Hi Everyone.
Finally I've found out whats causing my horrible "nettle sting" itchy rash! Its called Chronic Urticaria. I'm also suffering from physical urticaria and The Consultant thinks it was caused by the medication I was given when having attacks with my Gall bladder and the nasty pains I still get randomly. Namely Pethidene, Difene, Zydol etc. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm now on an anti histemine daily for the next 6 months.
Does Anybody know anything about this? 🙁
I have suffered Chronic Urticaria and Angio oedema for a year and a half now. It starts off as one small red dot and gets bigger and bigger like wheals and they rise and swell and itch and really are painful. I have been on anti histermine every day (several times a day at some points) for all this time. I used to use hydrocortisone cream but you can only use that for a small amount of time. Urticaria can be caused by lots of different reasons, i have had lots of allergy tests and the only cause my immunologist can find is stress. I now carry an adrenaline inhaler for when the urticaria swells my lips, mouth, and tongue and i also carry an epi pen. With anti histermine it can be controlled and you can get on as normal with it. But it is so frustrating and itchy so i understand where you are coming from.
I get the urticaria all over, but when i get the swelling it occurs on the soles of my feet like someone has put marbles under the skin, it makes my hands swell, and my face, eyes, mouth, and it did get so bad with it all i was taken into hospital about 3 times a week for a few months with breathing difficulties, hence the adrenaline, and steroids i have been given in the past.
Google it, and be aware of it as much as you can, also try an elimination diet, i was told to remove all foods and drinks containing salicylates. For me this did no good but it may help you.
At least you know what it is, you are one step ahead xx
HI-of course, the condition 'urticaria' is a diagnosis and not the cause of the symptoms.
With this in mind, you could try seeing a homeopath who would prescribe something to reduce or eliminate your susceptibility to having the complaint in the first place.
This might take a few sessions but on an immediate basis, he/she could give you a remedy to work acutely. One of the likely ones in 'urtica urens', derived from the stinging nettle- which is how the condition urticaria got its name as it looks a bit like stinging nettle rash, even though it isn't.
The remedies are safe to take and can be used alongside any medicines from the doctor, if need be. HTH Hom
Yep, have a Salicylate allergy. Been on A/H for ages. Carry an epi -pen
Try to find out the cause, then you can avoid whatever it is that starts it off. Its not nice to have, I used to take ice baths, becasue it took the itchyness down a little.
Good luck.
Flopsy, I agree with hom, urticaria is not a disease, it's a symptom. You should try to Google Neurodermatitis, that is what I think you have. Neurodermatitis is best treated with Astemizol and some benzodiazepine, but if you don't want to take benzodiazepines since they can be addictive (and I think it's much better if you didn't anyways), why don't you try to get into some relaxing activities like Yoga, meditation, etc, try to find some ways to avoid stress and worries. Do not drink caffeine at all, no alcohol, no cigarettes and sleep the most you can.
Good luck.
Hi Flopsy,
Here is a list I normally give out to 'Urticaria' patients:
URTICARIA (Nettle Rash, Hives)
Sensitivities can also include the following, (not necessarily all of them):-
Food colourings
Sulfites in dried fruit
Hair sprays
Dry cleaning
Residues from laundery
Household cleaners
Soft drinks
Meat and poultry, especially in frozen foods
Aloe Vera gel can be used topically to soothe
Echinacea is beneficial to boost the immune system and purify the blood
I really hope it helps!
Candlelight 🙂 xx
Hi, for over three years now I have suffered from cholinergic urticaria, which flares up only when my body temperature increases, i.e. exercise, warm rooms, hot baths, even blushing and anger. My research has come up with a big fat zero regarding definite causes/treatments, I have tried antihistamines and homeopathy to no avail. I found what Flopsy said interesting as I started taking Zydol at around the same time as my symtoms started, although I no longer take this long term and my symptoms have gradually increased. My GP says there is no link.
If anyone has any thoughts/experiences to share I would be most grateful!
Hi, buddy, thanks for your article.
this article help me a lot, I am very aprreciated for it. thank you very much.
