My orrible OA is getting worse...will be able to have new knees in 5 years, I dont want to moan about it, just bought a little mobility scooter, which has given me VA VOOOOOOOOM lol! Now will be able to go everywhere I want to with ease
Just want to know if Im totaley deluded wanting my new biz to work. The past few months been suffering with my neck which has been locking, and pinching nerves when I give a treatment.
It has been diagnosed a cervical spondylosis, I have had a bad neck/shoulder for 15 years but now it wakes me up at 2 am every morning and the pain is horrendous and its always stiff these days, sometimes I cant turn a page in a book. The pain killers just turn me into a painfree zombie so not suitable at all. My imune system seems shot, lots of tummy upsets, coughs ect that just seem to go on and on and on........
I really really want to work, Im so fed up to have nearly have got there with this biz and dare not push it as I feel so bad most days
I try my hardest not to show my pain and be as bright and cheerful as I can be
Need to support myself, can you think of any skills to add to my list that, wont cost a fortune to learn that I can do sitting down?
Or do I give in and give up my dream?
Love Orchid x
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I can't conceive of managing it any other way other than being self-employed. I can work at times to suit me. I can have an afternoon nap if I need to. I can start at 10 am if I need to.
I've had a look at your website, and, if this is your job, then may I suggest something?
Go and read the front page of your website as if you were a client. Then put what you read there into practice. You must, must, MUST look after yourself. Treat yourself as if you were a prized painting or piece of jewellery. After all, this is the only body you've got in this life, you must look after it.
If you don't already, make sure you get massage/Reiki treatment swops with a fellow therapist. It sounds like you may need a treatment per week at the moment. I haven't had a massage now for about a month and I can feel my back seizing up - gotta sort that one out now!
Make sure you take glucosamine and fish oil supplements. Also whatever vitamins you feel you need. It also sounds like you need echinacea supplements to boost your immune system.
And whatever you do, don't beat yourself up about not doing enough work. You do enough. Work within yourself. May I give you this quote, which is 300 years old, and which I wish to god I'd found 20 years before I did?
"It is the work of the Devil, which he employs from time to time, to persuade good souls to do more than they should, in order that they may be able to do nothing." - St Vincent de Paul, 17th century
If you're not working as a healer then you are not fulfilling your destiny. Therefore, make sure you take good care of yourself!
Hope this helps
Thank you Chris for your reply,
I am sorry that you also suffer also, and your advice has given me a boost.
That quote is brilliant and I will keep it and pass it on to a few I know that would benefit.
Yes, your right, I should practise what I preach and take more care of me
I do take vit c and Rose hip vit and will start taking echinacia again. I do manage to get the odd treatment but will try and do some swaps.
Just to mention though my GP warned me to stop taken glucosamine as it can be bad for the liver.
So all has been taken onboard
many thanks for your help
love orchid xx
HI I may be able to help a little but i need a little information on what is going on first, if you like to PM me ill do all I can
Hi Orchid,
Well you are in a bad way ... lets start by saying your knee specialist is right in one way, but this type of injury can or should be quite easy to put right over time.
1st you will need to build the quadriceps BUT they must have massage on then so they dont pull (so find a GOOD PT) who will take advise from you. That will help a great seal with the pain in your knees.
2nd DONT HAVE INJECTIONS ON THEM this will only hinder the rehab !!
Ask your Helper to work on the Vastus intermedius, Vastus lateralis & the Popliteus (all very important knee muscles)
Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus & the Biceps Femoris (they help with the knee and hips)
That should give you a lot help and recover the knee and hip problems.
Ok what next !!!! Neck and Shoulder ...
..Ok this is a hard one to try and help with as ive not seen you... it sounds like to have a real onset of OA so seek out a therapist who can mix bach flower, this is such a great inner healer.
As for the OA and nerve problems you could do with finding a V GOOD therapist who does not mind giving you a real beating !!! that will help but their is not a lot of us who will take on such a big case as you are.
Keep the heat on as this seems to help ( try geting a wheatbag ) I have a number of a good company that would send them out BUT they are heavy, I use them in treatment all the time ( if you need thre number ill pm it to you )
As for the spine consultant this is nothing new I have it every day lol
I would like to find out if I put them into pain if they would missplace! their X-Rays lol
But get the GP to follow this up and get back to me
I hope this helps but you are a long way away from me and find it hard to help without seeing you.
The advise given is a guide only to be of help I am not a GP.
Thanks again Mark
Hi Orchid
I'm surprised to hear about glucosamine, especially as my consultant recommended it to me! Anyway, the most important thing is to look after yourself so you can look after other people. Take care!
Hi Chris,
Yes I was surprised, perhaps its because Im on medication that can effect the liver,
Thank you so much for your advice
Orchid x
Thank you Mark for all your advice
have PMd you again
Orchid x
Hi Orchid
Pls take good care of yourself. I'm in the same situation as u r now. My therapies are my passion, I continued giving treatments with all the pain and had a heart attack and now recovering from it. Do not over do and hurt yourself.
Love & Blessings
Oh Astha,
Im so very sorry to hear that, you must have been very frightened.
I hope your recovery is swift and you will soon be enjoyin a lovely spring.
and an even nicer summer.
Its funny but Im happiest when Im planning and learning anything work related. Its been very hard accetping my limitations and trying to think what I could do when Im at my most comfiest, lying on a couch and just chatting, not much I suspose, any ideas that wont involve me being arrested lol!!! greatly appreciated!
Thanks for sharing
Warmest wishes
Orchid x
Hi Orchid,
Sorry to hear that you’re having such a rough time…you have my sympathies. Arthritis pain can be so terribly debilitating. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in my early 20’s; it was that incident that prompted me to seek out Reiki training, and fortunately, that worked wonders for me.
