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i gave up smoking 8 years ago, but i just cant stop the chocolate, even after watching jamie oliver the other night, and loads of mckeith type programmes and knowing its really bad! i can eat anything up to around 4 or 5 bars a day on a bad day.

does anyone else have trouble with chocolate?

37 Replies
Moon Raven
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Ooh Yes Indeedy.....I am a self confessed Chocoholic and can quite easily pack away the same amount of chocolate per day as you. Glad I am not the only one who eats excessive amounts. 🙂

I have always been addicted to chocolate I must admit. I very easily gave up drinking and smoking but the thought of giving up chocolate makes me upset!!

I cannot imagine a life without chocolate and do not know how I could give up something I enjoy so much. What would life be like ??!!

Somebody told me not so long ago that you can now get chocolate patches! Is this true?

I didn't need patches for giving up smoking I just went cold turkey so to speak but there is no way I could do the same with chocolate.

Can you go to meetings like you can for 'Alcoholics Anonymous'??

Is there a 'Chocoholics Anonymous' ?? :confused: Hmm I wonder...:(

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Hello Vicki
Oh yes, count me in!
Ive had E.F.T to try and stop my chocolate cravings, but it hasnt seem to work at all.
I also quit smoking along time ago and that was easy compared to giving up chocolate.!!!
Ive been told its emotional and that i need to look deeper.....??? watch this space...if i find the answer i will let you know!

Love and sunshine

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Lindor Chockies.....

Hiya everyone

I love my chocolate too, but lately, if I eat too much it gives me terrible stomach cramps and diarrhoea.:( It actually puts me off eating too much of it now.

A couple of weeks ago my son had some of those Lindor Chocolates and he gave me one. (The little balls filled with runny chocolate.) OMG! I beg you all, please don't try them, they are terribly addictive. WHSmiths have not helped by selling bags of 12 of them for a reduced price of £1.99.

I resisted buying a bag a couple of days ago by refusing to go in and get my weekly magazine. I popped to my local Sainsburys/Bells Store to get it instead and lo and behold, right on the counter next to the till, they sell blooming boxes of them for £2.99.....well I tell you, it was just criminal to walk away and leave them at that price.......

Angel x

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i used to adore chocolate i used to even have it for breakfast, but that was a few years ago when i used to be a size 10. but now i seem to have to really fancy it to have some. i do love galaxy and hotel chocolate do a lovely chocolate with chilli in it which is very nice but i still could not sit there and eats loads of it, ithink now when i have chocolate it is a hormonal thing cos now if i was to have chocolate for breakfast i would end up being the size of a house end

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Mm, chocolate. Actually I go through phases with it. Sometimes I just don't fancy it and can go a couple of weeks without but since Christmas -:eek: I can't get enough of it! But there again, food in general I can't get enough at the moment. Don't know why but I just want something in my mouth all the time.:rolleyes:
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i think that might be a comfort thing, just think of a baby with a dummy lol

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As long as I don't turn pink & squidgy!

Do you remember those giant red dummies you could buy from the seaside or fairgrounds? Pure sugar, couldn't eat one now!

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you can still get them , i still love candy floss but feel sick after one bag i used to eat loads of it

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Is chocolate cravings somehow connected with magnesium deficiency?

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Don't know why but I just want something in my mouth all the time.:rolleyes:
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As if!!! I can't say anything as I am exactly the same at the moment. I was good before Christmas and now I eat everything and anything in sight. I think it's a natural hibernating thing - well that's my excuse anyway.

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I think chocolate helps lift the mood doesn't it, and it has been quite grim since Christmas.......we could be craving for a bit of happiness during the dull weather and shorter days, an antidepressant....the problem is its mixed with so much sugar we then get high and low energy spikes to contend with as well.

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Is chocolate cravings somehow connected with magnesium deficiency?

I think Debra Waterhouse in her book "Why Women Need Chocolate" thinks that if it was a craving for magnesium alone we would be more likely to crave more magnesium rich food. She says we would have to eat a lot of chocolate to get the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.

But the sugar and fat in chocolate boosts seratonin and endorphins, then there's phenylethlamine, a chemical released by the brain when we fall in love, theobromine - enhances alertness concentration and cognitive functioning, and then some magnesium as well. We only need 3 or 4 squares to get the benefits .....

So in moderation, eaten when we are hungry, its apparently a good food to satisfy cravings, balance our moods etc.

Sounds medicinal to me 🙂

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I to love chocolate and eat some everyday.

I try to keep it under control though. I prefer just slab chocolate.

I buy Morrisons dark chocolate which is very cheap and actually has more cocoa than Bourneville in it and tastes quite good.

I have 6 small squares a day after dinner and suck not chew.

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Oooooooooh chocolate!:p:043::015:

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Don't know why but I just want something in my mouth all the time.:rolleyes:
No rude comments now! (Cirrus or Serendipity);):p

I know what you mean, Treacle.

And I can sympathise with you.

But it ain't chocolate!

