I'm allergic to dust, pollens.. I visit my doctor twice a month.. He gave me medications antihistamine for my allergy.. My allergy will be gone in 1 week before then it keeps coming back.. I hate pollution..
Hi Johnathan,
I know what you are talking about. Antihistamins do work even though they often leave you feeling tired and drained. I have successfully used 2 alternative methods. One is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques - Sort of acupressure) and the second one is Nutrienergetics. Both combined brought very good results.
A little explanation for both:
EFT - Basically says that all sorts of physical symptoms are the effect of withheld emotions in your system. Once you release the emotions, the effect (symptom) will disappear. The kept emotion basically interrupts your meridian system (Energy grid described in traditional chinese medicine) which causes your symptoms. Have a good read online. It is really worth it.
NES - Is a more modern approach. Your energy field is first scanned and a very detailed report is created. I was quite impressed with this since it even indicated my knee problems (I play a lot of pool billiards and have frequent knee problems because I overstretch my left leg too much while playing). Once the imbalances are measured your field is corrected by inserting specific information via "infoceuticals" as they call it.
Believe me I was VERY sceptical but since I was fed up taking classic medication with all its side effects I was willing to try. The results I got so far are good and I will continue with the treatment.
In general have a look into TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which can be quite effective. Not everything is for everyone though so see what fits your needs by trial and error. This is the only way to find out if something works for you or not 🙂
Hope that helped!
Hi Jonathan,
it's a pain to have sensitivities I know. Allergies are your body being senstitive to certain triggers. (I have been extremely sensitive to electrical equipment - I thought I was going mad, so did my flat mate). Thankfully mine have evened out now, since I have done EFT and bioenergy.
I agree, EFT was very effective for me too. Then I began bioenergy, which is also a more modern approach, working to remove blockages to enable the body's electrical circuitry system to flow more efficiently. This is done by scanning the body to find the primary blockage, then manipulation of the area, then stretching (energetically), which 'reconfigures' the brain and therefore your body's reactions. The practitioner himself got over numerous debilitating sensitivities with this treatment. It's a longterm approach, which antihistamines definitely aren't!
I practice EFT and know this works well with allergies. If you know exactly what the triggers are and can do pendulum dowsing I know a way to desensitise yourself. pm me if you do and we'll talk privately.
I do feel I have to clarify things here. Allergies are not sensitivities. They are an incredibly violent reaction by the body in response to a substance or contact. They are life threatening. Sensitivities are not life threatening. The reactions can be awful, but the body doesn't go into shutdown.
Having said that, people do suffer terribly with sensitivities such as hay fever, dust and pollen, and lives are made a misery. I really hope you manage to find some relief for your symptoms. It sounds as though you are having a really tough time.
Let us know how you get on.
Maggie xx
I also reccommend EFT, plus...
Quantum Touch
Suffered for years with hay fever, but only through trial and error have I got it under control.
Years ago it dawned on me that it was the middle of winter and I was still having the symptoms of hay fever, runny nose, sneezing, etc.
Then I started keeping a food diary, and noticed that after eating certain foods (around 7 - 8 hours later) I would have all the symptoms of hay fever. For me it was clear that dairy products were one of my trigger points (which are known to be mucus forming).
Even after limiting my intake (which is difficult) I still wasn't clear and started suffering really bad sinusitis, which I have since learnt is very resistant to antibiotics - which my GP was giving me, they did help but I seemed to be going around in circles.
Visited an acupuncturist, which helped tremendously, then over the following years visited her in spring (two - three sessions was all I needed) as I knew pollen aggravated me as well. The acupuncturist also gave me tablets to 'cleanse' my liver, whatever they were they helped as well. But I havent seen her for years and she helped me with a knee problem.
Now years later I know to limit my dairy intake, stopped eating chocolate, bananas are a trigger factor, I just keep to healthy foods, but do have the odd meal with cheese but not very often.
This is just my experience, it is a case of finding out what are the trigger points and then working out what alternatives are available and remembering that there are no quick fixes.
Good luck
I know exactley what you mean and I know of a MIRACLE CURE and it is a dehumidifier. They are just brilliant but don't get a small one get one for about £100