I am an EFT practitioner and my husband has severe arthritis in his right foot and left knee.
We have been tapping for a while and there is a great improvement. Arthritis is not one of those ailments that just disappear it takes a while and a lot of tapping.
The key is to find out what emotions caused it in the first place and that can be quite tricky as most people have had it for years so can't remember what was going on in their life at the time but we get round that.
I tap with my husband at weekends to clear any lingering pain which isn't much now, and also the root of it.
Anyone who wants to learn to tap for themselves can download the free manual from the EFT website.
which EFT website is that?
Gary Craig has shut his down, or so I thought
I believe it closes on 5th which is tomorrow tigress
ahh, and there was me thinking it was long gone!!!
According to today's letter, the archived articles will be transferred to Dawson Church - there's a link, but it doesn't seem to be working yet. Quite possibly the free manual download will be there too. If anyone's interested, I'll post the link when it's working better.
Just tried the link to the new EFT site again and it's working now:
follow these simple steps
please visit site [url]EFT tapping points | Alternative Therapies for Health[/url]