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I'm a hypnotherapist and reiki practitioner and I've just launched Dynamiccalm as my little business venture offering the therapies initially as home visits anywhere in London, but potentially adding a treatment room in the near future. I also ran some meditation/relaxation groups at a nearby school for parents and staff and due to the success of those I've added them to my repertoire.

I've just joined Healthypages in the hopes of connecting with like-minds and getting myself out there! I am learning to navigate the world of self-marketing and it seems a bit of a minefield, so it would nice to hear from people who are in the same boat or have any tips! Also would be nice to hear from anyone who just wants to know a bit about what I do and how it works etc. hypnotherapy is definitely not as scary as it's been's the ultimate relaxation!

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

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Posts: 16602
Joined: 21 years ago

Hi Ema and welcome to Healthypages,

Certainly marketing is a minefield. One tip is to never accept cold-callers offers for having your business advertised by them e.g. in magazines and suchlike, as typically they are not the best way to advertise, or they are scammers just taking your money (common ones are a promise to put leaflets or your adverts in places like doctors surgeries, or police magazines etc. which do the rounds occasionally).

If you are not already, then you can upgrade to a Therapist account on Healthypages and then there is a specific Business and Marketing forum that you will get access to where there is lots of advice and you can ask for advise on anything in that area, including feedback on your website etc..
