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Hi there

I have a client who suffers with this and occasionally, Urticaria . Before I met her, I'd never heard of it.

What a dreadful disorder, especially when her tongue swells.

Is there anyone else on here that suffers with this and can pass on any tips? She is under the care of an Immunologist.


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RE: Angioedema

Hi Wendiwoo,

Had to do a google on this as I didn't know what it was - swellings which come and go - but I have it! My tongue and one eyelid swell ocasionally, my kins just told me it was part of my allergy profile, but it's quite scary when I wake up with a huge tongue.

My google gave me this link, which I found really useful as it suggests aspirin may be one cause - I'll have to write it down f I need to take any pills then I can check it out.
Link is

So thanks for putting up this topic, you might have helped me isolate my problem, and if not, I've learned a new word!:D

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RE: Angioedema

Yes, at worst Wendy, if no-one else replies (and I hope they do) - you've a new word of the day!
Do you think NAET might help - or would that be the same field as immunology? It was something Anahata was always talking about.
Good luck, I know how frustrating it is not to know much about a subject when there's a client involved! Sharonxx

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RE: Angioedema

Hi Wendi My understanding is that Urticaria is an allergic reaction something presented on the outside of the body & Angiodeama is like Urticaria but deeper into the tissues. Your Client must be in so much discomfort love her. It can be very distressiong. Does she know whats causing her reactions? Other than finding out Why this is happening.& the Immunologist is a good start. Is she looking at her Diet , what chemicles she has near her. I would start keeping a diary of what she eats uses & wears OIther than that Wendi I am not of much use really. Hope you find your answers soon , Sending love & light to you. both.

I did find this Link.........

Love Maria xxx

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RE: Angioedema

I suffered from Urtcaria in 2002, and it was horrible.

One day I awoke feverish and with red marks everywhere. My lips and tongue were swollen and I had to be put on steroids quickly or I would not have been able to breathe.

It transpired after much searching it was a complementary therapy I was undergoing at the time, a deep lymph drainage which consisted of deep lymphaptic massage and then hot sheepskin placed on the area to draw out toxins.

Seems they drew out too many,[&:] It was done by a local therapist of high repute who had never had this reaction from anyone before.,

I am not allergic to anything I know of, and, I did go through tests afterwards but nothing showed up. It was caused by the lymph drainage.

Sadly, althought his should have been a good hting to rid myself of toxins, it caused more problems than it solved as I was left with constant itching for a year and had to take anti histamines to prevent another outbreak for 18 months.

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RE: Angioedema

I Remember that Gilly. Gosh have we known each other that long. you had quite a hard time of it i seem to recall.

Hugs Maria xx

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RE: Angioedema

Hi again

To make things worse, my client suffers with Fybromyalgia too. She sees a consultant at a local teaching hosptial who, apparently, also suffers with Angioedema.

This lady is currently one of my case studies for Reflexology and has only had one swelling during 6 weeks - which she says is good for her. I have seen photographs of her when her eyelids and mouth swell and they are awful but the tongue must be horrendous to have to deal with (she continues to go to work unless she can't see to drive).

She has a poor diet and puts that down to working full-time, her FMS makes her extremely tired and she is overweight (takes Thyroxine) - so, when she gets home from work she takes the easy option.

I must say, this lady is proving to be the most interesting of my case studies. She is also a pleasure to treat - never complains and is always ready to laugh.

If I can pass on any information to her regarding this (even the fact that I've put this to a Forum), I know she will be delighted to receive - knowing that people care is a huge tonic itself.

The website to which Sue refers, seems to explain it well. I've gleaned most of my information from a leaflet that my client has been given by her consultant.

Thank you so much[sm=hug.gif]

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RE: Angioedema

Hi Wendy,
My best friend has type 3 angieodema with associated connectice tissue disorders and has not long been diagnosed as having scerladerma(sp?). She also has it quiet rough and is getting progressively worse, at the moment she can't leave her house,but she never complains and puts a brave face on it. I don't think there are many people with this disorder, although i believe it is inherited. I did massage her hands once when they were swollen and they did go down quite quickly. Unfortunately she does not live near me so all i can do is send her healing which she enjoys.

