Not sure if anyone has come across anything similar but I was diagnosed with Hepatitis A on Monday after having a blood test at my doctors. I was off work with gastro enteritis last week and then developed a nasty itch - i was still feeeling bad so i went back to the doctor and he tested my blood. I have the typical symptons of Jaundice - itching skin, pale stools, eyes gone a funny colour, upset stomach, tiredness etc. My skin colour has not particulary changed though, although my face is very pale and I look really ill.
Today, i went to see an alternative health practitioner who used her crystal over the charts and told me that my bilirubin levels are fine and my liver is healthy. She feels that i have poisoned my system by eating too much fruit and that i am allergic to citrus fruits and should stay away from all berries and the marrow family also. She feels that this is the case for the skin itching etc. I thought that i had been eating a super healthy diet only to be told that it is probably the cause of all my symptons and my system finally got to breaking down point. She has given me a natural remedy and told me stay away from fruit for the time being.
Has anyone ever come across anything similar?
To be honest, no I've not heard or come across anything similar.
What sort of "alternative" health practitioner was this lady? Is she trained in Diet and Nutrition?
She is about 70 years old and has an amazing reputation for healing people where doctors have not been successful. She has no formal education in nutrition or homeopathy from what i can gather - she uses homeopathic remedies.
There is quite a bit of information on the following US medical information site:
Looks like Hep A can be contracted as a faecal/oral infection - and is mainly blamed on poor food handling, or contaminated preparation areas. It may not be the fruit that has done the damage, but could be the water used to wash it.
If you have faith in this woman, then try some of her recommendations - but don't turn your back on any help offered by the medical system. (I notice you are in South Africa - which part?)
Yes I agree, i will certainly follow the doctors advice but i guess there is no harm in taking her natural drops too. I will stop the acidic fruit and see what happens.
I live in little old East London 🙂
Is there any connection between allergies and hepatitis A?
Hi Lux and all
This is an old thread but here goes. Can anyone tell me if chronic hives urticaria is "predominately" in older people who would have developed a low functioning liver from high-carb high-fat nutritional "habits," or addictions, and eating non organic preserved foods? I think this is my problem since hepatitis is so common in the U.S., but I am having a hard time finding any internet literature saying this is the root cause that I can try to work to fix with better nutrition, and by trying to stay away from drugs that would likely hurt my liver even further. Thanks for anyone who would reply.