Savouries are fine, Nuts and Fruits "Mm, I can't get enough at the moment."

But not chocolate.

Or even Cocoa.

Must be my strange blood type!


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I guess having good quality chocolate (plain/dark is supposed to be better for you) makes it more acceptable 😉

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Sounds like a blood sugar imbalance big time to me.

I have to admit, I was craving some chocolate today so I made some from unprocessed ingredients. Since I've been doing this, I seldom eat cooked chocolate now.

In short, unless I make it, I don't eat it.

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how do you do that then - make your own chocolate?

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i gave up smoking 8 years ago, but i just cant stop the chocolate, even after watching jamie oliver the other night, and loads of mckeith type programmes and knowing its really bad! i can eat anything up to around 4 or 5 bars a day on a bad day.

does anyone else have trouble with chocolate?

There's info from no less than founders of Macrobiotic Zen nutrition, who
do know about good and bad food, that the most widespread human
disease is HYPOCLYCAEMIA the main source of depression, bad mood
and more serious things.
They however recommend "natural" sugars in fruits and the like.
A group of substances itself sustaining good mood in cocoa-
in the thread.
Lack of magnesium is also reported as an "epydemia", there's a plenty
in green leaves like salad, you may also buy magnesium sulfate in a
drugstore and mix some 200-400 mg into some magnesium-binding
proteins food: curds? yogurt, this will make it not purgative but
Mg source.

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Sounds like a blood sugar imbalance big time to me.

I have to admit, I was craving some chocolate today so I made some from unprocessed ingredients. Since I've been doing this, I seldom eat cooked chocolate now.

In short, unless I make it, I don't eat it.

C'mon then, spill the beans How???:rolleyes:

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i am so unhappy about my chocolate addition and the resulting weight gain i am going to start counselling again to see if it will help . . . ! fingers crossed.

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Hi...i know this is an old thread but lately i got an addition to chocolate too..I any like dark choc, esp frys choc creams...I have put 2stones on since, after xmas and the new year(yes, long time ago now,,lol), but i need to lose the 2st and i will be happier..It is hard in it..Im ok when i dont go out, or if im not going out working, i dont have any, its only when i got out, i tend to get some..Ohhhh.At the mo, i weigh(on Fri) and was 10st 1lb, but would like to get to 9st...

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Chocolate...I love it a lot. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate (mmm...), any chocolate!
Though I have never been addicted to it, or anything for that matter. I just can't eat too much. But then the next day...

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Hi all,

I aslo love choclates but think that they should be taken in limit. taking lots of choclates would be harmful for health.

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I was a chocoholic 😮

Three years ago I agreed to be a subject for a friend who was studying to be a hypnotherapist (he is now qualified and doing very well). I had been one of his case studies so when he told me about his next part of his course I said he would never stop me eating chocolate, I use to love it, but had recently had blood tests as I was a borderline diabetic, therefore the sugar content was affecting my health as well as my mood.

As I had the 'intent' and 'willingness' plus the motivation to stop eating chocolate, which he reinforced with hypnotherapy (took 5 mins!) I haven't eaten chocolate since. It doesnt appeal to me any more and the only way to describe my feelings for chocolate and products with chocolate - is if you imagine all the things in a supermarket you never bother with and never look at and just ignore that's where chocolate sits for me.


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You could try sugar-free raw chocolate - its healthier & won't upset your blood sugar levels!


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Wow, I'm new to this - just happened to stumble on it, but thought this might be helpful info. I also know I'm way behind on the posts, but if anyone is interested, there is a new "healthy chocolate" coming onto the market in the UK called Xocai. It is currently sold in the US and Canada. I have been eating it (3 pieces daily) for approximately 4 months now and have not put on a pound. The reason being is that it's made with raw sugar cane crystals and not refined sugar. In addition, it has no waxes or fillers so it's perfectly healthy for people with diabetes. A bigger bonus? It's delicious! Several other health benefits have been identified and there is a doctor (Dr. Steve Warren) who stands behind it. In anycase if anyone's wanting more info, feel free to email me!

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I realize this is an old thread, but here is a website that goes through good vs. bad chocolate and has some research posted on dark chocolate and health benefits. Hope this helps some!

Awakening Dawn & Bulimia Hope
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Yes this is an old thread and we have also coverd the aspect of chocolate addiction before in my previous answer!

But if you cannot find is my one tip for those of you who feels you have an addiction to Chocolate:

Q: Whenever you feel the need for a bar (or many bars ) of chocolate..ask your self WHAT am I wanting instead of this chocolate?

Usually in my experience as an eating disorder specialist..rarely is this about the cravings or psychological addiction to the PEA (Phenylethalamine), or the Tryptophan found in chocolate that makes us feel good or high..although these effect does exist to a small extent.

More your psychological need to fill that void your life otherwise lacks satisfaction..or the excitment it creates when your every day life doesn't offer this in anyway..that is more accountable to the repeated addictive need to have chocoloate!

Hope this helps Ladies !

With warm wishes


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