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Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

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I have a lot of friends and family members with arthritic problems. The usual treatment in UK is to stone the sufferer with pain killers more and more. One of them was recently suggested morphine by her doctor!

Surely, such practices are not combatting this crippling disease but making it worst for the sufferer in the long run.

Does anyone know of any new or alternative treatments to combat different forms of arthritis?

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Yes, here are some herbal ones
1. Devils Claw, tests prove it works just as well as conventional medicine. It is used for any condition where there is inflammatory pain, especially rheumatoid arthritus. Taken long term it helps to balance immune system. can be taken long or short term.No side effects or contra-indications
2. Ginger - not as strong as devils Claw, it has a warming effect on the body and stimulates the circulation, which in turn helps to deliver necessary nutrients to the affected area. No side effects or contra-indications
3. Urtica dioica (from stinging nettles)- strong cleansing action on the body. Behaves as a blood tonic and its action is both to bring nutrients to the tissues as well as taking away undesirable wastes.No side effects or contra-indications
4. Knotgrass Complex offers a solution to the problem, as well as alleviation of the symptoms, as it removes the deposits that are the underlying cause of some arthritic complaints. .Pain relief apparent after 2 months.No side effects or contra-indications

Treatment plans for healthy joints
1. Reduce acidic foods
2. Increase alkaline foods
3. Improve your lifestyle - 20 mins exercise a day.
Use Arnica gel externally for quick relief
5. Use Devils Claw onternally for long term relief.

Hope this info is of some use.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

re: Devil's Claw, I have seen some major kidney damage resulting from Devil's Claw(no other identifiable cause) on a couple of occasions. Whilst this may be down to the quality of the supply, and the way it was mixed up, I would personally advise caution when using this product.

I would personally like to see more regulation in the field of herbal remedies, with more scientific research in its use. Much of my scepticism, I would guess is down to the fact that different practitioners make up products differently, thereby giving no clear idea of what ingredients are actually being used each time.

One product that you could try is NingXia Red, made from the NingXia woolfberry. This is a live food source and has had remarkable results in rheumatoid.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Can never claim to cure, but i have had very good feedback from users of a particular brand of mangosteen juice.
The Xanthones found in the rind of the fruitare anti inflammatory andproven to provide natural relief via direct inhibition of COX-2enzymes.
More information can be found at [link= http://www.mangosteenworld.info ]www.mangosteenworld.info[/link]

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

wearing some haematite is supposed to help. after breaking my elbow a few months ago the doctor said i might develop arthritis in it. although it's much better now, it still aches a lot but after wearing a haematite ring, the pain has been halved!


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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

ORIGINAL: maceuk

re: Devil's Claw, I have seen some major kidney damage resulting from Devil's Claw(no other identifiable cause) on a couple of occasions. Whilst this may be down to the quality of the supply, and the way it was mixed up, I would personally advise caution when using this product.

cant say ive heard of this, i work in a health shop and we sell this, we contiually get updates about the herbs and nothing has been mentioned! but of course u need it frm a a reupatble source nd u must follow the instructions carefully! like all medicines, heerbs etc

i agree with gilliebean, its great for inflammation

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

I've never heard of it causing kidney damage either. My information and supplies come from Vogel, who are one of the best. They say that much research has been done on Devils Claw and it has been found to be very effective. I'm sure they would not be selling it if it caused health problems. They state there are no side affects or contra-indications.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

thts wht we sell A. Vogel, Bioforce, thts were i get my info frm!

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

I'd have to agree with the two above, as have not heard of kidney damage associated with Devil's Claw.