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hi all
its great to see i'm not the only one with this problem....
about 8 months ago i had the same problem eyes and mouth all swolen and my body covered with urticaria, this was for a year and my doctor had me on a/h for this time and i was sick of taken so many tablets so i stopped and it left.
but my partner and i had a big fight and guess what its back now, my doctor said its stress but i cant go back to taking all those pills again can any one help i'll try any thing else....
i also find that at night my feet and hands start to pain me and then the itch starts and then my hands swell
How aromatherapy can help with urticaria
Essential oils and aromatherapy can help reduce the symptoms of urticaria on a number of levels:
- Application of antipruritics such as Lavandula Angustifolia (True Lavender) will reduce the sensations of itching. This will also help to reduce the degree of physical trauma caused by the scratching.
- Essential oils with anti-inflammatory and vulnerary properties such as German Chamomile (contra-indicated for ragweed allergy sufferers)
- Astringent oils such as Juniper berry (best avoided in pregnancy for psychological reasons) used topically will reduce any “weeping” or oozing of fluids.
- If infection is present it will be necessary to include essential oils with antimicrobial properties such as Tea Tree or True Lavender.
- Urticaria is often triggered by stress and so calmative, tonic essential oils such as Bergamot (FCF) can play an important role in reducing the level of stress.
Do not apply essential oils neat, those mentioned above can be applied 1 drop in 5ml of carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or jojoba wax.
Consult a qualified aromatherapist for essential oil use with compresses or ointments and emollient creams.
Nutrition can act preventively:
- A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is recommended. This can be achieved by either fish oil supplements (or by eating oily fish). This increases the eicosapentaenoic fatty acid level with has been shown to reduce the incidence of eczema.
- Include high-quality cold-pressed sunflower, safflower or linseed oil in the diet. Evening primrose oil normalises the essential fatty acid imbalances and reduces symptoms of eczema.
- Avoid dairy products, sugar, refined and processed foods, fats and fried foods in your diet.
- A gluten-free diet is often of therapeutic benefit in controlling dermatitis.
- It may help if you cut out histamine containing foods, which stimulate histamine in the body, for a while; histamine is also formed in food by the action of certain bacteria. These foods are:
Egg white (raw)
Fermented food (e.g. soya products, sauerkraut)
Some sausages (e.g. pepperoni, salami, bologna)
I hope this helps. Keeping a food diary can help too. Good luck.
Hi Everyone,
Here's a different view for you to think on. The mind body connection indicates that hives relate to small hidden fears. Does anyone have a tendency in their thinking processes towards making mountains out of molehills in any area of their lives? Another aspect is getting the feeling of being irritated over delays that happen with life's situations relating to your experiences so far.
Comments above have indicated that hives is a symptom. One also mentioned the word "anger". My understanding, which has been confirmed in results of easement on clients who have received treatments from me, is that the emotions and the effects of them are very much part of why illnesses happen to people.
Others on this forum have disagreed with, or do not believe that this is so, and I acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their opinion on all things here. This also means that I am entitled to mine. If any of you would like to discuss your hives further and why this might be happening to you now then please pm me.
Good luck to all of you.
i have to agree with you i do think that my hives are from worry and stress, but can you help???
Worry and stress do cause all sorts of health problems - try a relaxing massage with essential oils, some sauna sessions and the like.
Also try drinking more water and salt (celtic sea salt) - it may be helpful for urticaria as it is for other allergies. Dr Batmanghledj has shown that many allergies are caused by us not drinking enough water. Google for "water cure" "alkaline water allergies".
A 7 day detox program might also help.
I would try using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) on it, it works on pretty much everything.
Best wishes,
Hi megaone,
Thank you for your pm. I have responded.
the BIGPHARMS want to prescribe you symptom solvers, but dont tackle the big picture
I'm now on an anti histemine daily for the next 6 months.
Does Anybody know anything about this? 🙁
hi flopsy, ive had chronic urticaria (this term sounds tame for what pain it causes) since early teens, it started small and controllable and then got really serverly painful.
After being prescribed antihistamines and taking them for around 10 years (which cured the symptoms, but never answered the question why) .. i stopped taking them around 4 weeks ago - the 1st 4 days were unbearable, so painful.. i was so close to taking an AH. I got through it and what has helped was " suprise suprise " NATURE.