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RE: Angioedema


Thank you for your reply.

This is something that I'm learning about and I know my client will be interested to hear what you have said too.

My client takes 2 types of anti-histamine - I'm still wondering why she has 2? She has said that she will ask her consultant when she sees him in May.

I haven't read that it is inherited but I am researching as I'm about to write up her case study and need as much info as poss (my tutor is very interested too).

Your friend is very lucky to have you. I can't do Reiki (yet!) but I'm doing my best to help her with Reflex and I massage her legs with oils which she says makes them feel so much better (helps with the FMS).

Thank you Mandy:)

Wendy x

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RE: Angioedema


Well ......... my client has seen the consultant and told him that she doesn't want to change or increase the medication she is on. He has told her that she must learn to relax and chill out more. SO, she told him that she has been having Reflexology and that, during this time, she's had fewer swellings.

He said ........ "the Reflexology only lasts for as long as she is having the treatment"?????!!!!!!
(She's told me this by text as she only saw him last Friday and I'm not seeing her until Thurs afternoon).

I'm taking this as, the man at the hospital, doesn't understand the principal behind holistic therapies!

Your views/opinions will be very much appreciated.

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RE: Angioedema

Angioedema is a classic allergic reaction (fortunately quite rare), as is urticaria, although much more common. Thanks to Spinal Music for the mention - I've not visited HP for a long time.

I'm sure many holistic oriented therapies will likely help the system cope and may even keep the worst of the symptoms at bay, also avoidance of the obvious offending substances if any are known.

There are indeed a whole range of immune responses that can contribute to an allergic response to a greater or lesser degree. Having suffered with these in various forms and from various substances for most of my life I can only recommend NAET as it seems to deal with all manner of innapropriate immune responses. I would include fibromyalgia on that one too.

Good luck - Andrew.

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RE: Angioedema

Hi Andrew

Thank you so much for your reply[sm=hug.gif]. I really want to help this lady ..... she is also becoming a friend.

I saw her on Weds and she hadn't had anymore swellings - that's 2.5 in 3 months (the half is counted because she felt her lip showing signs but didn't turn into a full blown one that she is used to).

She loves having a Reflexology treatment and, as a case study, she was brilliant! Unfortunately, she can't relate any foods/substances to the flare-ups! I am going to give her the details regarding NAET.

One thing she has been told is, if she doesn't learn how to relax and chill out more, she will have to think about giving up work. Financially, that is not an option.

Once again, thank you for your reply, I will pass on the information.

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RE: Angioedema

It may not be a food that causes the more overt reaction (i.e. contactant, inhalant, etc), but there is likely some background food sensitivities going on causing a build up of the lesser known IgG's. Then on top of that something that pushes her over into the classic allergy IgE and histamine response.

Her inability to relax may well be caused by the background physiological stuff, impacting on quality of sleep, etc, then susbsequent psychological stuff adds to that.

I'm sure the reflexology will greatly help on all levels.

The official NAET practitioner database is here -

Good fortune to both of you, but please be cautious about forming personal relationships with clients. It's very flattering when someone thinks you are wonderful because you helped them feel better.


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RE: Angioedema


Thank you once again. My client has got the info and we'll discuss it when I see her this week. I pleased that you feel the Reflex is good for her; felt a bit knocked back after hearing her consultant's opinion.

........ but please be cautious about forming personal relationships with clients. It's very flattering when someone thinks you are wonderful because you helped them feel better.

Very good advice and a good reminder - not something I make a habit of!

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RE: Angioedema

Could be an allergy/allergies to anything, but common culprits are seafood, peanuts, nuts, strawberries, eggs, bee sting, penicillin, aspirin, food colourings and preservatives

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RE: Angioedema

My client has been monitoring her swellings and there appears to be a connection with when she gets over-tired (she has FMS).

