramatically reduce their intake of) dairy products and meat. With a little creativity it can even be fun. There are so many alternatives out there these days too.
That was 18 years ago. When ever she ate occasional dairy (like a one off cream bun at a party) for a long time afterwards, she would be in agony. Symptoms would clear within a day of her not eating dairy.
Hope this is of help to someone.
Love and Blessings
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Dear trin
I have read on the net that Arthritis involves inflammation of one or more joints and the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage normally protects the joint, allowing for smooth movement. Cartilage also absorbs shock when pressure is placed on the joint, like when you walk or otherwise bear weight. Without the usual amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness. [link= ][/link] And you are saying that without any medicine the condition of your mother is improve, and you say that if they take any type dairy food in a party then “she would be agony” so I suggest you for the long term relief from the arthritis you give them some good medicine Colchicine Zyloprim (generic) Zyloprim
Although it may not be possible to prevent arthritis, there are steps to take to reduce your risk of developing the disease and to slow or prevent permanent joint damage. If they take medicine properly then I hope they get relax very soon, all the best take care of your mother.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Thank you for the reply. In short, the answer is beyond the shadow of a doubt YES... she could barely walk, but after giving up dairy, was doing housework, walking extensively etc.. infact her health was radically transformed. Given that dairy is known to cause inflammation it is no wonder. With respect to rebuilding cartilage, it may be useful to look at other considerations such as glucosamine. My mother hasn't needed medication for 18 years now. I am NOT an expert... just an observer. I have heard many cases of similar relief happening over the years. Thought it might be of help to someone here looking for alternative solutions.
There are a lot of scientific studies and observations by doctors linking arthritis to consumption of dairy.
You might find the following of interest:
"Rheumatoid arthritis is more severe than osteoarthritis,is
most common in the hands and feet, and is characterized by
swelling of joints. Since this type of joint pain can be a
symptom of a food allergy, dietary change sometimes has a
profound effect. Dairy products, the most common food
allergen, are one likely candidate as a contributing
causative factor."
Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition by George Eisman, M.A.,
M.Sc., R.D.
"...43 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, those assigned to
a vegan diet...had improvement in rheumatoid arthritis
British Journal of Rheumatology, 36(1) 1997
"In the case of the eight year old female subject, juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis was a milk allergy. After avoiding
dairy products, all pain was gone in three weeks."
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1985, 78
"Controlled trial of fasting and a one-year vegetarian diet
eased symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis."
The Lancet, 1991, 338
"In 1964, I learned of the experiences of Dr. William Deamer
of San Francisco. He had pointed out the frequency of milk
protein's casual relationship to musculoskeletal pain in
children and especially the so-called 'growing pains.' Since
that time, I have had several children with what appeared to
be early rheumatoid arthritis relieved and returned to good
health by little more than reassurance and careful dietary
Don't Drink Your Milk, by Frank Oski, M.D.
"In systemic arthritis, like Rheumatoid, the cause is
coursing through the blood, and it got there through the
diet. When all of the joints are involved, the cause is not
physical, but chemical. It's usually casein.(Eighty percent
of milk protein is casein). I once saw a 65 year old man,
Bob, who complained of neck stiffness and headaches. His
hands were so stiff and sore. Bob lived to play golf. I
instructed him to give up all milk and dairy products. Since
giving up dairy products, he no longer experienced pain and
headaches, and his hands were also pain-free. Joy, a 42 year
old woman noticed that her knees were pain-free after
eliminating dairy products. Once, after drinking a glass of
milk, her knees swelled within 20 minutes."
No Milk, by Daniel Twogood, D.C.
"There is a colossal amount of information linking the
consumption of milk to arthritis... and a multitude of other
problems as documented by Hannah Allen, Alec Burton,
Viktoras Kulvinskas, F. M. Pottenger, Herbert M. Shelton,
and N.L. Walker, among others."