Im not selling anything, i just want to point out that living as natural as possible has helped me control it without any AH or synthetics ( AH switch off parts of your immune system and your body cant tell you somethings wrong..its dangerous and causes cancer and worse )
Heres the low down - plenty of fresh air, stay active, try not to let life stress you or make you unhappy.. and no.1 - eat natural ..eat organic (tastes better, looks better, 100% natural ) - look into a vegan macrobiotic diet - sounds complicated but it basically means, dont consume anything that is derived from animals, eat fruit, vegtables, grains, cereals ..its hard to start, but if you stick with it.. youll see its simple to live like this... boil tap water and allow it to cool.. and drink lots.
Always keep in mind " is it natural ? " if not dont eat it
* I hate to see ill information floating around..it gets so complicated, everyone is contradicting each other and trying to make money out of peoples PAIN .. its evil ... just think, natural...
Yes I have this too, it is caused by my thyroid problem and an allergic reaction to Ramipril after 5 years of taking this for high bp, I am no longer on this tablet (ace inhibitor), and I have to take Cetirizine every day (have done for 2 years now) if I don't take it I get Urticaria, I also have an epipen as my throat swells 🙁 I have tried Essential Oils (I am an Aromatherapist) it's ok for when the Urticaria is not so severe 🙂
Chronic urticaria - info and help
Hi everyone,
my husband suffered terribly with chronic urticaria and I spent months researching it, it was all spread out and I even in the desperate times, paid for what was supposed to be a little known fact and a possible way to help. I can tell you now all it said was that an allergy to gluten can cause it. I have created a page where all the info I gathered is or lins to the pages. I have also put our experiences on there and what helped us.
It is an awful condition that is frustrating to the person with it and everyone around them as it provokes helplessness. I remember wanting to try everything as I was so desperate to help him but knowing that there was so little I could do.
I hope that this info helps you, it is a free page to everyone.
Thanks and I hope there is an end in sight for you.
Hi all i have had chronic urticaria now for around ten years on and off i was finally diagnosed when i was 18 3 years ago which only took them 8 years!!!I have been on all medication and steroids on and off but nothing works its soo frustrating my skin is horrible i cant sleep always feel ill and never get enough sleep.I have finally been refered to a spelialist but i have given up all hope of it ever going away now it affects my job and makes me severley depressed the itching is unbearable im getting to the stage where i think i will never be cured??
Hi all i have had chronic uricaria now for around 10 years and no docter ever seems to wanna give me the help i need.I have been on all medication steroids and creams and nothing works!!! The itching is unbearable and i feel i cant take any more of it my skin always looks dreadfull and it affects my daily life i struggle with work coss the lack of sleep and always feeling ill i have now been refered to a specialist (about time) but i have lost all hope of ever being free of it!!!
I like Swordfish's view 🙂
One of my customers had Uticaria. That was until she started drinking aloe vera gel and also using aloe vera & bee propolis creme. She's not had an attack since.
I used to get this from my NSAID, then I swopped to one without artificial colouring and it went 🙂
Yea looks like you do have Urticaria. The best way to find out if you really do or not, is to go to your doctor as only he will be able to tell you 🙂
If you are having problems then I suggest you try out this great product that worked great for me in the past 🙂
I use to suffer from urticaria as well until I started using it, now I feel great.
[url]Natural Urticaria (Hives) & Angioedema Treatment By Dr. Gary M Levin[/url]
try it out
chronic urticara
:(hi been suffering nw 4 about 8mnths, am planning on moving abroad n would like to know how it affects you in the sun, its driving me mad the itching and swelling its gettin unbearable, been on steriods to no availe then my consultant put me on neoral they seem to have ruined me n made no change to my urticara am sweeling and itching everday more or less, cant sleep at night work is becomin unbearable cant plan a nytout coz half the time my face swells, can any1 help n will the sun make me worse.....thanks:mad:
Hi valo and welcome to Healthypages 🙂
To help in answering your question, and prompting the help of others more knowledgeable on this forum, the sun can very possibly aggravate your chronic urticara. Also, the drug, Neoral, one of its side-affects is hives, so I'd definitely consult your doctor, who may look into this and change your medication.
Have you read all the responses and replies on this thread? There is some very good advice offered here. Swordfish spoke of the body/mind connection and hives possibly caused by little fears. Frustration and irritation can also be another cause, which of course is a never ending cycle with chronic urticara.