Devil's claw
Harpagophytum procumbens
Source: dried tubers.
Actions: anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, sedative, digestive stimulant.
Therapeutic uses: arthritis, gout, stiff joints, back pain, skin inflammation, sores and boils. Traditional South African remedy for digestive problems, especially gall bladder or stomach.
Typical preparation: decoction, tablets, liquid tincture.
Contraindications: not to be taken during pregnancy or by people with a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

[link= http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/complementary_medicine/remedies_herbs.shtml#devi l's_claw]http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/complementary_medicine/remedies_herbs.shtml#devi l's_claw[/link]

Devil's claw is safe to use when proper dosage recommendations are followed, according to sources including the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) for Herbal Medicines, the 1998 book based on the 1997 findings of Germany's Commission E.
Although devil's claw has not undergone the FDA research required for approval as a remedy, other studies in Europe confirm that devil's claw is safe for most people. However, people with ulcers should be cautious because the herb stimulates the production of stomach acid.
Furthermore, it is not known if devil's claw is safe for people with major liver or kidney conditions. In addition, devil's claw could cause an allergic reaction.

[link= http://health.enotes.com/alternative-medicine-encyclopedia/devil-s-claw ]http://health.enotes.com/alternative-medicine-encyclopedia/devil-s-claw[/link]

SO it looks like it would be a sensible precaution not to take if any known liver of kidney disease and the jury is out if pregnant.

RE: Chinese/oriental herbs (i.e. 'NingXia Red, made from the NingXia woolfberry'), in actual fact these are the least well regulated herbs in the west, so it does seem an odd recommendation. [sm=scratchchin.gif]

I have to confess that I, myself started having an allergic reaction to Devils' Claw, in the form of a general skin itching, but at the time I had allergies to a whole heap of things (now fortunately dealt with), so it wasn't such a surprise. I found Cat's Claw to be more effective and I suppose I'd say more hypoallergenic.

I think the thing to take away from this discussion is that it's better to see a western medical herbalist for several reasons;

  • They'll know what the most appropriate herb is for a particular person & condition,
  • What the contra-indications are,
  • And they only tend to usepure, organic herbs from suppliers they and trust.

When it comes to herbal remedies, then everything else is likely to be hit & miss guess work.[:o]
Of the things that even modern medicine gets rightis that - self diagnosis can be dangerous!

That said - I am a great supporter of the basic human right to choose our own poison, as it were and that herbs, homeopathic remedies & nutritional supplements should remain available OTC and would need some serious convincing to the contrary. 😀


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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Thanks for all the advice, but does anyone know of any surgical cures. My x-wife, who suffers greatly from this at a relatively young age, insists that they can implant artificial joints in fingers and in arms. If that is the case; expensive but may well worth it to get rid of the pain once and for all!

Do you know of anyone who actually had such an operation?

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

never heard of an op!

something i think tht wud help is glucosamine, with chondroitin and aloe vera, this helps to rebuild the cartiledge nd helps with the inflammation

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

mym mum has had arthritis for a years now.
There was a time when my dad was away on business and my brother at uni.
Instead of making a vegan meal for me and a meat one for her, she made one big vegan meal for both of us.
After just a few weeks ,she really did notice a difference and was in a lot less pain adn able to carry out tasks she would other wise wouldn't without a lot of pain.
This went on for 2m ,then when my dad returned she went back to eating meat and her symptoms came back.
Just thought I would suggest it maybe worth people trying this out for a while and see if it can help you.
Different things work for different people though.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Garlic and Ginkgo Biloba
Both garlic and ginkgo biloba have been shown to help with circulation and improve blood flow. This is important where arthritis is concerned. You have to try to improve your circulation. This will help bring oxygen to the affected area and take away harmful deposits which have built up.
All of these herbs may help. We have produced a special formula which includes all four of these herbs: ginger, cayenne, garlic and ginkgo biloba.

