Milk allergy/intole...
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Milk allergy/intolerance in 15month old

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Hi Everyone,

My son began drinking cows milk since he was 12 months old - He s now 15months and every day since Saturday he's come out in a rash all over him after drinking cows milk.

The GP has advised to give him no dairy for 5 days then to reintroduce it slowly and see if he reacts.

I ve read through several posts on here about different types of tests that can be done but Im a bit confused by it all. I really want to get to the bottom of what is causing it but not sure on the best test for him to have and one that s suitable for a child.

Any advice appreciated.

Thank you.

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Hi Lucasia

I replied to your earlier with suggestions. Hope they were helpful. The Dr does IgE allergy testing, and for IgE intolerance testing you will need to go privately. There are various tests available if you google 'food intolerance tests'. The blood tests are usually the most reliable (not easy with a baby) but hair can be tested too, though I'm not sure how reliable they are. I would seriously suggest you find a nutritional therapist to help you.

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Milk does not has not be dairy. You can get Oats Milk you should check out is safe to do so, I am sure there are many reliable alternatives to cows milk just as good

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Thank you for both of your responses, I will definately look into this further.


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Have you done as the doctor suggested and stopped using all dairy for 5 days? If so, did he react when it was reintroduced?
Is it just cows milk he reacts to or other dairy products?

My youngest is lactose intolerant and was diagnosed at 6 months old. I had to check lables as lots of products (not just dairy) contain lactose. Fortunately the major supermarkets all do a "free from" range so feeding him is not a problem.
Every few weeks we try him again with dairy products containing lactose and so far we have managed to get him to accept fromage frais, custard, yogurt and cheese. He is almost 4 now and the only thing that still causes a reaction in liquid cows milk but we are persevering with the introductions!!

My HV said that most children grow out of milk/lactose intolerance by the time they are 5 and in 37 years she has only had 2 cases where it has lasted into adulthood.

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Yes we kept him off all dairy and he did react again when we gave him cows milk.

He s now on a prescription milk from the GP, we re to give him that for 3 weeks, then try soya milk and if he s ok with that, we re to try cows milk again. We are to keep him off all dairy in the meantime.

If he does react again we will be getting an allergy test done.

That s positive your son has managed to be introduced to all those new foods, thank you for sharing.


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Hi Lucasia

I think you'll find he reacts to cows milk unless he has been off it completely for several months and had some probiotic youghurt (plain Alpro soya for example) to help build up a suitable gut flora to protect his gut wall.

He may react to soya too, in which case quinoa milk will have a full range of amino acids needed for his growth. Also goats milk may be a possibility - you'll just have to try them.

Hope all goes well - all the best

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My eldest daughter was diagnosed lactose intolerant at the age of 14yrs and has been ever since and has been taking anti-histamine every day of her life since then and she is now 26! It was a nightmare trying to find food that didn't contain lactose at the time. She still reacts badly if she 'slips' and has anything dairy based and has been on soya milk for past 12 years. I do feel so sorry for her as she loves cheese/icecream etc but her friends and colleagues (and now husband) keep a watchful eye on her and make sure she doesn't 'indulge' too often.

I hope things sort themeselves out for your son.

Love and light


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Hi, I recommend you take him to a Health Kinesiologist to find out for sure, who would also treat the issue. Could you switch to raw milk? there is a lot of good press about its benefits lately.
