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White fairy
Posts: 11
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Joined: 8 years ago

You have pregnany and baby, but that has got nothing to do with infertility. Infertility is this whole topic to itself. Ii have been walking on this road to get pregnant for 7 years and I have tryed many herbs, many natural things and I have also tryed medical things like IUI and IVF.

I am at the stage on this road where I decided I am ready to stop and let it go and not try to get pregnant anymore cause I am tired of it all and I have decided its time for ME and to concer my goals and my taks for which I was sent here to do.

I have had pcos, myom, endometriosis and some other things. Have had laparscopy and histerscopy. I write a blog about my infertility road and all my natural remedies and ways I have tryed but at the moment is in my language so unless you are Sloven it will not do you any good.

Because I am a teacher and a student I have my eye open for new information all the time and I would be more than willing to talk about all kinds of natural approaches I may not even know about it right now. I am fairly threw with chemistry. My failed Ivf in december 2016 told it all.

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White Fairy - where do you live?

White fairy
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slovenia, europe

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We already have a Fertility forum on the community:

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I can understand your feeling. Abortion very tough and painful time. Now you need some gap between abortion. The doctor will be a good person and guide to getting pregnant after abortion. You should the doctor's advice. I suggest you visit a good clinic for better treatment. The clinic is Europe is providing and guide the treatment. Hope clinic gave a good idea of your condition. You don't take the stress. Keep smiling. I hope everything is going well.