Aroma Jenny and Candlelight also offered some valuable information 🙂
When the body gets upset, through little fears, frustrations and upsets, it releases higher than normal levels of histamine. Histamine increases the body's metabolism, which has been known to raise the body's temperature slightly above normal, this in turn could affect the skin. Certain foods as well can increase histamines......have you been allergy tested? A blood test can reveal what your histamine levels are, and if they are high, then your doctor should be able to help you.
Parsley has a calming affect on the body and is a natural antihistamine - you could try eating it on its own or if you have a juicer, adding it to your carrot and celery juice.
Wishing you the best :grouphug:
Hi There,
My Duaghter has had Chronic Urticaria for a couple of years now.
We saw an immunologist that suggested a low Histamine Diet , lots of information of low histamine foods can be found on the internet 🙂
Secondly we saw a Homeopath who prescribed the remedy Histaminium - we take this daily instead of the chemical one we were given by the allergy specialist..
Also, we did a skin prick test to determine what was causing the rashes ( it was House Dust Mites ) - we stared to take homeopathic remedies to desensitse her to the Dust Mites. ( the Allergy Uk website suggested a Clinic we go to get this done )
Now, I have realised that she gets urticaria when she is hot, ie after she comes out of school her skin is much worse ! For this we use Cooling herbs such as Peppermint Tea and Echinacea Tincture, Also, You can make up a blend of Lavender / Chamomile Aromatherpy to massage over the rash. Supplements of Vitamin C stop the release of Histamine.
A year ago, my daughters quality of life was so bad, she was always ill, couldnt walk in the morning due to the Angioedma so she was missing lots of school and she had alopecia, now ,we are just working through the last of her allergy/intolerances and she just completed 7 weeks of school !
I would definately recommend anyone with this condition pays to privately see and Homeopath or a Nutritional Therapist or Asks to be Reffered to an Immunolgist or Allergy Specialist on the Nhs.
In my
To answer your question as to heat and Urticaria, heat makes it much worse in my case, colder weather is much more suitable for my itches.
Hi, I've had chronic urticaria and angeodema for just over two years, it arrived completely out of the blue and made my life hell for five months. It started off as a small dot on my wrist - I thought it was a heat lump, and then spread so I was absolutely covered in horrible, itchy painful whelts and swollen parts of my anatomy - ears, eyes, lips, hands, feet..... through the angeodema. I ended up in casualty because the skin on my neck was so swollen that my brain thought I was being strangled and I had a massive panic attack (I am not in the slightest usualy a panicky kind of person). The only thing that kept it at bay to start with were courses of steroids but as soon as I finished a course it came back within a day or so. I work in a customer facing roll so I had to have lots of time off work and my social life became non-existent because I could not stand to look at myself in the mirror never mind go out in public and it was starting to really get me down.
I had many tests and being a fussy vegetarian who was trying to lose a few pounds on a slimming world diet it just so happened that I had a food diary for the months up to this thing taking over my body so I could scrutinise everything that had passed my lips. I was eventually referred to a dermatology consultant at Doncaster Royal Infirmary who tried several treatments (including a "cocktail" of 15 antihistamine / alergy pills a day which did not work.) We then tried Cyclosporin (either Deximune or Neoral) which are immunosurpressants (?) and thanksfully they work - it turns out that it is not an allergy as such just a "blip" in the immune system and I am told it will eventually go but how long it will be around no-one can tell me.
I have found some trends as to when my condition is worse, some of which have been mentioned in some of the other threads:
- there is a bit of a link to my menstrual cycle
- if I bang or graze my skin I get swellings behind the bruises / grazes
- if I am very hot - I have a habit of crossing my legs and where my calf rests on my knee very often swells up first (I am trying to stop crossing my legs!)
- and mainly if I am in stressful situations - bizarrely I dont particularly have to be that worried about what is going on but for example when we were told that a large proportion of our work force were being made redundant my eye started swelling up in a matter of minutes!!
I appreciate that many people who have replied to the thred would prefer to treat their condition with natural remedies - I tried alsorts and even though I do not like taking pills I cannot afford to waste any more of my life looking like an itchy elephant woman so I plan to continue taking Cyclosporin until this thing hopefully goes as quickly as it arrives.
I'm sorry for waffling in a bit but I hope my reply proves to be a little bit of help and if the other remedies that you try don't work ask your GP to refer you to a dermatology consultant and ask them to prescribe you Cyclosporin - personally to me that drug has been a god send.
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