Fit for Life, by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond
"Certain foods trigger the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis,
and eliminating these foods sometimes causes even long-
standing symptoms to improve or even remit entirely. It is
important to avoid the problem foods completely, as even a
small amount can cause symptoms. All dairy products should
be avoided: skim or whole cow's milk, goat's milk, cheese,
yogurt, cream, etc."
Neal Barnard, M.D.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Arthritis, a pain in the backside (well everywhere else at least). I found your email interesting re the dairy foods, I have this condition and it gets me down so much at times. I started to use soya milk on cereal etc., The other night (not thinking) I had some ice-cream and the pain in my fingers and groin were terrible the next day. For anyone out there who is has actually had arthritis diagnosed then did you know you can get Glucosimine on prescription. I get it free as I have just turned 60.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Hi Jeannie,
Sounds similar to my mums experience. It is really worth trying to use alternatives to dairy. About 9 years ago I worked in a health food store. There was an entourage of people coming in disatisfied withthe treatment they were getting allopathically. It was amazing to see the difference in those who decided to ease off (or give up) the dairy. Consistently people came back saying how much their symptoms had been relieved, and when they ate some dairy they were in awful pain again. It was an interesting observation for me. So I give it the thumbs up!
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
:)hi trin
i have rheumatoid my hands ,elbows,neck,feet.
i have put up with the pain for years,it got so bad this year i went back to doctors,she refered me to hosp,2 months ago.they gave me these braces to wear on my hands.then to day i had to go back..
i had more braces made to wear at night.they fit from elbow to passed my fingers,there horrid to look at..
then they moulded and made 2 different sets to wear during the day altrnatley,as my hands keep going dead .
i have to wait 10 weeks to see another specialist..
on the report it said...raised crp of 18...and..cmc..joints of both thumbs is positive..and evidence of..apb wasting biaterally..
anyone know what this means,i got this letter today when i got home..
if dairy product are cut out ,what sort of food do i eat..?
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Great story, trin. Curious, that while you said that your mother did so well without medicine, someone would suggest she take medicine despite the wonderful response she got to dietary changes only. Did you see my post regarding my sister's experience with arthritis? She's a new woman with dietary changes only. My sister noticed her condition worsened with the consumption of red meat. I quit eating it years ago and don't miss it at all-my body seems to do so much better without it, meat, in general, actually. Always good to hear a nice success story achieved naturally.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Hi Kath,
Sorry to hear of your troublesome arthritis. If you feel moved to cut out dairy then there are many alternatives these days. I guess it depends what you currently eat. The best thing to do may be to visit your local health food store and ask for dairy free or vegan alternatives.
They tend to sell an alternative to cream cheese, dairy free yoghurts, soya milk, dairy free margarine. Lots of people eating dairy free eat hummous or various vegetarian pates and spreads. There are lots of dairy free vegetable soups out there too. There's lots available at supermarkets, although I have heard that only some (sainsburys, tescos coop) label them as vegan or dairy free.
There's a popular book out called "You are what you eat" that will likely have some great ideas in for you. I haven't used it myself, but I have heard many good things about it. Here's a useful website that expands on it
Home made food is always a good idea if you are into home cooking. Most recipes can be adapted, although here are some I have just found on the web that you may find of use:
Try your local library. If they don't have any books in stock, they can order them for you. There should be something in there. Try books on dairy free cooking or for vegans.
I hope this is of help...
I wish you all the best.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
Hi kcat,
Great to hear about your sister. It is amazing how much strain the things we eat can have on the systems of the body, and the relief of it all when we make ammends. Good for her 😉
Yes, it can be a little odd that anyone would suggest the allopathic route, when alternatives are more than adequate.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
:)hi trin
thank you for the reply,
have copied it off,its a great help,as i didnt know what to eat.
will go to library on monday,
i am a very good cook.i will check out the web sites now.
thank you again,i really appreciate your help.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
You're more than welcome kath.