I’ve got a pretty intensive routine of regular self practice that keeps me in good shape: daily self treatments and also Japanese kokyu-ho techniques. I also practice Hatha and Bikram yoga, and generally aim for about 3-4 practice sessions each week. When I first took up yoga, it was absolutely excruciating, but it’s become much easier with regular practice, and my body has benefited immensely from it. I have much less pain, and far better mobility now in my 30’s than I did in my 20’s.
I’ve had a look at your website as well (which is lovely) and I’d definitely agree with what Chris wrote: you need to treat yourself as you would you clients…even better I’d suggest! Find natural techniques that can help with pain and inflammation (Reiki, yoga, tai chi and qi gong are a few which are relatively gentle and low-cost to practice). Once you’ve found something that helps, set up a routine and try to practice regularly…improvements are often cumulative.
Bodywork is physically demanding even for the able bodied, so you might have to rethink your business plan just a little bit. Not abandon any dreams, maybe just find new ones. If you are in pain and suffering through the treatments you give, then your clients may very well pick up on that. Especially if you’re doing healing or energy work.
I trained in holistic massage and aromatherapy, but about a year after going into practice, I found that it was too painful for me to continue working as a hands-on therapist (my most severe joint pain is in my wrists and hands, so repetitive strain not very good for me). It was disheartening, but not the end of the world. I now do secretarial work 3 days each week, and spend the rest of the time as a teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho. I don’t mind my part time job. It’s boring, yes, but helps pay the bills, and saves me if I have a slow month with the Reiki, or have to take time off teaching to work on myself.
Take care, and hope that you feel better soon!
Hi Alison,
Thank you for your reply. Im sorry that you have had RA since your 20's, I hate to think of all the young people that suffer with it.
I have taken on board all that you have said and I agree totaly, I have am going to a physio based exercise class, and have booked into a pain management exercise class that will introduce yoga and some others,
I do feel much better afterwards and it does lift my spirits.
Have booked a massage...cant wait!
I used to put time aside every day for my Reiki and it had wonderful results with health probs so much that I was able to cancel my hysterectomy.....but ..... I am finding it so hard to concentrate on my meditation that I feel its not working, I no longer experience the wonderful lights, colours and spririt. I miss it, I try everyday its just not happening.
I really like your site too
Love Orchid x
Hi Orchid,
It sounds like you've got a good plan, and I really do hope that you'll be feeling better soon. I was just thinking about what you wrote here...
I am finding it so hard to concentrate on my meditation that I feel its not working, I no longer experience the wonderful lights, colours and spirit. I miss it, I try everyday its just not happening.
I think it's not uncommon at all to feel a little disconnected from your spiritual side when you've been physically suffering and stressed out about things. You shouldn't give yourself a hard time; I'm sure the connection will come back if you just take a little time each day to nurture it.
Maybe you could try a new technique or meditation...something you've not done before might give you a fresh outlook. Also, maybe just start with very simple and achievable goals: say a 10 minute meditation exercise followed by a 20 minute Reiki self-treatment.
If you're not having the same experiences that you were before, that's not necessarily a bad thing. From what you've written, it sounds like your physical condition is the most important thing to focus on right now. I wouldn't worry too much about not having psychic or spiritual experiences when practicing Reiki. It might even be a good thing, if you consider it in a different light.
In my teaching practice, I've found that sometimes people put too much emphasis on developing the energy in their higher centres before establishing strength in their lower ones. Psychic and spiritual experiences can be very exciting, but without a strong foundation one can easily become unstable. I know quite a few gifted psychics who are genuinely helping people, but who also suffer from poor health, personal problems, and confusion in their own lives.
See if you can let go of the need to "feel" anything when you practice; simply try to let go and know that what you're doing is good for you, and is helping to bring your ki into a state of optimum balance. With practice, your energy will become stronger, which will help you manage your physical condition, and provide a strong foundation for your future spiritual development.
When I have RA flare-ups, I work on the hara (lower abdomen) during self-treatment; I also focus on any accessible joint that is swollen. If a joint is not easily accessible (like neck or back) I work on the closest area that I can manage (such as top of the chest for neck and shoulder pain). I primarily use symbol 1 (ckr) for these times as I find it good for physical strength and connecting to earth ki.
If you'd like any more tips feel free to PM me. Take care and hope that you will soon be feeling lots better!
Allison xx
Bless you Allison,
Thank you for explaining and I will pm you, have a hectic day today,
Lorrayne xx
I feel for you. I was diagnosed with RA in my childhood. Alison has given you some amazing advice.
I find my state of mind has a great deal to do with how I cope from day to day. The thing I absolutely do not let go of is this: The arthritis lives with me. I do not live with it. (if that makes sense) 😮
Need to support myself, can you think of any skills to add to my list that, wont cost a fortune to learn that I can do sitting down?
Or do I give in and give up my dream?
Love Orchid x
Do not give up your dreams Orchid.
Dreams keept us alive.
If you want to learn new skills to support yourself at a non effectiv cost and do both sitting or lying:read books about Bach flower remedies.:043:
Hello Arwenfreebird
Thank you for your reply and Im so glad that you are doing well in controlling your RA. hopefully one day soon I will be able to
Hi Lobellia,
So sweet your message, thank you. Will look at flower remedies, have been thinking of Hypnotherapy but its very expensive.
Im sure Ill be guided to the right place, just need a different dream
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts
Love Orchid xx
hi orcid.just read your post.Sorry to hear you are in so much pain.Have you ever heard of Transfer Factors.They help to correct an overactive immune system that is the cause of all these auto immune diseases. reading .Pycnogenal is also very good for oa. can read about it on same website
kind regards natural health