After many attempts of quiting smoking for the past 10 years. I believe I can do it this time. I have not and didn't want to smoke for 12 days so far, very little cravings. I feel so much better, breath better, things taste better and wife is happy with it too!!! Just thought I share to those who are trying but failed, I too failed many times but this time, well it's different. I've never stop smoking for more than 10 days, so at least is a new record. 🙂
Hi Sunanda,
Thank you for your encouraging words, and you too Billfred, I have found it hard today but stayed strong and reached the end of my 2nd day 🙂
It really does feel good to say 'I don't smoke', i just have to keep telling myself that, to break a 19 year habit is gonna be a tough battle, but i am determined to succeed!
Sunanda, i think i have seen you in another thread regarding fibrosing alveolitis, is that right?
Sunanda, i think i have seen you in another thread regarding fibrosing alveolitis, is that right?
Yes, that's correct, Ali. That's my 'lung disease' (also known as 'pulmonary fibrosis'). Apparently it's not actually linked with smoking so knowing I would find that out, my consultant also told me I had early emphysema. He knew that there was a danger of me thinking 'ah well, I've got it now, smoking won't make it any worse' whereas emphysema can get worse and worse. A couple of years down the line (I have a check up once a year to see if the disease has progressed, he confessed that I don't have emphysema and that he told me I had purely to ensure that I stopped smoking. And it worked. And luckily the fibrosis has remained static. You know, one of the best things about not smoking is when you smell a smoker and realise that you used to smell too but now you don't.
Hey sunanda,
I was asking because my dad had PF too, he was one of the lucky ones and had a lung transplant almost 12 years ago.
He was just weeks away from dying and a lung became available just in time.
He only had the one lung, he was supposed to have two but only one was available, so still has one dead lung left inside him, He has had quite a few chest infections and 2 pulmonary embolisms....thankfully caught in time and he is on warfarin. They were all caused by the dead lung but they cant take it out.
He used to be a very heavy smoker and drinker, but gave up smoking before he was even diagnosed with the PF, they think it was caused by chemicals he used to work with when he lived in the US a long time ago.
As for the smoking, yes, i briefly popped into my workplace earlier (its a high support hostel for adults with mental health problems), and as many people know, smoking and mental health problems come hand in hand and so that was a big factor in failing in my attempts to quit smoking, as practically every resident smokes (and there are 53 of them!)
I noticed the smell wasn't too pleasant and so yes, am glad i dont smell like that anymore!!
I am off on long term sick at the moment, so its an ideal time to quit as i wont be exposed to the smoke, and have more chance of resisting the urge!! The temptation isnt so in my face for the time being, it makes it easier.
The encouragement i have received has been awesome, it really helps 🙂
Hi AliH78,
Just to share that I stopped 8 weeks ago today after smoking for 22 years and smoking 20+ cigs a day. Thankfully I had no health problems, something just clicked with me and I thought enough is enough, I felt sick of having to go out and thoughts of where and when can I smoke. It is still tough at times when you encounter triggers and craves but please know that it does get easier. Take one day at a time and thank yourself each day for not smoking. Do a google on quitting smoking etc and there are lots of quitmeters out there you can download to your pc, they can tell you how long you have stopped, how many cigs you have "not" smoked, how much money you have saved and most important is how many more days to your life you have gained. Don't think if that one cig being really enjoyable, think of the ones that made you cough, the ones you hated having to have outside etc.
Well done and keep up your motivation.
Best wishes,
But remember it only takes one ciggy or cigar to make you a smoker again.
tell me about it. i gave up for 9 years but started again 6 months ago. trying to give up but finding it very difficult at the moment. i am cutting down though as i think this may be an easier way to eventually stop. it really is a disgusting habit though.
interesting that 2 years ago on this thread someone posted that for 20 cigs it was £5. now add on another £1!!!
tell me about it. i gave up for 9 years but started again 6 months ago. trying to give up but finding it very difficult at the moment. i am cutting down though as i think this may be an easier way to eventually stop. it really is a disgusting habit though.
interesting that 2 years ago on this thread someone posted that for 20 cigs it was £5. now add on another £1!!!
you can add on more,here in IRELAND it costs 8 euro and 45c for most packs,in Spain you can get them for less than 3 euro.
Hey Star, on my quitmeter today I have "saved" 601 Euro in not smoking for 8 weeks, I can't believe that much money. Of course when I smoked it never worried me having to buy my cigs everyday, I just did - only problem now is that 600 euro isn't really showing anywhere, must have gone on the bills!!!
Vicki, I know of people that have stopped for years and then got addicted again back to the same amount of cigs they smoked. This is why I am taking each day as it comes and telling myself I won't smoke today plus being vigilant around smokers!!
Its really hard but can be done.
I know of people that have stopped for years and then got addicted again back to the same amount of cigs they smoked.
I've now been clear of smoking for 5 years, but I had several attempts to stop smoking before that. I once went 2 years without smoking. But there are lots of pitfalls, a cigar with a pint, probably not so relevant these days with the ban on indoor smoking. But I think the hardest lesson to learn, is that it only takes one smoke to get you hooked again.
As I said, I've now been clear 5 years and last year I was diagnosed with lung damage due to smoking. So the earlier you give up the better.
Day 4 and still off the demon weed!!
Hey all,
I am on day 4 now and still not smoking, still using the gum and lozenges and they are really helping!
It nearly went awry yesterday when i went out without my gum, i got really tired and cranky and nearly caved in, but stayed strong and got through it!
If i was to smoke now i think i would be really disappointed with myself because i am really proud of the progress i am making 🙂
It feels so good to be a non smoker.....long may it continue!!! 😀
Congrats and well done. Keep up the good resolve. You will have moments but nothing is worth caving in for. Just keep on your guard for the triggers and you will be fine. Craves only last a few minutes. It is so much nicer not to smoke and the benefits so much greater.
