“The first few steps in the morning make me hold on to something for support” says Mr. Ramanathan, a sixty year old. “ After the first few steps I can walk a distance” says another 55 year old. “It is not like before, every few paces, my knees refuse to go ahead and ask for a rest” refrains a housewife whose never-say-tired service for her family has left her with a sore back and crackling knees. Well then, here we are at that particular crossroads of life where the mind is willing but the body is limited by the pain in the joints.
Osteoarthritis (or degenerative joint disease, is one of the oldest and most common types of arthritis. It is characterized by the breakdown of the joint's cartilage. Cartilage is the slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint. Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. It also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint.
Most commonly affecting middle-aged and older people, OA can range from very mild to very severe. It affects hands and weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, feet and the back.
* The commonest cause of this kind of Arthritis is Aging. As the age advances the liquid portion of cartilage increases and the protein portion decreases. Due to repetitive movement of the joint over the years there is irritation and inflammation of the cartilage leading to breakdown and degeneration. This causes loss of cushion between the bones and the friction leads to pain and limitation of mobility in the joints.
* It is hereditary and sometimes runs in families.
* Obesity with mechanical stress on the joints leads to early degeneration.
* Diseases like Gout in which there is deposition of crystals of uric acid leads to friction on the cartilage.
* Hormonal disorders like Diabetes also causes early degeneration.
* In women in the menopausal age where there is paucity of hormones which also have restorative function on bones and joints leads to rapid progression of Osteo-Arthritis.
* Injuries of sport persons during their playing years find that they are more prone to this disease.
- Pain of the affected joints.
- Swelling of the joints.
- Stiffness.
- Creaking sound from the joints on movement.
- Local warmth of the joint.
- Pain is usually on movement and as the disease progresses, pain is there on least movement.
- Sitting for sometime and starting to move will cause acute pain and is better by moving further.
- Inability to squat on the ground when hips and knees are affected.
Homoeopathy has good remedies to control the pain, swelling, stiffness and creaking sound in the joints that form the main course of the disease. It has remedies to prevent further degeneration of cartilage thereby limiting the progression of the disease. Needless to say this system of Medicine is one of the best suited for treatment of Osteo-Arthritis.
Rest, exercise and weight reductions go a long way in giving relief to the patient in day to day activities.
Hmm thanks drvenugopal very intresting,
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
I use a combination remedy of arnica/rhus tox/ruta grav at 200c for arthritis in my horse, and find that helps.
Dear Drvenugopal
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Osteo Arthritis often thought of as a wear and tear condition, which becomes part and parcel of growing older and is the most common abnormality to affect our joints.
Repair processes take over within the joint and try and keep it healthy and working. But sometimes these repair processes can't keep up with the demands caused by damage to the joint, resulting in symptoms and subsequently disabilities.
Glucosamine is beneficial in the treatment for osteoarthritis in both humans and pets. It has been proven effective in easing osteoarthritis pain, rehabilitating cartilage, renewing synovial fluid, and repairing joints that have been damaged from osteoarthritis.
Each person produces a certain amount of glucosamine within their bodies. When people grow older, their bodies lose the capacity to make enough glucosamine, so the cartilage in their weight-bearing joints, such as the hips, knees, and hands is destroyed, then hardens and forms bone spurs, causing pain, deformed joints, and limited joint movement.
You suggest 'Rest, exercise and weight reductions go a long way in giving relief to the patient in day to day activities' which I would agree with but wouldn't it make more sense to put the Glucosamine, Condroition etc back into our bodies?
With regard to
* Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Osteo Arthritis often thought of as a wear and tear condition, which becomes part and parcel of growing older and is the most common abnormality to affect our joints.
I think that's what the good doctor said:-
* The commonest cause of this kind of Arthritis is Aging.
I'll try & put it another way.
If the gear box in your car is leaking, then the first thing you would probably do is top up you oil before too much damage is done. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the problem it only compensates for it, so you would have to keep topping it up and what if the leak gets worse?
This is exactly the same for taking glucosamine for the joints. [sm=scratchchin.gif]
It's certainly a much better idea than taking pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories (that actually increase the rate of degeneration & risk serious injury to stomach & bowel). [:@]
I even recommend it some people with disk & joint problems, but only to those that I am confident that they are not open to actually trying to address the underlying cause or getting as close to it as possible. There will be a reason why the body is not utilising the nutrients available to it - assuming that they are.
