An older gentleman came up to my table one morning while I was having breakfast looked me in my eye and told me I was a natural healer but that I had not developed my gift. I was startled at first but at the time I was working in a hospital as a nurses aide.
I have been told that I have a soothing calming voice and touch. Children and elderly people are drawn to me.
Welcome on this forum Marilyn 🙂
Healing in west is made out to be something of an action as in one has it, does it, can do it...sort of way.
Truth is, if you have a heart, you are a born healer. It's not conditional, it's who you are. A very high percentage of people have a natural tendency and urge to reach out to those in need, pain discomfort it by way of smiling, talking, listening, touching....just being there or in thousand other ways.
Most profoundest of healings can and do take place in uncontrived interactions. It's called life, she takes care of all
It's good that this man told you that. I would believe him too, if I thought he knew me more than myself.
Whatever he said, is what he said, what is in your own Heart is what matters the most.
I think that this is the question everybody asks. What makes a good healer and what is the thought process that results in a healing.