But still showing as pending. Can you please tell me how long it takes to upgrade my membership, as of course the longer it takes, the less time I get on my subscription for this month ?
Thanks !
Hello Inspiral
Welcome to Healthypages.
Apologies for the two day delay. Memberships are generally activated within 24 hours. Failing this we do extend the renewal date accordingly.
Hello Inspiral
Welcome to Healthypages.
Apologies for the two day delay. Memberships are generally activated within 24 hours. Failing this we do extend the renewal date accordingly.
Many thanks for this Sue, and for your e-mail.
I am aware it was only a two day delay, but sure you appreciate that when sending money off to someone you have never heard of, and then to all intents and purposes nothing happens, its sensible to check !
Also two days in the scheme of things isnt a lot, but when you run things on a voluntary basis, as I do, you have to use the site as and when you get the chance, so I had hoped to run advertising for this weekend.
Never mind - onwards and upwards !
Jay 🙂
For paid advertising Kiga, not for standard membership too HP. 😉