If age was the main cause the all those of the same age would have the same degree of arthritis - no? [sm=scratchchin.gif]
Mine started when I was 19, so at 39 I should be in a wheel chair at least. Well I'm not. I'm better now than I've ever been and the things that have helped me most have been:- stretching, osteopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and avoiding certain foods. Then I found that after several NAET treatments, that I don't even need to do that. [sm=dance.gif]
As to running in families - well it might limp in families [sm=rollaugh.gif], but it doesn't mean you are excused from making the best that you have. And as they haven't yet found a genetic precursor, then it's more likely to be familial, rather than genetic. We'll do the difference another day. [&:]
My point - try & treat the cause. Supplementing is an expensive way of avoiding the underlying issues! 😉
Dear Doc - me thinks folks were kinda hoping for a few pointers on which homeopathic remedies might help them. I understand that it's not that simple & homeopthy usually involves long history taking, analysis & maybe working through several remedies to effect a good resolution.
I notice that there isn't yet a separate forum for homeopathy, as at the moment it comes under Natural Therapies. If you're likely to stick around, then we can ask the 'powers that be' to get one put in place.
Cheers - And.
Homeopathy Awareness Week
14 - 21 June 2004
An opportunity to raise awareness about homeopathy to a wide audience of the public, the media, and other interested groups.
Hi Anahata
I have just found this post --i have a friend who suffers badly -Forgive my ignorance , could you tell me what NAET treatment is.
You have a great posiitive attitude
Love and Light
Sorry - it took so long! 🙁
I don't always make a point of revisiting threads that I have posted on. [sm=nono.gif]
NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques.
The whole point of NAET is to literally desensitise people for allergies, intolerances & sensitivities on the physical, chemical & emotional levels. Also, it can address emotional issues & resolve them in one treatment for most. [sm=dance.gif]
I do recommend it quite a lot as I have been thru the mill of physical & physiological problems & I don't want to be pushy, but I see so many threads & posts from those asking for help with problems that I have been through myself.
Also, I have posted half my life story on HP & not that long ago (less than a week - I think), so don't want to go on about it.
I tend to use vague terms - like 'seems to', 'may help', etc, because of my profesional standing, in that I am very aware of the legalities of making 'claims' & giving people false hope. 😮
To return to the issue of NAET - it is fairly new in the UK & there is only a handful of active practitioners at the moment, but one can't help but feel that it will be very popular in the coming years, as it does actually 'seem' to work. 😉
To put it in a nut shell
It is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and uses muscle response testing to test for allergies, etc. (simillar to those used in the various forms of Applied Kiniesiology, which ironically enough - I studied years ago, before doing my degree).
When one is identified then, the person is treated by balancing the energy in the meridian system, when they are in contact with the offending substance. Thereafter they may need to avoid this substance (whether it be a food, inhalant ( i.e. pollen or animal fur) or a contactant (i.e. nickel in cheap jewllery)for 24 hours after treatment. A small price to pay for a lifetime of relief - methinks!
It's such a simple & obvious idea that it amaze's me that no one thought of it sooner. Dr Mambudripad herself kept it under her hat for years because she couldn't believe that it was so simple either and wanted to make absolutely sure that it did work before she went public with it. There are several books on the market & if you get one - I would get one of the more recent ones, as she is not a natural writer, but has improved of late. [sm=dance.gif]
Oh and the other thing about NAET is that holds the positition that a great many chronic conditions are caused by allergy, intolerance & sensitivities and that many of these allergic reactions are actually to basic nutrients. In the NAET literature & from a TCM perspective all these are regarded as allergies. I accept that this may seem bizarre, but there is good evidence for this. [sm=scratchchin.gif]
What happens in these cases is that the body will accept only the bare minimum that it needs to survive & reject the rest. As I'm sure you'll understand, that survival is a far cry from optimum health and the survival mechanism has only developed to get us through short term emergencies. So if this goes on long term, then general health will suffer & sooner or later somethings got to give, like the very condition that we are, perhaps genetically prone to - hence the hereditary connection with many of these conditions. So medicine has assumed that - that's your lot! You can't expect anything alse & will have to learn to live with it. [>:]
To use the exaple of calcium. It's essential for bone formation & nerve function, amongst other things. If the body is rejecting all but it needs to survive, then it's going to prioritise on brain & nerve function at the cost of bone structure. So this could actually be a major cause of arthritis & osteoporosis. [:-]
To return to arthritis - the most common allergens are:- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) & other acids, calcium (see above), certain grains (especially wheat & as well as joint pain, it's common to have 'brain fog' with this), simple sugars ( the most common ones exposed to are the most common), ye
Thank you for the relpy , very interesting it was too. I shall look into this further.
Thanks again
Love and Light
take a look at this article as well. I have been taking collagen which contains glucosamine and Condroition naturally, and has releived me of pain from osteo arthritis. There are articles also written that has proved that continual supplement of collagen type II has resulted in some re growth of the damaged cartlidge. Hope some of this helps somebody else in pain.
( I also posted this link on a reply to lightwinds posting- sorry for any duplication)