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RE: Angioedema

Thanks Wendy for that post. I have never heard of these conditions before 🙂

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RE: Angioedema

Hi... Im new here and I was wondering if anyone has any advise for me - Ive had about 3 outbreaks of swelling and red itchy/burning patches on my face, throat, lips, ears and nose over the past2 years now. I recently had the worst to date and have taken antihistamines for it.

Although there are no new patches, the ones I have will not go. [&o]Its been about 1 week now. When I think back to the time of the initial outbreak, I was shopping and had a black coffee with a small choc chip cookie. Does anyone have any advise as to what to do? Ive seen a doctor and he has told me to eliminate fish, chocolate, berries, eggs, and milk which I have done but the rashes are still not easing up.....



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RE: Angioedema

Have you tried cutting out coffee?

These sound like classic allergy symptoms, so may well even show up on a standard scratch test that can be done by your GP if they have a test kit.

I'm guessing that you've considered coffee, so some other ideas include;
Cosmetics, moisturisers & cleasing agents.

Is it related to season or weather?


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RE: Angioedema

Thanks Andrew.... Im a mess [:-]

I live in Greece and its also catterpillar season here, I have allergies to them too [X(]- but that I have worked out and under contol!

Back to my real problem....This skin rash, I am assuming its Angioedema. The dermatologist said it is. I dont drink coffee and have stopped all creams, moisturizers etc. Ive been having breakouts for about 2 years on and off, at first I thought it was a gluten allergy (Celiac disease) but the dermo says its not. Surely though, if its Angioedema; allergy to fish, seeds, milk, chocolate etc I would never be able to eat any/one of those things? I have always eaten them... why does this only get me at certain times?

This rash is only on my face and throat, starts with a tingling inside my mouth (lips)and then inside my nose. Thenit spreads around my face, this is the worst it has ever been - I dont even want to leave the house! I have a botanical cream that i have used in combination with some antihistamines (which I loathe taking) and it seems to be getting better......

Anyway - thanks for listening[sm=rollaugh.gif]any more advise from anyone would be welcome!

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RE: Angioedema

What are those 'certain times'?

It could literally be an allergy to anything that your face is being exposed to (contacting or environmental) or you are consuming.

I would usually recommend seeing a NAET practioner, but not sure that there are any in Greece.

YOu could try emailing NAET for Europe - [link= ][/link]and asking.

May also be worth looking up a condition called Rosacea - not sure about spelling.


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RE: Angioedema

Hi. This is my first post here and my name is Mark (27) from Montreal.
It's been about three or four years now that I swell up. The funny thing is that it only occurs during the winter months. I've checked myself into the emergency room 3 times to date because the sweeling was so bad. Doctors have never seemed certain of what was causing the swelling, and to date I still swell up on the hands and feet mostly, and this can occur several times a month. My worst case was last winter when both my feet swelled along with my genital area. As hours past my fore arms began to swell then my left side of the face including my lips completley swelled to almost 3 times its size. Tonight I decided to do some web searching, and came across a medical term known as angioedema and I wonder if this is what I have been suffering with all along. Every time I swell it always starts off with itching of the area. I can scratch and scartch, and once I stopthe area isslightly painful. I also noticed that the more I tend to scratch, the worse the swelling episode may get. I've tried keeping track of my diet, clothing I wear or medication I take but nothing ever relates to past episodes and all I am certain of is that it only happens during the cold winter months. Once the warm weather starts (mid May) I never experienced swelling all the way until late November. I just wish a doctor would take the time to thoroughly look into my situation and study my past results so some sort of temporary cure can be found for the times the swelling gets intolerable.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I'd love to know more about this if anyone has past experiences with Angioedema, and if my symptons sound like those related to this bizarre illness.