natural healing herbs for better health

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

I have tried everything to get rid of my pain but to no avail. I have Spondylitis of 2/3/5C and T4. I am in agony most days and hardly have any movement in my neck. My lats are always seizing up and continually have stiffness and trapped nerves in my trapezios and sternocleidomastoids. Acupuncture, Reflexology,Bownes Technique, Holistic Massage, Aromatherapy, Tai Massage,pain killers, anti-inflammortories,hot and cold packs, oesteopathy,excercise,physio, you name it I have tried it. I am early forties and am trying hard to live my life but the constant pain sees me staying in most nights and being off work alot. Can anyone help? My inflammation is measuring 27 at the moment.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Get some ARNICA GEL have someone put some on for you,put plenty on it soaks right in and goes to where it is needed, I use it for mine. I also do neck exercise, I know you have a severe problem, but please do try exercising your neck, a little each day will beging to free you up, Take a nice deep as you like temp wise bath soak your neck to give it heat, then when you get out of the bath put your Arnica gel on, it doesn't sting or irritate even with open pores. Now gentle turn your head slowly to the left as far as you can then stop,don't push it, now do it to the right again only as far as you can without causing pain, now put your chin down this will cause pulling to the back of your neck so slowly nod your head down again don't over do it, now head up,and slowly gently nod it backwards, Do these exercises whenever you are sitting relaxing,do a little more each day eventually you will be able to move your neck around ,up and down, move it is the key word. I'm not saying you'll never have pain again, because yes I still do,but it just isn't as bad as it was and I can move my neck. Doing neck exercise yourself you know how far you can go and you know how far to push yourself, but just take it a notch at a time, if you do it three times a day, add a notch each time, you'll surprise yourself.

You can put Arnica gel in the bath too, add lavender oil aswell. You can shower and aim it at your neck if you don't have a bath.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?


now head up,and slowly gently nod it backwards, Do these exercises whenever you are sitting relaxing,do a little more each day eventually you will be able to move your neck around ,up and down, move it is the key word.

Having taught a specialist exercise class for arthritis for several years I recognised the neck mobility movements suggested by Lyn as they are similar to the head/neck part of our usual warmup routine .. with one caution. I never ask people to tilt their head back, it can cause problems compressing the discs in the uppermost vertebrae. Instead I get people to pull their chin in while keeping their head upright; this movement pushes the head back but keeps it vertical while still stretching the muscles and opening the vertebrae. Another exercise is to slowly tilt the head sideways dropping the ear toward the shoulder, again keeping the range of motion within the comfort zone. Raise the head, pause and repeat to the other side. We do all these with 3 repetitions on each side.


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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

My sister was experiencing terrible pain with her arthritis. Her daughter, a doctor, suggested something called 'eating for your blood type'. She experienced the following:

  • Elimination of acid reflux
  • Pain-free from the arthritis
  • Lost 50 lbs (boy, did that make her mad)

The weight loss was really a bonus. She just changed what she ate and went through an incredibly great experience. I believe 'wheat' is also on the hit list with this diet. Gee, another case of diet affecting one's health.

vegan_woman, you'll be interested in knowing that BOTH of my sisters noticed when they
ate red meat, the condition worsened.

Hope this helps even ONE person.


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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

The egoscue method has helped many with the pain. It is a type of physical therapy. WhenI perform the excercises, I have alot less pain and can eliminate spending time and money on chiropractic. I started doing the exercises after getting Pete Egoscue's book.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

ORIGINAL: stargirl

never heard of an op!

something i think tht wud help is glucosamine, with chondroitin and aloe vera, this helps to rebuild the cartiledge nd helps with the inflammation

I agree with stargirl supplements containing glucosamine, chondrotin, aloe vera and msma helps with people experiencing pain in joints. You can find them online or in any Health Food Store.


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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

agree with Lyn about the arnica gel, it is the great for it.

magnet lady
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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

This is a link to the Report from the findings of the Arthritis Research Campaign:
[link= http://www.arc.org.uk/newsviews/press/dec2004/magbrace.htm ]http://www.arc.org.uk/newsviews/press/dec2004/magbrace.htm[/link]
The full report was published in the British Medical Journal in December 2004.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

I have taken these excepts from a couple of my publications:

Arthritis means inflammation of a joint and the two major forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Common in the elderly is the osteoarthritis; this mainly affects the weight-bearing joints such as the:

· Hips
· Spine
· Knees
· Elbows
· Finger Joints

The cartilage is worn away, producing pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the whole body not just the joints.