Love Rachel x
One week!!
Hi everyone,
I made it to a week!! I am feeling very proud i am!!!
Thanks for all your encouragement, it means a lot and really does help,
Love Ali xx 🙂
I made it to a week!! I am feeling very proud i am!!!:)
Well done Ali, that's the hardest part, now get into the mind set that you're a non-smoker.
Congratulations Ali, you are right to be proud of yourself. Keep telling yourself every day that you won't smoke today and thank yourself every night. It does get easier and life is so much better not smoking.
Love Rachel x
Hey, Ali, hang on in there! The physical addiction is out of your system now, it's just psychological from here on in. But that's not to say it's easy. Hey, though, the week's that's gone by will turn into a month and the month into a year and at some point the craving really will go away. Just keep doing it one day at a time. We're all thrilled for you.
Hey all!
I am pleased to report that I have not indulged in any ciggies for 10 days now!!
Its been a tough 10 days but have managed the last 2 days without any nicotine replacement therapy!
Its like I never smoked!! After 19 years of the awful habit!!!
I am not being naive though, i have my supply of gum and lozenges in the cupboard!!
I know times will get hard and will struggle, but am going to be strong!!
I hope the rest of you are doing good! Its a tough habit to kick, I know that more than many!!
Lots of luv n good wishes,
From Ali xxx
Well done Ali, you must be so proud of yourself, it's a great feeling. It is indeed hard but remember too that it is also an addiction and that if you have "just one" then it means going all the way back to your full smoking days. I find the mental side difficult at times especially on Friday nights, probably as it's the end of a work week, would usually get some housework done, kids have baths, go to bed then glass of wine and a few cigs just to relax but I have done a few Friday nights now and you know it's ok. It is so much better and nicer not to "have" to smoke. Keep your resolve as sometimes we just remember the "nice" cigs, not the ones that made us choke, etc.
Keep going girl, you are doing great and to anyone else quitting, keep up the good work.
Love Rachel x
Really terrific, Ali. Isn't it just wonderful not to be a slave to that horrible stuff, nicotine? Freedom! Have you noticed how bad smokers smell? Like other people have said, don't ever think you can 'just have one'...just one will make you an addict again. So not even a puff. OK? It will get easier all the time. And the best thing is that you will forget that you were ever a smoker....Sometimes I see people smoking first thing in the morning (on the way to the bus for example) and I just cringe at the thought that I used to do that. How could I have done that to my body? Well, too late for regrets now - just be happy that you were intelligent enough to give up when you did. It's never too late to give up.
Off the wagon
Hey all,
I fell down the stairs 2 weeks ago and further wrecked my already wrecked back and am so stressed out that i have started smoking again. Its a bad situation, but i know i can stop, i proved that to myself by having a relatively easy 2 smoke free weeks.
When things settle and i get back to a good place, i will climb back on said wagon.
Oh what a shame!
Something similar happened to my husband, after 40 years of smoking he gave up without much problem, some weeks later scalded his arm badly and the first thing he wanted was a smoke! Hey presto, he was back on 30 a day.
Two years later he had a mild heart attack and gave up immediately, that was five years ago now, sometimes it takes a severe shock to make someone quit.
Hope you recover soon and start the process again, successfully
When things settle and i get back to a good place, i will climb back on said wagon.
I'm sorry to say this, but that's what I said when my attempts to give smoking failed.
I have given up now, and have since found out that my lungs are damaged through smoking. "I will" is a future statement, do yourself a favour, not me or anyone else do it for you and don't ever have another ciggy. Just one makes you a smoker and future statements are denial.
Hey all,
I fell down the stairs 2 weeks ago and further wrecked my already wrecked back and am so stressed out that i have started smoking again. Its a bad situation, but i know i can stop, i proved that to myself by having a relatively easy 2 smoke free weeks.
When things settle and i get back to a good place, i will climb back on said wagon.
Hope your back is ok.:)
Sorry, Ali, but to an addict any excuse will do. If I were writing your report card I'd have to say 'not good enough. Must try harder.' If you 'know' you can do it, don't put it off. Do it now!
(Sorry to be mean, I expect you want tea and sympathy, but it really is a shame that you caved in, bad back or no bad back.) Anyway better luck next time.
So sorry you are smoking again - if you do have problems giving up or even dealing with the fall and hurting your back (hope it's recovering OK) then can help. The basic manual is downloadable for free. Please give it a try - cigarettes are a horrible way of living!!
I was heartily put off when at nursing school and seeing a pickled pair of lungs from a smoker which were dark grey and covered with black lumps of lymph glands which were all swollen - it has remained a lasting, repugnant memory!! They were supposed to be pink!
The effect of the smoke in the lungs take a few years to clear, but they can get better with a good diet and immune support. Please give up NOW!
Dear Ali,
Just like any addiction, recovery takes patience, inner courage, 100% of your commitment and above all the right motivation !
Plus, having a damn good distraction when your mind wonders to picking up those ciggies is always an excellent strategy..
I teach my clients with food addiction the same..self control exercises and delay/distraction techniques..along with a boost of EFT they work for most !
So do give it a go!
with warm wishes
I agree about EFT. I use it in preference to any other modality for addictions, especially smoking.
Hi folks just wanted to say I have just had my first smoke free 24hrs. Here's hoping it lasts although I am feeling really positive this time. After more than thirty years I have finally had enough.
Linda x
Well done Linda, just take it a day at a time, and the years soon clock up.
Well done from me Linda, take each day, hour and minute at a time and keep the positive thoughts.
Love Rachel x
Wow! Congratulations, maybe a little too late for me to congratulate you. lol I guess you totally stop smoking today right??