Professional Assocation
Whitby, Cheshire YO21 3TL.
About Professional Assocation
We are a Professional Association umbrella body supporting Healers, Healing associations and Groups, Healers and Healing Associations or groups are a vital part of the voluntary sector both in the UK and Internationally.
We are aware many Healers are using Healing in Innovative and ground breaking ways within Healthcare settings. Our mission is to support their efforts to make the world a better place, we will do this by:
- Supporting, promoting and respecting the needs of all Healers where we can
- Developing tailored support schemes for Associations, Individual Healers and informal Groups
- Supplying up to date information affecting all Healers from both Public and Private Sector Agencies and other Sources
- Representing Healers in the Political process
- Creating effective, flexible, innovative, and modular based Training Schemes
- Develop personalised support services for the individual Healer who works alone or does not have a local support group
- Honouring the Spiritual Values inherent within Healing practice
- Seeking at all times to build excellence into our systems, values and professional fields of expertise