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Has anyone used this for rheumatoid arthritis? My rheumatologist wants me to start on it but I'm trying to find out what I can first. It is used to treat malaria or to take if you go to a malarial country.

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Has anyone used this for rheumatoid arthritis? My rheumatologist wants me to start on it but I'm trying to find out what I can first. It is used to treat malaria or to take if you go to a malarial country.

Hi there Ylangrose

Do you mean ? I was on it for a number of years for 'rheumatic' symptoms - ? lupus. My eyes had to be checked regularly for damage. It has been on the go for many years, so will have a proven record.

I'm not sure how much it helped, but when it was discontinued the original symptoms were not so pronounced, but I had others. Having been on antimalarials most of my childhood and growing up years on wonders how much damage they might have done and contributed to my current health problems.

This drug has been on the go for some time and has been used for rheumatic diseases - my sister in law is on it and has improved.

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Oops, thank you Caroline. I did misspell it.My rheumatologist told me it had been around quite a while which made me feel better about it. I was also told it could affect my eyes. Just don't like taking medication but I may need to. It can be quite tiring being in pain and feeling so stiff all the time. Thank you for the link. I guess there are side effects with every medicine.

It said it would probably only be used for a certain amount of time. How long were you on it? How long has your sister-in-law been on it? Did you have to have regular blood tests/check-ups or just the eye tests? I used to be on sulfasalazine and had blood tests every fortnight. Had to stop taking it because it was affecting my liver.

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Oops, thank you Caroline. I did misspell it.My rheumatologist told me it had been around quite a while which made me feel better about it. I was also told it could affect my eyes. Just don't like taking medication but I may need to. It can be quite tiring being in pain and feeling so stiff all the time. Thank you for the link. I guess there are side effects with every medicine.

It said it would probably only be used for a certain amount of time. How long were you on it? How long has your sister-in-law been on it? Did you have to have regular blood tests/check-ups or just the eye tests? I used to be on sulfasalazine and had blood tests every fortnight. Had to stop taking it because it was affecting my liver.

I was on this for a while called Plaquenil. I had to have regular eye check ups every 6 months then every year. I reacted very badly to it so had to come off it, shame as it was working so well.

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I have been taking Quinoric now for 3 weeks. My arthritis does seem to be a little better but I have also been taking regular paracetamol so it could be that. I have also had diarrhoea for the last few days, one of the side effects. Hoping that doesn't last. My rheumatologist mentioned that my optician may see changes in my eyes but it wouldn't be anything to worry about. He just told me to mention it to him next time I go.

Have you found anything else which has worked, Casara?

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It took about 6 weeks to feel the full effects of the Plaquinel, so hopefully you will feel even better very soon 🙂

For me the drug of choice that helps the most is Diclofenac Pottasium, without it I cannot walk or move properly, I found that again i reacted badly to the Diclofenac Sodium lol, so it makes sense to try all kinds of a drug 🙂

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I was on a different medication last year (can't remember the name now) and I needed blood tests once a fortnight. After 3 months I had to stop taking it as it was affecting my liver. I was told I might need to try several meds to find one which worked and agreed with me. Hope the Diclofenac Pottasium is working well for you.

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Over the weekend, my body has become almost covered in a red blotchy rash. I phoned my rheumatology nurse who said it was probably the Quinoric which was causing it and I should stop taking it. Back to the drawing board.

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Over the weekend, my body has become almost covered in a red blotchy rash. I phoned my rheumatology nurse who said it was probably the Quinoric which was causing it and I should stop taking it. Back to the drawing board.

Check the ingredients, many colourings that are in medicines have this side effect, you may need a different brand?

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Titanium dioxide. I am waiting to hear from the rheumatologist. I'll ask him about that.

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At the risk of sounding like an alternative hippy, have you tried essential oils? Lavender is an all purpose which can be used indiluted, it will help with pain. Black pepper and/or ginger will increase the blood flow and help naturally relieve the pain with the body's endorphins and better circulation. They can both be strong on sensitive skin so start off with 2 drops in 50ml solution of an oil like sunflower, grape seed, almond etc 🙂

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Thank you Finalshine. I do use both of those oils(I love ginger) but as the arthritis affects all of my joints, I don't like to use it all over and too often as both can cause skin irritation and black pepper can over-stimulate the kidneys. I take ginger in other ways such as ginger wine, cordial, sponge (yummy) and add in in cooking.

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Arthritis and one way to cure it

Yes - before anyone says nonsense! It CAN be cured - even osteo, poly etc.. 😉 And I will tell you now that I have a commercial interest as I have developed what my customers tell me is the best they have tried. I then lose my paying clients because in the main they are cured, but they often remain as friends.

I knew nothing of Hydroxychloride - or any other name it has - until today and was certainly not happy to see the side effects possible. "One of the most serious side effects is a toxicity in the eye" is one. But I do know of a natural cure, taken by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide which has a proven track record - including double tests - for curing a whole host of things. It is also used in the treatment of fibromyalgia - ME, MS and other names included. And there are NO SIDE EFFECTS!

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Serrapeptase, 80,000 iu - International Units - taken on an empty stomach dissolves the inflammation - I call it "gravel" because it has that effect on the joints. I have taken it for the last 13 years to control an ever growing prostate and my wife controls her fibromyalgia with it in conjunction with 500 mg curcumin + 5 mg piperine.

Do have a look at Home Cures or contact me direct on for any help I can give you.

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How are you now Ylangrose? any improvements?

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Hi jeannie. I'm about the same at the moment. Quite stiff after sitting for a while and on waking but not too bad during the day while I'm busy. I had a throat infection a couple of weeks ago and was really bad. Pains in my hands, feet, elbows and knees. It improved once the throat infection had gone. Still haven't heard from my rheumatologist but when I last saw him, he said he wanted to see me at the end of the year so I'll probably have to wait till then.

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I have just started BVT Bee Venom Therapy as a way to kick the RA and get off the meds.

The best way to cure arthritis is to eat Ox tail and bone marrow very often