It's wonderful to hear that you are a good cook... this alone opens up so much choice for you.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
hi trin
will try the dairy free products.
and the recipes sound easy.
ive always been a really good cook.
will let you know how i get on in a few weeks,
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
ORIGINAL: angelroses
:)on the report it said...raised crp of 18...and..cmc..joints of both thumbs is positive..and evidence of..apb wasting biaterally..
anyone know what this means,i got this letter today when i got home..
hi kath
i don't know why some doctors can't speak (or write) in a way that can be understood...?
crp (c reactive protein)is a marker used to give an indication of the degree of inflammation...they will be using it to monitor your arthritis. just to give you an idea,during a bacterial infection crp values may go into hundreds.
CMCmeans carpometacarpal joints...its the joints between bones in your hands, the carpals and sounds like they are saying these joints and your thumbs are positive for the condition.
and apb is abductor polliis brevis...its a muscle that lays across your CMC joints and moves your thumb.wasting means this muscle is weaker from not being used and has lost some of its bulk. if someone has flu just laying in bed for a few days willcause muscle wasting....i dont know anymore than that...maybeexerciseswill help...?? if you are able to move the muscle of course....speak to the doctor see what they recommentd though ....
bilaterally means both presuming they mean both hands...or it could be both sides of the muscle...again clarify with your you have pain in your wrists? both wrists or just one?
i don't know a great deal about arthitis, but i hope this helps.
i also heardthat Martlets Honey and Cidar Vinegar is meant to be good for arthritis...there is no evidence base for this, and i wouldn't get away with saying this at medical school! but aparentlythe recommendation is froma book by Dr D C Jarvis called 'Arthritis and Folk Medicine'. This stuff tastes disgusting though! It is recommended to put into a glass of hot water and sip slowly. And can be bought at most health food shops....worth a try.
a website good for answering medical questions and getting a bit of an inside story is [link= ][/link] it is the website most GPs refer to.
BM x
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
:)hi BM
thank you for your reply
was at hosp is carpal tunnel i have it in both hands..they gave me these gloves today to wear under the stop them getting swollen..i didnt like the large there making a different they made the pain worse..i was told 10yrs ago by another doctor i had carpal tunnel and he said NOTHING CAN BE DONE,now its really bad,i blame that doctor,but theres nothing i can do,i moved house since and the doc i have now sent me to hospital,
i have to wait to see the specialist,for rheumatoid arthritis,thats in my neck,elbows,feet,
the letter i recieved was a LONG letter so didnt understand there words.
thank you for your help.
will try the cider vinegar.
and will check the site out now.
i appreciate your help
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
I bought my Mother a supplement containingGlucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM for pain and swelling in her left knee joint. The MSM helps with the elasticity and flexibility of the connective tissues of your joints. From using it for1 weekshe noticed a big improvement, she can climb the stairs with ease now. There are so manysupplements out there that containthe same ingredients.As far as i know there are no adverse side effects to using these supplements, but if you have a shellfish allergy you shouldn't take them. You can also buyshellfish-free supplement. Hopefully this helps.
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
you're welcome kath.
sorry to hear its taken so long to address your carpal tunnel...i hope they can make a difference for you now.
BM x
RE: My mum relieved radically from crippling arthritis
I wanted to add to this, hope no-one minds?
I agree that Dairy can make joints so much worse if you have an intolerance to it, as can other intolerances. Glucosamine is very good (hadn't realised it was available on prescription, will have to speak to my GP). Most helpful also I find is keeping the joints moving and flexible. A very good way to do this is using Tai Chi. I'm using a DVD of Tai Chi for Arthritis by Dr Paul Lam (who himself developed arthritis failry early), specially developed using the simpler versions of the forms and good also for the elderly. The DVD instructions are amazingly easy to follow, very well explained. I'm progressing nicely through it and finding my balance and strength much improved and my pain reduced. I would recommend trying it. It's very helpful. I'm gradually reducing the painkillers I take thanks to this.