A diet high in fruits and vegetables (vitamin C and E) can slow the onslaught of arthritis and also reduce pain and inflammation. Eating oily fish such as:

· Salmon
· Tuna
· Herring
· Mackerel
· Trout
· Sardines

which are high in omega-3 fish oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, may be beneficial in reducing inflammation, swelling and pain. Avoiding adrenal stimulants such as:

· Coffee
· Tea
· Sugar
· Alcohol
· Refined carbohydrates

and drinking plenty of mineral water will also help.

· Losing excess weight
· Gentle exercise
· Applying hot and cold compresses
· Sleeping on a comfortable bed

will also be beneficial.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from arthritis.

· Aloe vera
· Antioxidant complex
· Bone mineral complex
· Cod liver oil
· Devil's claw extract
· Glucosamine sulphate
· Multivitamin and multi-minerals
· New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract
· Omega-3 fish oil
· Vitamin B5
· Vitamin C
· Vitamin E

Plus here is a list of anti-inflammatory foods

· Almonds
· Anchovies
· Apples
· Apricot seeds
· Artichokes
· Avocados
· Beans
· Bell Peppers
· Black & green tea
· Blackberries
· Blueberries
· Broccoli
· Canola (rapeseed) oil
· Carrots

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?


I have found diet plays a vital role in controlling arthritis andwholly agree on the advicegiven on diet so far.

Before taking supplements however, you might consider preparing your body for supplementation first ortheir effects can oftenbeshort lived and sometimes even detrimental. Any good naturopath should be able to help you with this.

Arthritic people can often carry a lot of emotional 'bagguage' so any therapy that will help release this would also be useful. Tachyon and EFT would both be effective.

If you are familiar with Tachyon - Tachyonized Silica Gel and Panther Juicewould be of great benefit asthey deliver vital healinglife force energy directly to the bones, joint and muscle tissue. I have seen many people relieve all sorts of muscular-skeletal problems from these two.

Kindest Regards.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Wow!! So much of what has been recommended dietarily for arthritisis the same that I've been taking for cancer with really great results. I keep telling people that what I'm doing for cancer would be good for anyone. Of course, none of it has ever been 'evaluated' by the FDA nor will it ever be-if it isn't a'drug' approved by those poor health mongers, it has no value. They only want to treat symptoms, prevention is the farthest thing from there minds.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

thank you everyone for a very informative thread.. i was about to start a new topic but i've found all the answers i need in here..

i'm looking on behalf of my partner really, he suffers alot with arthritis, especially at this time of year.. but hopefully things will improve for him once we try some new remedies.. i think i'll try the arnica gel and the devils claw, see how we get on with that.. all i know is that the pain killers he's taking now are doing his stomach no favours at all..

thanks again..

ali xx

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

In arthritis, toxins are getting into the joints and causing pain, inflammationand stiffness and not enough blood and lymph is coming in and out of the joints to get rid of these toxins.
So the question is: Why are toxins circulating around and why is the circulation/excretion processes impaired?
Cat's claw can be very helpful as an anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritis but that is using the same approach as taking a conventional painkiller.
Wouldn't it begood to get to the cause of the problem if possible and to help eliminatethe toxins and their source, nourish and cleanse the joints?

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

I have started wearing a special magnet - you can get them on straps or as bracelets. The discomfort has virtually gone. (you can also get them for your arthritic pets)

If you want details of the supplier pm me and I will give them to you.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

i read in a book 'the green pharmacy' about nettle tea - its supposed to help and you drink it like 2-3 times a day...would have to look up arthritis, as i dont remember reading much about it - but i had done a bit of research on nettle tea...its also supposed to help hair loss as well....



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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Nettle tea, I might get my husband to try it. He has Ankylosing Spondylitis, and has tried so many different things to ease his pain. He also uses magnetic therapy, but not sure if or how much it helps. I guess different things work for different people and different areas with arthritis.

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RE: Heard of any new cures for Arthritis?

Hi I read an article last night in a Psychologies magazine about Arthritis. A guy wrote in and said nothing worked for him except Rose Hip. I assume this is an alternative medicine.......possibly in tablet form - it did not state whether it was a cream/oil/or tablet. Hope this helps.

Best wishes

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