I've been periodically breaking out in this rash. I washed all of my clothes in a detergent that I know I was not allergic to. I changed my shampoo, I tried different soaps, but it just came back
I first noticed it on my chest and it was super itchy. Just my upper chest and my back. Which is why I thought it was my shampoo from when I'd rinse it off. then it also started coming on my forearms. That was it kept coming back. Then just this week, I noticed it had been slightly less itchy (which was why I didn't notice) but was back on my chest and back of my neck and then on my forearm again (right one only). anyone know how i'd go about figuring out what it is? it hasn't been nearly as bad as it has been in the past, but it's driving me bonkers.
p.s. Hope this is in the right forum :>
RE: rash
eliminate all the obvious things first, including fabric softeners, body lotions, hair dye, perfume etc. what comes into regular contact with those areas? does your pillow need throwing out?
have you changed yr diet?
consult a homeopath, or read The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro (think you can get this in the states).
If you have no known allergies to it try 5 drops of pure organic lavender oil in your bath.
think back to what was happening in yr life in the month preceding the first outbreak - something bugging you?
you've probably thought of most of these but they are the first things i'd try.
love penny
RE: rash
There are numerous reasons for skin rashes but in the main they are due to an over stimulated immune system (from allergies, viruses etc)
Try eliminating possible causes via this flow chart:
Question 29 mentions Tinea versicolor , a fungal problem that can affect the body areas you describe.
If you think the rash could be a fungal one then a good complementary treatment would be from aged garlic supplement (Kyolic)
Or try a Google search on garlic for fungal problems.
Topical Tea Tree oil may also help.
astra x
RE: rash
thank you both and those who PM'd me about this.
I think that I finally figured it out--it was my eczema acting up. I haven't really had any flare ups in a long time, so I wasn't thinking about the obvious. At least I know i'm not suddenly allergic to everythign! lol
RE: rash
I would suggest that the most likely cause of eczema is allergies, but any ideas, I'm sure are most welcome.
RE: rash
I think it was originally my shampoo...i've switched brands now. I have to be really really careful about soaps that I use. When I was working at a sandwhich place and at a fast food restaurant and had to wash my hands all the time, the rash spread all up my arms and was really quite painful andto be honest, nasty looking...lol. constantly moisturizing.
but I also know that the rash on my arms probably was more cuz it's winter and my skin is dry. i did a little reading on it and it seems to back what I've been doing. for some reason, I just didn't associate what happens to my hands with what was happening ot my arms. if that makes sense...lol
anyways, thanks again everyone :>
RE: rash
Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but there is more than a good chance that NAET treatment could help you resolve your allergy issues, rather than having to go through a life time of avoidance and suffering.
I quite understand that some on here are stuck with believing what they've been told by orthodox medicine that little can be done to help, but that doesn't mean that that is the case.