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RE: Angioedema

The symptoms you describe could be angioedema, but that's a diagnosis that aught to left to an examing doctor.
My intial thought was mould allergy with which it's quite common to include penicillin as it's derived from mould, but if it's specifically the colder months of winter that needs a re-think.
In Chinese medicine environmental factors i.e. cold, heat, dry, damp, etc., are regarded as important factors in their own right, as well as in combination with each other (e.g.cold & damp) and/or with other factors.

Almost certainly sounds like an allergic response, with which orthodox medicine seems to struggle tp get to grips with, so would again suggest a NAET practitioner. For a NAET practitioner/doctor in Canada you'll need to look on the main NAET website - [link= ][/link]

Let us know how you get on.

Good Luck - Andrew.

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RE: Angioedema

Update on my client. Hadn't had a swelling for almost a year (May) until she took a Hedex, a few weeks ago, and then suffered a swelling (her lips).

She's been advised to try them again - at a convenient time - to see if it happens again. The idea that it was connectedto stress is out the window because since the beginning of the year, she's encountered family problems and hasn't suffered anymore swellings.

So, if that's the case, then it could be Paracetamol!

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RE: Angioedema

Update on my client. Hadn't had a swelling for almost a year (May) until she took a Hedex, a few weeks ago, and then suffered a swelling (her lips).

She's been advised to try them again - at a convenient time - to see if it happens again. The idea that it was connectedto stress is out the window because since the beginning of the year, she's encountered family problems and hasn't suffered anymore swellings.

So, if that's the case, then it could be Paracetamol!

I have been suffering with painful lumps on the bottom of my feet, my hands swelling, very itchy whelps in different places of my body and also my lips and face swelling for a year and a half.
My Dr prescribed Levocetirizine 5 mg two a day and
Ranitidine 150 mg two a day.
For a good while it helped for the most part but the past month I've a flare up about once or twice a week on my feet and skin in other places. I have no idea what to do. Please help.

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I have been suffering with painful lumps on the bottom of my feet, my hands swelling, very itchy whelps in different places of my body and also my lips and face swelling for a year and a half.
My Dr prescribed Levocetirizine 5 mg two a day and
Ranitidine 150 mg two a day.
For a good while it helped for the most part but the past month I've a flare up about once or twice a week on my feet and skin in other places. I have no idea what to do. Please help.

You must go back to your medical practitioner. No one here is qualified to diagnose. Ask to be referred to a Dermatology Consultant.

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Jabba is right . You must go back to the doctor. He evidently thinks it is some sort of allergy Ranitidine also blocks some histamine receptors (despite being mainly used to prevent too much acid secretion) so he is evidently thinking outside the box (unless you also have heartburn as well???)

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Jabba is right . You must go back to the doctor. He evidently thinks it is some sort of allergy Ranitidine also blocks some histamine receptors (despite being mainly used to prevent too much acid secretion) so he is evidently thinking outside the box (unless you also have heartburn as well???)


Jabba is right . You must go back to the doctor. He evidently thinks it is some sort of allergy Ranitidine also blocks some histamine receptors (despite being mainly used to prevent too much acid secretion) so he is evidently thinking outside the box (unless you also have heartburn as well???)

You must go back to your medical practitioner. No one here is qualified to diagnose. Ask to be referred to a Dermatology Consultant.

You know something Jabba, I didn't expect anyone to diagnose!! I am asking questions because I don't know crap about it! No Dr I've been to seems to know either asshole!

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Jabba is right . You must go back to the doctor. He evidently thinks it is some sort of allergy Ranitidine also blocks some histamine receptors (despite being mainly used to prevent too much acid secretion) so he is evidently thinking outside the box (unless you also have heartburn as well???)

Thanks Tash! My Dr's don't seem to know a thing about it. I've missed work going to different one. I've missed work due to symptoms also. I was hoping I'd get lucky enough that someone might tell me what works for them. And maybe suggest it to my Dr.
Thanks for your reply.
